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The Hormone Hostage

The Hormone Hostage knows that there are days in the month when all a man has to do is open his mouth and he takes his life in his own hands! This is a handy guide that should be as common as a driver's license in the wallet of every husband, boyfriend, co-worker or significant other! DANGEROUS: SAFER: SAFEST: ULTRA SAFE: What's for dinner? Can I help you with dinner? Where would you like to go for dinner? Here, have some wine. Are you wearing that? Wow, you sure look good in brown! WOW! Look at you! Here, have some wine What are you so worked up about? Could we be overreacting? Here's my paycheck. Here, have some wine. Should you be eating that? You know, there are a lot of apples left. Can I get you a piece of chocolate with that? Here, have some wine. What did you DO all day? I hope you didn't over-do it today. I've always loved you in that robe! Here, have some more wine. [] 13 Things PMS Stands For: 1 Pass My Shotgun 2 Psychotic Mood Shift 3 Perpetual Munching Spree 4 Puffy Mid-Section 5 People Make me Sick 6 Provide Me with Sweets 7 Pardon My Sobbing 8 Pimples May Surface 9 Pass My Sweat pants 10. BAD BAD Mood Syndrome 11. Plainly; Men Suck 12. Pack My Stuff and my favorite one. 13. Potential Murder Suspect Pass this on to all of your hormonal friends and those who might need a good laugh! ...Or men who need a warning. And remember: Money talks .... but Chocolate SINGS!!!

We Met upon the Internet

We met upon the Internet, A friendship electronic, Expressed alone in words and thoughts, Inevitably platonic. We live too far apart for us To mingle in the flesh, But much more close than family, Our hearts and feelings mesh. Your dear, dear self reveals itself Without a voice or face. We have our own sweet home within Our precious cyberspace.
Let me be the bandage for your bleeding; Let me be the ocean for your tears. Let me be the secret of your healing; Let me be the song to still your fears. Love isn't love that cannot love in darkness, Nor is it love that turns away from pain; Nor would I love would I not hold your sadness And with my love your love of life sustain. So do not think your malady a burden, And do not think my willingness deceit. Just let your sorrow flow into my garden, And I will share with you the harvest sweet.
How little in me is not touched by you! A friendship is a light that fills the heart, Painting with its gold each darkened hue, Providing warmth to each sequestered part. You are the mirror of my better self, Verifier of the best in me, A bridge across the unsuspected gulf Lodged between what can and ought to be. Expectations can be wings, not bars, Necessary to sustain our flight. The faith of friends in us is wholly ours, Incoming to uplift us to its height. No soul can see itself, but must depend, Each on each, upon a trusted friend.

Hello Mommy

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Myspace Code Generators Layouts Hello Mommy, It's Me Your Sweet Little Angel Growing Inside Of You. I Know You Can't Hear Me With Your Ears Mommy So I Thought I Would Talk To Your Heart Today. You Know Mom I Have Felt The Sadness In Your Heart And I Have Felt The Tears You Cry. Why Are You So Sad Mommy? Please Tell Me Why. I Hear You And Daddy Fight And It Hurts Me To Hear You Cry Mommy Where Is The Love You And Daddy Are Suppose To Have? You Have Me Mommy Growing Inside Of You But Yet You Are Not Happy Mommy Who Are You Calling? I Hear Your Voice Even Though I Don't Understand Your Words. You Heart Is Breaking I See From Within Mommy Where Are We Going? Are We Taking A Trip? Will It Make You Happy Like You Use To Be? I Love You Mommy So Very Much Did You Feel That Mommy That Was My Kick Of Love I Only Have A Few Ways To Prove It To You Right Now But Someday Soon Mommy You Will See And I Know Mommy You Will Be So Very Proud Of Me. Mommy? Where Are We? This Place Seems So Cold There Are Many People Around Who Are These People? So Many Strange Voices Here Mommy I Am Afraid. Mommy You Are Laying Down Are We Going To Take A Nap? Are You Tired Mommy? The Rest May Make You Feel Better Mommy But Why Do You Still Cry? Talk To Me Mommy The Way You Use To Do. Mommy Something Is Wrong I Feel Pain Mommy It Hurts So Bad Dont Let The Voices Hurt Me Mommy I Love You Mommy The Pain Is Getting Worse I Can't Take It Mommy My Eyes Are Starting To Close Why Mommy Do You Lay There And Let Them Hurt Me So? Mommy I Think I'm Dying By Breath Is Getting Shallow Mommy Before I Go I Reached Up And I Squeezed Your Heart Just So You Will Know Mommy, I'll Always Love You So. Even If You Let Them Hurt Me And To Heaven I Must Go. Goodbye Mommy, Take Care Of Yourself Think Of Me From Time To Time. Remember I Was Once Your Angel, And This Angel Loves You So. I'm Weak Mommy, I Can't Take It Anymore I'm Going To Be With Jesus Mommy I Will Tell Him Not To Be Angry With You I Dont Understand Why You Want Me To Go I Love You Mommy And I Always Will Goodbye Mommy, This Little Angel's Heart Has Finally Gotten Still. Know Longer Do I Wait To Meet You, Cause On This Day This Angel Doesn't Have A Heartbeat. Mommy Didnt Want Me Away I Did Go, Up To Heaven Where My Heavenly Father Loves Me So. Goodbye Mommy Goodbye. By Theresa
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Myspace Code Generators Layouts Lisa Was An Energetic Young Lady, She Was Full Of Life And Full Of Love. She Never Met A Stranger, She Was Always Making People Smile And Feel Good About Themselves. Her Parents Thought She Was A Good Girl Who Always Knew Right From Wrong. Lisa Had Everything Going For Her She Was 17 Years Old, She Had Started Planning For College, She Made Excellent Grades In School. She Was A Honor Roll Student She Had Her Whole Life Planned Out Or So She Thought. She Was In The 11TH Grade That Was The Year She Met Ron. He Was What Many Would Consider A Wild Child He Was Always Getting In Trouble And He Was The Class Clown He Didn't Seem To Have A Care In The World. Always Wanting To Party And Hang Out With His Friends. When Ron First Seen Lisa He Thought She Was The Most Beautiful Girl He Had Ever Seen. And Lisa Really Liked Him Alot To. They Started Hanging Out With Each Other And Talking Everyday At School And On The Phone. Lisa Was Crazy About Him. One Night Ron Asked Lisa Out On A Date Her Parents Thought It Would Be Ok. Ron Was Such A Charmer He Brought Flowers For Lisa's Mom And Was Very Polite To Her Dad He Even Told Him He Would Have Lisa Home At A Reasonable Hour. Her Parents Were Thrilled. They Even Thought He Would Be A Good Man For There Daughter. Lisa And Ron Loved Each Other Very Much Even Though They Had Only Known Each Other For A Very Short Time. Lisa Didn't Think Ron Could Do Know Wrong. She Thought He Was Perfect. That Night Ron Took Lisa To A Party At A Friends House When They Got There Many Of Ron's Friends Was Drinking And Doing Drugs. It Made Lisa Nervous But She Wanted Ron's Friends To Like Her Even Though She Didn't Do Any Drugs. She Did Drink Some Beer And Mixed Drinks With Him. Ron Ask Lisa If She Wanted To Go Upstairs So They Could Be Alone And Talk And Lisa Said Yes She Was Feeling The Affects Of The Drinks She Had Consumed. When They Got Upstairs Ron Started Getting A Little Friendly With Lisa And Before Lisa Realized What Had Happened They Had Sex That Night It Was The First Time For Her And Before It's All Said And Done It Will Be Lisa's Last Time To. After That Night Lisa Never Seen Ron Again He Left School Never To Return. He Stopped Calling Lisa And That Broke Her Heart. Days Turned Into Weeks And Weeks Turned Into Months And Still Lisa Had Never Heard From Ron. School Was Fixing To Be Over When Lisa Started Feeling Bad, She Was Throwing Up Alot Having Chills And A Very High Fever For Days. Lisa Was Sick She Finally Gave In To Her Parents Pleading With Her To Go To The Doctor. When She Got There The Doctor Told Lisa And Her Parents That Lisa Had Developed Pnenomia And Would Have To Be Admitted Into The Hospital. Lisa's Parents Took Her Over To The Hospital And Got Her All Situated And The Doctor Had Ordered More Tests. Each Day That Lisa Was There She Seem To Get A Little Worse. The Fever Would Get Higher And Higher She Couldn't Eat Because It Made Her So Sick She Couldn't Figure Out Why She Felt So Bad. Thats When The Doctor Came Into The Room A Look Of Sadness On His Face And Tears In His Eyes He Looked At Lisa Then At Her Parents. The Doctor Said I'm Sorry But I Have Some Bad News To Tell You He Said It's Hard To Tell You All. I Have Taken Care Of Lisa Since She Was A Baby And I Was Always Able To Make Her Better. But Sweety This Time I Can't God Knows I Wish I Could. Lisa Dear, You Have A Disease That There Isn't A Cure For It's Called Aids I'm So Sorry But There Isn't Anything I Can Do. I Hate To Ask You This But I Need To Know How Many Guys You Have Been With ? With Tears Streaming Down Lisa's Face She Said There Had Only Been One He Ask Lisa What His Name Was And She Said Ron The Doctor Said Hun I Need His Last Name Lisa Said Brown His Name Is Ron Brown. The Doctor Looked At Lisa And Said Hun He Was Here Last Month I'm Sorry To Tell You But He Passed Away Due To Complications Of The Aids Virus. Lisa Just Sat There And Cried For Hours She Knew About Aids She Also Knew What Was Going To Happen In Time. All Summer Long Lisa Was Very Sick She Was In And Out Of The Hospital Her Parents Just Cried And Prayed For A Miracle That Would Save There Daughter But Lisa Kept Getting Worse. She Told Her Parents She Wanted To Go To The School One Last Time She Had Something She Wanted To Say To Her Fellow Class Mates. So Her Parents Called The School And Got Everything Arranged For Everyone To Meet In The Gym Lisa Was So Weak And So Tired And She Knew Her Time On Earth Was Short. When Lisa Got To The Gym She Told Her Classmates To Always Think Before Doing Drugs Or Alcohol It Messes With Your Ability To Think And Make Good Decisions And To Never Take Having Sex Lightly Because It Could End Up Killing You. Look At Me I Had Everything And Because Of Me And Ron Being Foolish I'm Dying And Ron Is Dead. Please Don't Let This Happen To You All. I Can Tell You This Think,Think.Think Before You Do These Things. Are You Ready To Pay The Price For Your Actions? Just Be Careful And Never Be Afraid To Just Say No. God Bless You All And I Wish You All The Best. Lisa Looked At Everyone Before She Left, Remember Everyone This Is The Face Of Aids. Please Dont Let Your Face Be The Next In Line. Goodbye Everyone, Lisa Waved And Left She Went Back Home She Lasted Until The End Of Graduation While Others Were Getting There Diplomas Lisa Drew Her Last Breath And Left This World. Just Remember All. Lisa Didn't Think It Could Happen To Her,,,,,BUT IT DID. By Theresa

THE Little Girl

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Myspace Code Generators Layouts The Little Girl The Little Girl Sat Looking Out The Window Tears Streaming Down Her Little Face Today Was Her 5th Birthday She Should Have Been Happy But This Little Girl's Heart Was Breaking See She Lived In An Orphanage With Several Other Children Who Didn't Have Moms Or Dads All The Children Had Different Reasons As To Why They Was In The Orphanage Some Was Abused And Taking From The Home Some The Parents Didn't Want There Kids Anymore And Then There Was Some That Was Left On The Orphange Doorstep It Was All Very Sad But The Owners Of The Home Tried To Show Love To Each Child And Tried To Let Them No How Very Special Each Child Was. It Seemed Like Each Day One Of The Children Would Get Adopted And They Got To Have A New Mom And Dad The Little Girl Thought No one Would Ever Want Her Everyone Always Just Called Her The Little Girl She Was Never Given A Name Until One Day There Was A Stranger That Came To The Orphanage Applying For The Gardener Job He Was In His 50's Medium Built Brown Hair And Brown Eyes He Seen The Little Girl Sitting In The Window And As He Came In The Little Girl Looked Up At Him He Smiled At Her And Ask Her Name She Looked Down At The Floor She Said You Can Call Me The Little Girl Everyone Else Does He Looked At Her With Tears Welling Up In His Eyes He Said Nonsense AYoung Lady As Pretty As You Deserves A Special Name He Said Let Me See I Think I Will Call You Angel Because Thats What You Look Like Is An Angel How Do You Like That Name She Looked Up And Smiled The Biggest Smile He Had Ever Seen And Skipped Up To Her Room The Man Watched The Little Girl Go He Wiped The Tears From His Eyes And Went In Search Of The Owners Of The Place. He Found Them Out In The Back Yard He Said Hello Mr.Baker I'm Here To Apply For The Gardener Job The Older Man Looked At Him And Said We Need Someone In The Worse Way But I Must Tell You The Pay Isn't Much The Man Said Hello My Name Is Jim And I'll Take The Job The Older Man Was Delighted He Went About Showing Jim What He Would Be Doing Angel Sat In Her Bedroom Watching From Her Window With A Smile On Her Face She Couldn't Help But Wonder If This Man Would Be Interested In Becoming Her Daddy She Knew She Would Make A Great Daughter If Given The Chance She Decided In Her Little Mind She Was Going To Help Him In The Garden As Much As She Could And Maybe Just Maybe He Would Start To Love Her And Want A Little Girl To Love. Each Day The Little Girl Was Right There Beside Jim Helping With The Flowers And Such They Even Started A Flowerbed And Called It Angel's Flower Paradise They Had Worked On It A Couple Days When Angel Got Sick She Was Running A Very High Fever And Having Chills And Throwing Up She Was One Sick Little Girl. Mr And Mrs.Baker Took The Little Girl To The Hospital And There She Was Admitted In The Doctors Ran Test After Test To Find Out What Was Wrong.Mr And Mrs Baker Sat Waiting For The Results Of The Last Few Test The Doctors Had Done The Doctor Walks In And Tells The Older Couple Can We Talk Out In The Hall Please The Older Couple Followed The Doctor And He Turned Around With A Very Sad Look In His Eyes He Said I'm Sorry To Have To Tell You This But That Sweet Little Girl In There Has Cancer And She Only Has A Short Time To Live I'm Sorry,, Mrs.Baker Ask The Doctor Isn't There Anything You Can Do? The Doctor Looked At The Lady And Said No Im Sorry The Cancer Is All Throughout Her Body And There Isnt Anything We Can Do. MrAnd Mrs Baker Held Each Other And Cried Onto Each Others Shoulder But Only For A Few Minutes They Knew They Had To Be Strong For The Little Girl. They Walked Back Into The Room Where Angel Sat Coloring In Her Coloring Book She Pause When She Seen Them Come In She Looked At Them For A Brief Moment And She Said I'm Going To Die Aint I? They Had A Shocked Look On There Faces They Said Yes Honey Soon You Will Be An Angel In Heaven And You Won't Be Sick Anymore.Will I Be With Jesus She Ask? Mrs Baker Sat Down Next To Her With Tears In Her Eyes Yes Honey You Will See Jesus. Tears Started To Stream Down The Little Girl's Face You Know The Gardener Jim He Said My Name Was Angel Funny I Really Get To Be One The Little Girl Said I Want To Go Home I Have Stuff To Do Before I Go To Heaven One Thing I Would Like To Have Before I Die Is A Mommy And A Daddy To Love Me Before I Die That Is My Dream I Guess It Was Just That A Dream Can We Please Go Home Now? Angel Got Released From The Hospital And When She Got Home She Went Looking For Jim And She Found Him In The Garden Crying Working In Her Flowerbed She Ran To Him And Wrapped Her Little Arms Around His Neck Please Don't Cry Jim Please There Is Work To Do We Must Get My Garden Paradise Finished Before I Go To Heaven So Jim Looked Up At Angel And Saw Such A Look Of Determination In Her Eyes It Made Him Dry His Eyes And Said Ok Lets Get Started They Worked For A Little While But Angel Was Tired And Weak So They Stopped And He Took Her In And Helped To Get Her Cleaned Up And Helped To Tuck Her Into Bed She Was Sound Asleep When Her Head Hit The Pillow Jim Sat And Watched Angel Sleep And Then He Did Something He Hadn't Did In A Long Time He Dropped To His Knees And Prayed He Prayed For A Miracle That Would Save The Little Girl's Life.He Sat There And Cried For A Long Time Then He Heard A Voice Say She Is Mine Jim Love Her While You Can And Jim Replied Yes Lord I Will Jim Went Home That Night And Talked To His Wife He Said Honey Lets Adopted Little Angel She Needs A Mom And A Dad If Only For A Little While We Both Love Her Lets Make Her Our Daughter Mr And Mrs Baker Said This Was Her Dream To Have A Mom And A Dad That Would Love Her And With Tears In His Wife's Eyes She Said Yes They Hugged And Cried For A Long Time.The Next Morning Little Angel Was To Sick To Get Out Of Bed Jim And His Wife Arrived At The Orphanage And Went Up To Angel's Room She Was So Pale But She Managed To Smile When They Came In And She Hugged Them Both Jim Got Down On His Knees By Her Bed And His Wife Sat On The Bed Jim Looked Into Her Blue Eyes And Said Sweetheart You No We Both Love You Very Very Much And We Want To Ask You A Very Important Question Angel Sat Up A Little In Her Bed Jim Said How Would You Like It if I Became Your Daddy And My Wife Became Your Mommy Would You Like That? Angel Looked At Them Both With Tears In Her Eyes She Jumped Up And Hugged Them Both And Then Whispered It Would Be A Dream Come True. Jim And His Wife Went And Got Done What Needed To Get Done The Judge Allowed It To Happen Fast Because Angel Was Dying Two Days Later Angel Got Her Wish She Got A Mommy And A Daddy That Loves Her She Was So Happy She Hugged Them Both And Said Jesus Answered My Prayer Angel Was So Weak She Looked At Her Daddy And Said Daddy You Have To Finish My Flowerbed Before I Go To Heaven I Will Tell You Why Later But Please Hurry Daddy I Will Be Going To Heaven Soon Jim Went Out And Started To Work In The Flowerbed Planting Flowers Of Every Color Shape And Hue In The Middle Of The Flower Bed He Put All Different Color Roses It Was A Beautiful Flowerbed For A Beautiful Little Girl The Last Thing Jim Did Was Hang A Sign That Said Angel's Flower Paradise And Then He Went Back Upstairs To Be With His Little Girl He Said Honey It Is Finished And He Carried Her To The Window So She Could See She Looked Out The Window And She Said Daddy It Is Beautiful Thank You For Finishing It For Me I Love You And Jim Held His Little Girl Tight I Love You To Honey Jim Took Her Back To The Bed And Laid Her Down She Looked Around The Room She Said Mom And Dad And Mr And Mrs Baker When I Go To Heaven Please Put Me In My Garden So I Can Come Back Like My Beautiful Flowers Will Every Year Promise Me You Will Do This For Me With Tears In There Eyes Each One Promised Angel They Would Slowly Angel Closed Her Eyes And She Parted This World And Went To Heaven The Family Had Her Creamated And Had Her Ashes Put In Her Garden And A Year Later When The Flowers Started To Bloom There Is A Rose That Blooms That Has Different Colors All Over It And I Know That Is My Precious Angel Letting Us Know She Is Still Here With Us. The End By Theresa

A Wolf's Tale

With all her big brothers and sisters off to school, our ranch became a lonely place for our three-year-old daughter, Becky. She longed for playmates. Cattle and horses were too big to cuddle and farm machinery dangerous for a child so small. We promised to buy her a puppy but in the meantime, "Pretend" puppies popped up nearly every day. I had just finished washing the lunch dishes when the screen door slammed and Becky rushed in, cheeks flushed with excitement. "Mama!" she cried, "Come see my new doggy! "I gave him water two times already. He's so thirsty!" I sighed, another of Becky's imaginary dogs. "Please come, Mama." She tugged at my jeans, her brown eyes pleading, "He's crying -- and he can't walk!" "Can't walk?" Now that was a twist. All her previous make-believe dogs could do marvelous things. One balanced a ball on the end of its nose. Another dug a hole that went all the way through the earth and fell out on a star on the other side. Still another danced on a tightrope. Why suddenly a dog that couldn't walk? "All right, honey," I said. By the time I tried to follow her, Becky had already disappeared into the mesquite. "Where are you?" I called. "Over here by the oak stump. Hurry, Mama!" I parted the thorny branches and raised my hand against the glare of the Arizona sun. A numbing chill gripped me. There she was, sitting on her heels, toes dug firmly in the sand, and cradled in her lap was the unmistakable head of a wolf! Beyond its head rose massive black shoulders. The rest of the body lay completely hidden inside the hollow stump of a fallen oak. "Becky," My mouth felt dry. "Don't move." I stepped closer. Pale-yellow eyes narrowed. Black lips tightened, exposing double sets of two-inch fangs. Suddenly the wolf trembled. Its teeth clacked, and a piteous whine rose from its throat. "It's all right, boy," Becky crooned. "Don't be afraid. That's my mama, and she loves you, too." Then the unbelievable happened. As her tiny hands stroked the great shaggy head, I heard the gentle thump, thump, thumping of the wolf's tail from deep inside the stump. What was wrong with the animal? I wondered. Why couldn't he get up? I couldn't tell. Nor did I dare to step any closer. I glanced at the empty water bowl. My memory flashed back to the five skunks that last week had torn the burlap from a leaking pipe in a frenzied effort to reach water during the final agonies of rabies. Of course! Rabies! Warning signs had been posted all over the county, and hadn't Becky said, "He's so thirsty?" I had to get Becky away. "Honey." My throat tightened. "Put his head down and come to Mama. We'll go find help." Reluctantly, Becky got up and kissed the wolf on the nose before she walked slowly into my outstretched arms. Sad yellow eyes followed her. Then the wolf's head sank to the ground. With Becky safe in my arms, I ran to the barns where Brian, one of our cowhands, was saddling up to check heifers in the North pasture. "Brian! Come quickly. Becky found a wolf in the oak stump near the wash! I think it has rabies!" "I'll be there in a jiffy," he said as I hurried back to the house, eager to put Becky down for her nap. I didn't want her to see Brian come out of the bunkhouse. I knew he'd have a gun. "But I want to give my doggy his water," she cried. I kissed her and gave her some stuffed animals to play with. "Honey, let Mom and Brian take care of him for now," I said. Moments later, I reached the oak stump. Brian stood looking down at the beast. "It's a Mexican lobo, all right." He said, " And a big one!" The wolf whined. Then we both caught the smell of gangrene. "Whew! It's not rabies," Brian said. "But he's sure hurt real bad. Don't you think it's best I put him out of his misery?" The word "yes" was on my lips, when Becky emerged from the bushes. "Is Brian going to make him well, Mama?" She hauled the animal's head onto her lap once more, and buried her face in the coarse, dark fur. This time I wasn't the only one who heard the thumping of the lobo's tail. That afternoon my husband, Bill, and our veterinarian came to see the wolf. Observing the trust the animal had in our child, Doc said to me, "Suppose you let Becky and me tend to this fella together." Minutes later, as child and vet reassured the stricken beast, the hypodermic found its mark. The yellow eyes closed. "He's asleep now," said the vet. "Give me a hand here, Bill." They hauled the massive body out of the stump. The animal must have been over five feet long and well over a hundred pounds. Bullets had mutilated the wolf’s hip and leg. Doc did what he had to in order to clean the wound and then gave the patient a dose of penicillin. Next day he returned and inserted a metal rod to replace the missing bone. "Well, it looks like you've got yourselves a Mexican lobo," Doc said. "He looks to be about three years old, and even as pups, they don't tame real easy. I’m amazed at the way this big fella took to your little gal. But often there's something that goes on between children and animals that we grownups don't understand." Becky named the wolf Ralph and carried food and water to the stump every day. Ralph's recovery was not easy. For three months he dragged his injured hindquarters by clawing the earth with his front paws. From the way he lowered his eyelids when we massaged the atrophied limbs, we knew he endured excruciating pain, but not once did he ever try to bite the hands of those who cared for him. Four months to the day, Ralph finally stood unaided. His huge frame shook as long- unused muscles were activated. Bill and I patted and praised him. But it was Becky to whom he turned for a gentle word, a kiss or a smile. He responded to these gestures of love by swinging his busy tail like a pendulum. As his strength grew, Ralph followed Becky all over the ranch. Together they roamed the desert pastures, the golden-haired child often stooping low, sharing with the great lame wolf whispered secrets of nature's wonders. When evening came, he returned like a silent shadow to his hollow stump that had surely become his special place. As time went on, although he lived primarily in the brush, the habits of this timid creature endeared him more and more to all of us. His reaction to people other than our family was yet another story. Strangers terrified him, yet his affection for and protectiveness of Becky brought him out of the desert and fields at the sight of every unknown pickup or car. Occasionally he'd approach, lips taut, exposing a nervous smile full of chattering teeth. More often he'd simply pace and finally skulk off to his tree stump, perhaps to worry alone. Becky's first day of school was sad for Ralph. After the bus left, he refused to return to the yard. Instead, he lay by the side of the road and waited. When Becky returned, he limped and tottered in wild, joyous circles around her. This welcoming ritual persisted throughout her school years. Although Ralph seemed happy on the ranch, he disappeared into the surrounding deserts and mountains for several weeks during the spring mating season, leaving us to worry about his safety. This was calving season, and fellow ranchers watched for coyotes, cougars, wild dogs and, of course, the lone wolf. But Ralph was lucky. During Ralph's twelve years on our ranch, his habits remained unchanged. Always keeping his distance, he tolerated other pets and endured the activities of our busy family, but his love for Becky never wavered. Then the spring came when our neighbor told us he'd shot and killed a she-wolf and grazed her mate, who had been running with her. Sure enough, Ralph returned home with another bullet wound. Becky, nearly fifteen years old now, sat with Ralph's head resting on her lap. He, too, must have been about fifteen and was gray with age. As Bill removed the bullet, my memory raced back through the years. Once again I saw a chubby three-year-old girl stroking the head of a huge black wolf and heard a small voice murmuring, "It's all right, boy. Don't be afraid. That's my mama, and she loves you, too." Although the wound wasn't serious, this time Ralph didn't get well. Precious pounds fell away. The once luxurious fur turned dull and dry, and his trips to the yard in search of Becky's companionship ceased. All day long he rested quietly. But when night fell, old and stiff as he was, he disappeared into the desert and surrounding hills. By dawn his food was gone. The morning came when we found him dead. The yellow eyes were closed. Stretched out in front of the oak stump, he appeared but a shadow of the proud beast he once had been. A lump in my throat choked me as I watched Becky stroke his shaggy neck, tears streaming down her face. "I'll miss him so," she cried. Then as I covered him with a blanket a strange rustling sound from inside the stump startled us. Becky looked inside. Two tiny yellow eyes peered back and puppy fangs glinted in the semidarkness. Ralph's pup! Had a dying instinct told him his motherless offspring would be safe here, as he had been, with those who loved him? Hot tears spilled on baby fur as Becky gathered the trembling bundle in her arms. "It's all right, little . . . