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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

created on 10/28/2006  |  http://fubar.com/dr-turi-s-blog/b18948  |  1 followers
Be Aware Of The Moon Power 8/20/2008 Dear Reader; Here is a little discussion pertaining to my predictions and my newsletter titled Fly At Your Own Risk! It's amazing how accurate you are in hindsight, Dr. Turi. However, I don't recall you predicting specifically that there would be a Spanish airliner crashing on Aug 20th and that a 153 people would die. Or some of the other 2008 air disasters, for that matter: CY DT- what difference does this make, the end results is CLEAR people are dead...I can only tell you the probability and the timing and in many of my newsletters I mentioned countless times that I DO NOT PREDICT ANYTHING! The weather has a regular patter and so the seasons, history repeat itself and so are the news… Meantime don’t expect NASA or the NWS to give you ANYTHING AT ALL (or take a chance) at all in term of earthquakes/natural disaster’s TIMING while I do it constantly and accurately and all without your tax dollars! Check CTC links from my website www.drturi.com for proof or check any of my Moon Power “earthquake prediction” section. There you will read emails sent directly to NASA and the NWS giving the EXACT DATES of numerous huge earthquakes well before they unfolded! Important note to all newcomers. Please newcomers DO YOUR HOME WORK AND READ PREVIOUS NEWSLETTERS ABOUT NASA, THE MOON, PLUTO, PREDICTIONS, SCIENCE and hundreds of other interesting topics before writing to me. ANY and ALL of your questions HAVE ALREADY been dealt with, be sure of that and MANY people have already brought your questions to my attention. You are forcing me to repeat myself countless times, so one more time PLEASE DO YOUR HOME WORK READ THEM ALL TO FIND YOUR ANSWER BECAUSE IT IS THERE WAITING FOR YOU IN ONE OF THE TWO ARCHIVED NEWSLETTERS LINKS! Thank you. DT http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ - http://www.drturi.com/newsarchive/ Continued - It’s all about timing and we all know that the weather as a regular seasonal pattern, history repeats itself and so are the news. The same apply with men's physical laws; it’s your choice to ignore the stoplight or the red light in the street and with it the high probability to get killed. But I am offering you the option (with education) to apply your FREE WILL by offering you the RIGHT timing so that YOU can make the (right or wrong) decision to stop (fly) or not! There is an order above and the Universal Mechanics have also a regular pattern! I know about it and 99.9% of the world does NOT! 20 August: Some 153 people die and 19 are injured when a Spaniard plane with 172 people on board, including 10 crew, skids off the runway on take-off at Madrid's Barajas airport. It's always easy to see where you've been when you're looking back. Perhaps this is one of the reasons police, politicians, and other officials don't pay attention to you. Telling people to hide under their beds because the moon is full is something most administrators would be loathe to do. DT- first and foremost never EVER assume anything about “big People” not paying attention to my work, you would be amazed who read my work CY. Very powerful governmental figure you see daily on TV dealt with me but I cannot “drop” famous names for Internal security purpose. This does not mean they do not understand or support my work but ALL are afraid of the “ridicule” and understandably would rather keep our relationships very private. Wrong I never said to anyone to "hide under his or her bed" that is your prerogative, not mine! I am only asking people to acknowledge and be aware of the “Universal Code” and the fluctuations of the moon is a big part of it because she is so close to the earth. The world including the police, politicians, and other officials are doing exactly this with the enforcement, teaching, safety and driving rules (physical rules) but the world including the police, politicians, and other officials are NOT acknowledging, understanding teaching or respecting the Universal/spiritual rules (Cosmic Code) because NO ONE has raised their awareness to do so. WATCH THE MOON RAISE YOUR AWARENESS OF PAY THE PRICE! One has to be really blind not to see the damage being done during a full or waning moon. I have for years collected solid example “predicting” the news well ahead of CNN. Why would someone plan a trip after the full moon and nearly lose its life? http://www.drturi.com/forecasts.php WHY USING my book Moon Power? So that you DO NOT propose or take your wife to be on a trip AFTER THE FULL MOON and die before the wedding ceremony! Flood overshadows proposal because those two young souls were at