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=== 'Leigh' spewed forth the following at '2006-11-06 06:54:08'.. > > Okay, I’ve been on CT for a couple months now, and I enjoy the site greatly. But one thing really bothers me – it’s the posts that say “If you’re a real friend you’ll repost this” > > Those just make me sick to my stomach anymore! When you join a site like this – you have to understand that everybody has their own reason to join. > > Some people join to make friends, Some join to look at the pics, and others have other reasons for joining. > > Sure you’re going to find some “Fakes”, as you do on any online “meeting place”. But for the most part – I’ve found that people are exactly who they claim to be. > > A lot of people don’t have the bulletins on their homepage – there is an option to turn them off! So they never even see those ridiculous posts, which mean that they can’t repost something they’ve never seen. > > It’s BullS**t people, let it go! Talk to the people that you consider you’re good friends and to hell with the rest! But get over the REPOST THIS IF YOU’RE A GOOD FRIEND! > > As for me – I read lots of bulletins – when I’m bored. But I never repost anything (this is actually my first bulletin ever!) – not because I’m not a true friend – but because why have the same thing reposted 200 times! > > I joined CT as a way to meet new people, and I have! I have made some wonderful friends from all over! And have met quite a few in person! I have also met my share of fakes and idiots! But it doesn’t stop me from having fun on CT, and enjoying the time I spend there! > > So, my point is – use CT for what you joined for – and don’t worry about why other people joined! > nothing disgusts me more than the intimidation of friends in this way!!! i have deleted 4 ppl this week because im tired of the implied threat in that! as far as reposting goes, we see our friends posts but most do not have the reach that i do with 1250+ friends so i repost as i will with this post! bulletins only go out to your friends so if you have 50 friends, they are the only ones who see them. they arent site wide so i do see the reason for reposting. on the other hand, people who post or repost the same thing 20 or 30 times at the same time, i have begun to delete because it drops so many posts off of my page & i have too many important friends to miss their posts! well im off to repost this because this issue is so important to me & i will never threaten my friends to get them to read it but they lose out if they dont!
its impossible to verify who is real & who is fake even in real life without cia type testing...retinal scans, finger printing, genetic testing...& like i said in my post about the same, all i can go by is my direct interaction with a person. even if they use an assumed name or identity, if we converse, i must accept or reject them on what they offer on their page, in reading what bulletins they repost & post, and the content of our direct interaction! if their profile is "fake" yet i like the person they offer, what is the harm unless real world promises & commitments are made! then & only then will it really even matter & if they are portraying something different, it really isnt different than real life where their are all to many liars & thieves also! just my thoughts. i know of one person on here that has taken credit for things ive done, started lies about friends of mine & put out posts claiming that he has real world connections to people that he doesnt even know & as much as i hate that, i just let it die by the wayside because i wont give creedence to his rants because i refuse to become a cog in his wheel spreading his lies even farther than they already reach! on the internet even as in real life, buyer beware!!!

answers to my last blog

these people are who i live & breathe for! these are the ones who know!!! i only hope i can measure up to the people that i admire! mmfwcl4LYF I saw a repost of what you had to say about our family. I agree with ya homie, and there are many more that do as well. I hope ClownLove gets back to the Roots, taking care of our Family instead of trying to hurt each other. I feel the problem is that being a Clown has a new meaning now. I'm afraid that sometimes Im not a proud Juggalo. I'm embarased by what I see and hear. Much clown Love Brother , and may Shangri-La be everything we hope and pray that it will. Don't give up your fight to enlighten. Stay strong as the Family will continue to lift up our Homies and swing our Hatchets to protect what we Love..MMFWCL..I'm gonna add ya hope thats cool....Sam JuggaloPlayin~~Juggalo Homie~~

@ CherryTAP amylynn 2006-10-29 22:36:30 im a clown...clown lu 4 ever ђαηηαђ 2006-10-29 15:38:15 Excellent Alexander Shaumyan 2006-10-29 14:13:00 Love unites, while hate divides. Great message. FAERIE MAJIK~~PSYCHOPATCHIC JUGGALETTE HOMIE~~ 2006-10-29 09:16:06 well said sling!! mcl!! i noticed how you refered to " kings" & "queens" but any 1 who knows the dark carnie way knows that every card in a juggalos deck is a joker card! no ace! No king.. no queen...not even a jack! so in closing realize EVERYONE be they 'lo or 'lette, or cherry or eveny just a regular citizen...inside we are all the same in more ways then we are different! take away whats inside us and we are all just MEAT! waitin to rot!........ thats my opinion... respectfully, 3J~FAERIE MAJIKS HUBBY Natural Born Juggalo (~~dark lotus~~) 2006-10-29 08:56:53 you go you seek the true go on tell all those hater out there that we all stan for all or none that how we stan hunter ~~Juggalo Homie~~ 2006-10-29 06:06:19 like i said before, theres a reason we call each other "family". and its about time people realize what that reason is. MMFCL!!! SEXXXY JUGGALETTE~DARK LOTUS~JUGGALETTE HOMIE~ 2006-10-29 05:48:07 THIS IS GREAT AND OH SO TRUE. THE FAM NEEDS HEALIN AND START BEING A FAM AGAIN. MMFWCL <3

my letter to hypocrasy!!!

Leave Me Alone Life is a bunch of shit. Live your own, NOT MINE. Death becomes me. Death is my friend, storing up all I care about. I’ll get it back when I’m gone, RIGHT??? Maybe not. What’s so fucking good about life? Love’s a pain in the ass. Time robs us of all we hold dear. Everyone wants to control Everyone. Who’s the fuckin’ boss??? I wanna kick his ass!!! Leave me the fuck alone, so I can leave you the fuck alone. Don’t fucking condemn me For what you do behind closed Doors! Maybe, just maybe, I’m not doing it! You judge yourself and say it’s me! FUCK YOU!!! JUST FUCK YOU!!! Life’s a bowl of cherries! LOL Too bad they’re rotten! Full of maggots and fruitflies, The stench fills my nostrils! Keep your secrets to yourself! Look to the future??? Thanx a fuckin’ lot dumb ass!!! Like I want your future!!! You wear yourself out, And forget to taste LIFE, and try to keep anyone else from getting what you missed!!! What did you miss anyway??? That little nugget of cool, that LIFE teases us with??? It’s not MY fault!!! So don’t fuck with mine!!! I HATE people who don’t have BALLS enough to go against the grain!!! Leave me out of your PERFECT world!!! CUZ I don’t want it! I don’t want much But it’s important to me! How about if I fuck with your world??? Fuck your daughter, wife, or Mother?!! Steal your nuggets, One at a time or all at once??? Rob you of what you’ve worked for??? Ruin your friendships at every turn??? Leave you with no one to share it with??? How the FUCK would you like that????? That is exactly what you’ve done to me!!!!! And then you ask, "what’s wrong???" FUCK OFF AND DIE is what I should say!!! but I take it in stride, Waiting for people to change, to care, to LOVE, But it never happens! WHAT A FUCKIN’ SELFISH LOT YOU ARE!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well here i go again!!! this is actually directed to the Juggalo community but i want everybody to understand us a little better! it has come to my attention that there are a few, like most groups have, haters among us!!! tellin people who has the right to carry the Juggalo name & calling people jeffalos & juggahos! FUKIN STOP ALREADY!!! have you ever even heard what Violent J had to say about it??? he said that he wished it had never come out that he used the term because of the separation it has caused! who, in our family, has the right to judge which lo or lette is better than anyone else??? answer=NO-FUKIN-BODY!!! if Violent J says it's not right, then why do you do it? he's is the reason we are here to begin with!!! he is fukin sad & sick of the divisions & if you dont believe me, you never read his letter, listened to his lyrics, read his book, seen his interviews...maybe, just maybe... you're the jeffaho!!!! QUIT!!! i aint nothin but a poor carnie scrub just like everyone else!!! there are no kings or queens in the carnival for a reason!!! i have nothing but luv for each & everyone in my family!!! that includes the people that want to be a part of it even though they have just started learning about it!!! just like with my Christianity!!! ive always said well meaning Christians chase more people away from God than any other group!!! & im watching the same thing happen with the Juggalos!!! bein a Juggalo isnt about the shirts & tatts & cds!!! the music doesnt even fukin matter!!! what do you think J meant when he sang "we're not sorry if we tricked you"??? he was bringin a whole new group of people to God that we're chased away by hypocrites!!! you are part of that group & so am i!!!so why act like the people you used to hate??? why close the doors to the people that J wants to reach??? if you want to be part of a trendy elitist bullshit group, become a fukin politician NOT A JUGGALO!!! stand with us or against us but dont say you're family unless you want to act like family!!! it's not about any one of us...its about all of us!!! so instead of calling people names & gangin up on people you dont like for some personal bullshit, help them find the reality that J talked about!!! quit thinkin you're better than anyone because those people are your new teachers! showing you the way to care like you felt when you first found the family!!! this post will be in my blogs so hate me if you want but at least i know i aint the shit in this parade of souls!!! mmfwcl4LYF slingbob777

THE letter from Violent J

words from Violent J himself Message From Violent J written by Violent J, this shit is soo true we need to love this family more. -JUGGALOZ- Sorry to be all deep and serious but i got lots of shit on my mind. I'm tired of everything and everybody. The only thing i give a shit about in this hell we call a world is my Juggalo Family. The Carnival saved my life and my soul. My Juggalo Pride is the best thing that ever happened to me. It's starting to scare me for the fact when I sit back and actually observe the juggalo world, It seems like its going down hill. It seems to me that a lot of ninjas are out for self and trying to prove whos a bigger juggalo that who. There is no big or small juggalo. We are all the same. It doesn't take $4,000 is psychopathic merchandise to be a juggalo. Just because I got an old school mostastless jersey doesn't make me any better than a ninja with only one t-shirt. Being a juggalo is whats in your heart not whats on you clothes. I've seen juggalos callin each other juggahoes over spots in line at shows. That's BULLSHIT! Does anyone else realize this? Does anyone else feel the pain I do when my heart bleeds as I watch my family fall apart? We are all equal. Juggalos should not fight with one another! Remember? We are suppose to love each other! We need to be reunited as one once again. Just as we were before. "From the first jokers card, Carnival of Carnage, to the latest card. The Wraith: Shangri-La, we have been united as one by the powers of the Dark Carnival, the power that brings us together and makes us who we are, never again must you care what people think of you or what you do, this is our world and we live for each other!" If you own a copy of Dark Lotus, as soon as you get a chance, I want you to sit down and listen to ..15 enititled, "Juggalo Family." When the song is over, think about what it means and think about how it makes you feel. If yall want to laugh than go ahead but personally, When i sang the song i really didnt listen to the words but when I heard that song for the first time, I was at The Gathering of The Juggalos 2001 and when I listened to the words and took a look around at all the juggalos face, tears slowly came from my eyes and I thought to myself, "this is my family." It felt so good to know that the only thing I care about is right here with me. My juggalo family is the only thing true in my life. Nothing else has ever made me feel good. No person place or thing has ever looked at me as a part of their family. If you own a computer, get on a website such as realjuggalos.com and click on the icon "juggalos" search through the page and take a look at all of them and just think, each of them consider you family, each of these people can be trusted with your life just as they trust you with their life. We shouldn't be fighting, we should be giving each other hugs and saying, " I clown love you ninja!" to any of you that have web sites, i would greatly appreciate it if you could post this on your site. If you happen to have access to a copy machine, please make copies and give this to as many juggalos as possible. I want to make sure every juggalo world wide reads this letter. I'm goin to do my damnest to save our juggalo world and reunite it, not only that but make our family bigger. We have over two million dedicated juggalos in the world but we must also be dedicated to each other. My heart, mind, body and soul goes out to each and every one of you. If you dont remember anything from this, at least remember this, "mass murder makes me happy, dead bodies make me happy, say what you will of me, I'll always have juggalo family" please repost this and help our sick family find their way back
here are the authorized Juggalo Bylaws. i will also post Violent Jz letter talking about the Juggalo Family! If you are not a Juggalo, maybe you will understand what we are about by reading this & if you are a Juggalo take this to heart, read it like your life depended on it because it does. We are not about anything but a positive spiritual lifestyle & not a renegade crew causing hate & discontent! Family Values 1. A Juggalo does not Hate/ Discriminate this first statement is about everybody, not just Juggalos. we acept each & every individual no matter what their beliefs, lifestyles or stature! 2. A Juggalo does not steal from his/her Family a true Juggalo makes his/her own way in life! we have enough self pride to work for what we get! do you realize how hard violent j & shaggy had to work to make it??? 3. A Juggalo does not covet his/her ninjas significant other the only way we can have a trusting friendship is if we feel we are safe from someone trying to destroy what we work for in our homes! 4. A Juggalo keeps his/her Drama in hand, but out of sight. Drama destroys all friendships & is not a positive thing in anyones life! 5. A Juggalo avoids Cliques and keeps his/her Family whole even if you have a brother or sister that pisses you off, you dont let anyone talk shit about them without defending them as your family! 6. To a Juggalo Everyone is Equal not just other Juggalos but each & every person they come in contact with!!! 7. A Juggalo does not initiate Religous Battles fore that leads to Hating each person has their own mind, heart & soul to lead them to their ultimate Truth! lead by how you live your life, not by telling others what they are doing wrong! 8. A Juggalo should always try to have fun life is too hard & we all have our own problems! why not enjoy it as much as possible & helop others do the same! 9. When a Juggalo has Beef with another ninja he/she keeps it between them and doesn't involve the rest of his/her Family if you have a problem with someone, dont try to get your family & friends to gang up on them! take your ass to the person & without any haten, talk to them & work it out! if that doesnt work, block them & leave them alone! 10. A Juggalo doesn't have to Lie to be Down. sad to say, there are too many people that try to take credit for what others have worked for! lying helps one person for a bit at the expense of others & we all lose because of the trust that is broken! 11. Above all a Ninja is proud to be a Juggalo if you cant stand up for what you believe, you are a spineless piece of shit that doesnt deserve any respect from anybody!! as you notice, if you follow the first ten, then you are proud of what you have built the family into! -Rev. Casper aka Brother Casper-Jude aka Casper The Living Ghost the days come, the nites go, but friendships are different, when nurtured, they grow! whether online, or by my side, clown luv muthafaco, juggalo pride! written by: slingbob777 ~~juggalo homie~~ mmfwcl4LYF

what about age anyway???

this was my comment on a mumm that asked if age matters in a relationship so i decided to take a different point of view from what most people do. What do you think??? well ill give you the other end of the spectrum! my family is cursed with a long life! my mom has buried two husbands & her third is about gone! he's twenty years younger than her! & she's still in great shape so wtf!!!!! do you hook up with someone your own age & spend 40 years of your old age alone??? or be married 6 times most of which when you're getting a year or two with each one!!! what a fukin life that would be!!! may as well just take yourself out!!! & that doesnt even include the fact that mentally people age differently! most people my age to me act 80!!! my mom acts younger than my peers!!! so what do you think??? i think I can't judge love & no one else should either! love is love & as long as some guy isn't just tryin to feel younger or some gal likes a harder body, i dont think it matters!!! we are the only country in the world that makes it such a big issue! & yes i have been with younger & with older women!!! to me, age doesnt matter!

Wicca vs Christianity

"As It Harm None, Do As Ye Will" as a Christian, i live by this! as a Juggalo, i live by this! i do not judge "lest i be judged more harshly"! i love my neighbors as i luv myself! i have studied spirituality in many many forms all my life! i have studied Christian & Jewish scriptures like no one i have ever met! my biggest battles have been with wellmeaning yet underinformed clergy! i have no hatred for anyone who chooses paths different from me but just by caring about others, i wish they would study not only what they believe but also what they dont believe so they might have a greater understanding of what their beliefs really are! i have studied Wiccan beliefs as well as Necromancy & personally found my comfort zone in scripture & Christianity. I do not discount the fact that i can learn something from each and every person on this earth! i welcome the challenge to my beliefs because i find myself walking away believing even more deeply if i truly listen to the challenge! mmfwcl4LYF slingbob777 1-No conversation or recruitment is necessary. Wiccans have no insecure compulsion to convert everyone to their way of thinking. People come to Wiccan when and if they are ready r interested. Furthermore, you are not required to accept or do anything that you are not comfortable with. 2-No artificial code of morality. Out of all the creatures of this Earth, only humans are forced to live under unnatural moral codes. Wiccans believe simply - "An It Harm None, Do As Ye Will". 3-Progressive reincarnation. Wiccans believe we are here to learn and to progress, not suffer eternal damnation if we "slip-up" in someone else's eyes. 4-No discrimination. There is no such thing as being the "right" race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national or ethic origin to be Wiccan means ALL are welcome. 5-No middle man or woman. Once you know all of the basics, you can be your own "minister" or "priest", you need never bow before (or rely upon) some religious dictator for spiritual guidance, you go straight to the source. 6-Be yourself. By sharing a common interest with others in Wicca, you do not lose your identity as an individual. You are unique and can and should stay that way without becoming a blob in a homogeneous mass. 7-No repression. Wiccans are not forbidden from reading, learning, eating, drinkin, or saying anything. You can actually even disagree with someone without being "excommunicated". 8-Contribution. NO!! Not money, but knowledge. The Craft has always and will always, be an experimental religion. If it works, we use it. Then we share it so that all in the Craft may benefit. 9-No rigid Dogma. Wiccans DO NOT believe that their path is "The One and Only Path". The only "Ture" path is the one that works best for you. All paths are valid as long as they Harm None. 10-Self-empowerment. Wicca allows you to truly feel your own power, if you will, and a true sense of self. You are "allowed" to be the best person that you wish to be with all of the love and support that you can possibly hope for. Wicca allows you to take your hopes, dreams, and most heart"s desires and manifest them in this reality. All is possible. All is real (repost of original by 'morgana rose' on '2006-10-24 13:13:09') (repost of original by 'Diva & Daddy' on '2006-10-24 13:26:07') (repost of original by 'reyna' on '2006-10-24 13:31:59') (repost of original by 'Dragon of Xxxtasy' on '2006-10-24 13:35:16') (repost of original by 'Fire' on '2006-10-24 13:48:54')

lips of an angel

she is good!!! give her sum luv!!! mmfwcl .:::ImUrNextExGirlfriend:::.

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