the wrong place at the wrong time! A man took his girlfriend to a romantic spot for his proposal and got caught in a flood. http://video.aol.com/video-detail/flood-overshadows-proposal/2828857258/?icid=VIDLRVNWS05 COUNTLESS AMOUNT OF PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE OF IGNORANCE! RESPECT GOD'S UNIVERSAL LAWS (SIGNS) AS HE INTENDED YOU TO DO OR PAY THE PRICE BECAUSE HIM AND JESUS DON'T CARE - PERIOD! The world would come to a screeching halt if it caved in to fears generated by your visions. DT - My "vision" is neither apocalyptic nor negative but designed to bring more safety through true spiritual/cosmic education and would save countless lives but I am the only one who does not need to wear "vision/prescription" glasses because I possess Full "Cosmic Consciousness" and in the process perceive what the majority do not. Paranoia would ensue. DT- No education eliminates Paranoia, fears and brings reason, order and safety if the world would respect God's TRUE SIGNS! Paranoia is the seat of ignorance fueled by unfounded fears. Paranoia is for religious people born with a defective UCI expecting “the end of the world” or UFO to comeback before Jesus does and it is all induced by apocalyptic poisonous teachings. And you wonder why the reality of UFO is kept under? If it’s not mentioned in the bible, then it does NOT exist in the mind or a religious poisoned soul. Nothing would get done. DT Wrong again, all that I am and done to build the real American dream was done in respect of God' Universal rules. The engine of a car will not work properly unless it is "FINE TUNED" properly! Anything and everything MUST be done in a sane safe manner in accordance to natural physical and spiritual laws...Omit one of them and pay the penalty, it is that simple. Would you go swimming in the winter in Antarctica or expect to collect fruits in the winter? Farmers do not plant crops when they feel like but they MUST respect the seasons! Surgery, traveling, signing contracts and ALL human affairs are under the jurisdiction of the stars and all would be done in accordance to the cosmic clock for better and safer results! This is GOD's order! "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" - Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible. 25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. - Luke 21:25-27 in the King James Version of The Bible People would look to the stars for approval for all their actions. DT - They should in an intelligent educated manner! The cops will NOT approve people who do not stop at the light, drink and ignore any physical laws! People MUST look at the light and if it is green ONLY then they KNOW that the system approves because it is SAFER to proceed. A drunk or doped criminal would not care about YOUR approval to kill you but respond to his unstable criminal oriented UCI (Pluto. death and Mars aggression) location and the current waning (depressive) moon placement and ACT ANIMALISTICALLY! UNLESS ONE BUILT SOLID COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS HE IS NOTHING ELSE THAN A ROBOT OF THE STARS! Dr. Turi Thus you would know the probabilities are AGAINST YOU that night (better read moon power) and avoid to itch hike at 3.30 AM in a deserted road to go back home because you had a fight with your boyfriend WHO ALSO ROBOTICALLY responded to his UCI and the waning depressive moon affecting his MOOD! Do I have to exaggerate to make you understand that you can only apply your WILL if you know the WILL of the Cosmos (or the moon impact upon your and other’s psyche). This type of decision and awareness is the difference between ignorance and wisdom and life and death. They would become slaves to the cosmos. DT- You already are slave of the cosmos because your ignorance of the “Cosmic Code” does not allow your will to be used accordingly! Go out during a waning moon or a full moon and if you have built enough "Cosmic Consciousness" you will be much more cautious in all you do, say (and expect depressed drunk drivers to be on the road more than usual) and in the process avoid becoming a casualty. Have you heard being at the wrong place at the wrong time? If you had read my book Moon power for years like some of my faithful readers there would be NO wondering about the fact that the moon play a very IMPORTANT part on your emotions and EMOTIONS WILL ALWAYS TAKE OVER YOUR LOGIC. The moon is a little bit more than a dead rock hanging above your head… did you read the section “The Universal Law of the Moon” in my book yet? Apparently not, so you can only assume and that OK but wrong. Do you home work please, the book and so very valuable information are FREE Alas, we're doomed to chance, as we've always been. Risky though it may seem, the alternative would be incredibly constricting. There is NO SUCH A THING AS CHANCES with proper tuition that is where you and I are different, you think we are doomed I think NOT. Only education will allow humankind to acknowledge God's Universal signs but sad enough NO a single organization or college, university or church teaching these ancient laws, apart from my students and I. This world is so young where religion, education and science rule but MISS the biggest picture of all...and God knows how BIG the universe is… For if the Sun would not faithfully return tomorrow as he did for billions of years chance are you and the world would realize how important those stars above really are. Man is made is made of the essence of all the stars but humankind has not yet understood it direct relationship with them... Only time will fix this deplorable situation and I am just a little ahead of everyone in this matter... Time will tell and time always tells because time is my only true witness. I wonder why Einstein and only less than 1% of the world population are agreeing with me…but again as you said “police, politicians, and other officials will not pay attention to me or Albert Einstein because they think or “ASSUME” they know better than a genius. "We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyzes of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives." Albert Einstein Now I am working very hard to build my schools and reverse the damage done to the human psyche and help the children of tomorrow to FREE their spirit from fears and find the vital solution to clean up the mess science and religion did to this world. Stand by Terania, Don at the BBS Radio and myself are working to bring you LIVE and build your “Cosmic Consciousness “ on http://www.bbsradio.com/education/courses/cosmic_codes.php Please Email Don with your ideas or for more information at http://donald@bbsradio.com Blessings to all Dr. Turi 2009 Moon Power will be available soon. You will be able to order it from my website then. If you are in Arizona, join me September 26th – 27th - 28th http://www.hauntedcon.com/guests.html Sharing emails: Dr. T, As a loyal reader of your newsletters, I worry every time you warn people about flying during certain times because my husband travels via plane at least two times per week and has very little control over when the flights are booked or when he travels. What can someone do to protect themselves if they have to fly every week and don't book the flights themselves? Thanks! M DT- Again this is the result of ignorance and its like having a drunk pilot flying the plane…And you wonder why large supremely wealthy corporations fail? Check this! http://www.drturi.com/ceo.php However other areas of the chart especially Jupiter (luck/protection) will play an important part in your husband’s chart or carrying specific Uranian “talisman” will also help to avoid death. You will find more valuable information in the upcoming “Cosmic Code” newsletter #8. Blessings DT Dr. Turi; Incidentally, USA Today is reporting many children dead in Madrid air disaster. BTW, Dragon Windows are great!! Take care! Robert DT- Thanks Robert yes the personal Dragon windows do work.. Sad enough the Dragon is still very dangerous to children... Blessings DT Dr. Turi; I want to say you taught me well via the tape. I feel great emotion both in you and in me. For me, you are some sort of Divine catalyst who challenges me forward. I am evolving; Dr. Turi, and I have the Courage now to ACT from the Light. Blessings, Trude DT- that’s the purpose, bringing wisdom, faith, eliminating fears and ignorance and using God’s signs properly! " Your Future is Nothing Else Than the Reincarnation of Your Thoughts." Good luck DT Hello Dr. Turi; I can't stand it any longer. I just had to reply to your style of writing. I absolutely love it. It is so cathartic! Your last two email updates have been hilarious in their less than succinct manner and as a result hauntingly powerful. You take the ongoing stream of dramatic vignettes from the global news community and you weave the truthful tale of your Astropsychology wisdom throughout the daily chaotic mess out there and each time deftly prove that Natural Law rules. I really get you. Thanks for your dedication and devotion to high TRUTH. Be Well, Be Blessed Sharon - Vancouver, BC. DT- Yes you are a part of the 1% of advanced souls who can relate to my teachings lol Blessings and thanks for your support DT Dear Dr. Turi, thank you so much for your newsletter. I'm so happy for you and the up-coming visit with your parents. They should be very proud of all that you are doing for the world. God Bless All Of You! Wilhelmina DT – Thank you Wilhelmina I am sure many people feel the same and it’s good to know how you feel because I really give my best shot! Blessings DT Dr. Turi your parents are very happy and you really get to see the beauty in your Mother in this picture. I enjoyed the other emails you have shared with us on her - I can see why you fell in love with Terania - who also is very beautiful. Thank you for all your loving support for us. Eileen DT- Thanks yes Terania is the best thing that could ever happen to me, her and I were much too busy to go home to France so this year so they are coming instead and we will have a great time for sure. France will be next year for sure because my 7 other siblings are pissed off and want to meet her too lol. Blessings DT Dr. Turi - I want to respond to Cynthia about this picture-Chewbacca. That is good examples for UFO can link with Big Foot. Big Foot pix is same idea w Chewbacca pix of star war. B DT- indeed my friend thanks for your spiritual observation! Blessings DT Dr. Turi; I listened carefully to what you had to say to me via the reading on tape. It was a revelation and a Lesson. I feel things deeply. My sympathy on the recent passing of your friend. It is all about The Light, yes. Thank you, DT- Thank you I am glad you enjoyed my work, I know it to be very regenerating for the spirit. Sad enough the waning moon took a very young life, she was a close friend to another friend of mine and only 22 years old but drugs and depressions did the rest. I wish she had accepted my guidance and help when I offered her a reading for free but it was already too late for her. Blessings DT Dr. Turi. DT - YOU WILL LOVE THIS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjWtaTtiZEg&feature=email Effie Indeed I did Effie thanks Hun DT Dear Dr. Turi, I am without employment and am struggling very hard to find work with very little luck. It has been a very long time for me to be out of work. Things are very difficult. I receive a newsletter in the email from you but it is not the VIP one. I am gaining an understanding of what you write about. I do gain inspiration and from what I read in your emails to carry on and continue my daily battle in finding work. I have also gained respect and admiration for what you are doing. I wish I could afford your services. Perhaps then, I would know where to find work. But presently, the dragon tail you speak about continues to haunt me, if that, indeed, is what is going on. I wish you could take on a pet project, but saving a person from misfortune just might be harder once embroiled in it. What do you think? I suppose I already know the answer to that and it is in the negative. I am sending you my birth date and time. Maybe you will get a sense of my dire condition and situation. 16. January 1952, at 3,14 PM in New Britain, Connecticut USA. Thanks for taking the time to read my email. Sincerely, Ron DT- Too much to say about you and too many people making the same request everyday…Let me do my job right, invest in me and I will take good care of you. Order a 90 mn taped full life reading and trust your future with my guidance. http://www.drturi.com/readings.php DT I have been trying to search the net for the DOB of that Casey Anthony to see what sign she is and her Dragon-head & tail position... Has DT looked this up as well? I sure lovvveee to know her DOB . P.S. I love all your newsletters, and your very informative info as i use to believe Jesus was coming back. but it is not so..I just got to get your paid newsletters. As I have been kept in hidden to your great INFORMATION and TEACHINGS! Hugs, love Willa in TN Thanks Willa I am glad you cased your religious fears away and free yourself from spiritual limitation. Blessings DT Hi Louis, I am so glad I took your course this last July, because I told a friend that there would be trouble with airplanes during this Moon in Aquarius, she was traveling to Spain and then onto Romania yesterday, I’m so glad she wasn't going to the Canary Islands liked that doomed jet. Also my son John's plane ticket was changed from last Monday 18th to this Sunday the 24th, because of the tropical storm Fay hitting Florida where he is, I hope he will be well, because the ticket was changed during a full moon. Let me know what you think. And of course you were right again with your aeronautical prediction. Love ya, Cheryl DT- Hello Hun there is so much more about the moon and soon I will write in another “Cosmic Code newsletter” on this subject, stand by. Thank you for being a great student Love Louis SIGN UP FOR THE FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER NOW! Sign up for the FREE Dragon newsletter at http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ but remember what you are about to read NOW is a reflection of 99% of the world’s total IGNORANCE of God’s Universal Laws. Thus mess up with the “Universal Code” and you and the world must pay a heavy penalty. But ALL my Cosmic Code newsletters are not only free of advertisements but also FREE of depressive, negative current news. When you become a VIP you will enjoy great tips on health and financial tips, highly educational positive, progressive material and the Cosmic Code’s regulations are offered in my writings. My work will raise your vibrations and help you build “Cosmic Consciousness” and indeed provide food for thought and total spiritual regeneration. Join us don’t miss any important “Cosmic Code” future newsletters, and all the great deals and monthly transits. You will get them all from the first day I created them, get them when you are ready for me because there is so much more about my work that could really change your life for the better. Don’t be a victim be smart knowledge is power ignorance is evil… Do you like my work? Do you want to become a 2008 ‘Cosmic Code” VIP? Its ONLY $35 until the end of the year! Sign up for the 2008 VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter and get them ALL (over 45 of them so far and much more before the year end). Learn all about natural Healing, the “Cosmic Code” in action with so many different and very interesting topics that will make you think and even change your conception of life. Get the special deals, personal, daily monthly forecast and the so very important TRANSITS until the end of the year. I may get too busy and stop writing the FREE Dragon Newsletter any day and you may miss so much in the process. Be smart, learn and grow with me and make a good use of my special SOS To The World when they occur. ACT NOW! Do you want to become a 2009 “Cosmic Code” VIP? USE THE DEAL RIGHT NOW WHILE YOU CAN AND SAVE MONEY! Sign up for the new 2009 VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter before January 1st 2009 for $75.00 and save $25.00. As of January 1st 2009 the only way you will be able to sign up will be through my website and the price will be $100 FLAT rate and $35 for Seniors citizens. ACT NOW! Save money and if you need information email Terania teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com or call her at 972-623-7689. Dr. Turi's Cosmic Code Newsletter entitles you to: · Get all the exact dates and accompanying quatrains and be prepared for all major disasters in 2009 on the first day each months of the year. · Be informed of ALL 2009 Monthly Universal/Personal Transits · Be informed of ALL 2009 Supernova Windows · 2009 DAILY Personal Forecast For All Signs. · 2009 MONTHLY Personal Forecast For All Signs. · 2009 ANNUAL Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs. · 2009 Service DEALS and large discount on Astropsychology Courses by mail. You are promised a minimum of 12 “Cosmic Code” Newsletters and as of today 8/21/2008 I wrote 44 of them and much more will be written before the year is over. BE SMART, BE PREPARED, RESPECT AND USE THE COSMIC CODE! Email or call Terania at 972-623-7689 teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com Remember this negative Dragon Tail in Leo is also right in the second house of money in the chart of America producing worries and serious financial problem to some of us. Because of my constant drive to help others make sure to check the super deal I offer all of you in this newsletter. So many desperate people have called me for help and I realize my services are not exactly cheap, but again you will get what you paid for. I am offering TWO 90 mn tape for the price of one AND A CAREER PATH. The first one is your Full Life Reading, so you can find out what to do to better your financial situation by following the Dragon’s Head (luck/growth) and regenerate your spirit to avoid depression then sickness caused by fears. The second 90 mn HYPNOTHERAPY tape is designed to BOOST the creative forces of your subconscious and accelerate the process of changes but again realize that my work has very much more to offer you in both recording. The Career Path is designed to tell you where all your planets, natal dragon and all signs/houses are and ALL about your best choice for a career! This investment will save you a lot of money by avoiding costly medical bills and provide you with my undivided attention and solid guidance. Knowledge is power ignorance is evil go to http://www.drturi.com/readings.php to order your Full Life Reading and MENTION your 90 mn tape gift and / or your FREE CAREER PATH FILE in the area for you to write. You may also email or call Terania for faster service. “He is wise who understands that the stars are luminaries, created as signs. He who will conquer the stars will hold the golden keys to God’s mysterious universe.” —Nostradamus Blessing to all Dr. Turi
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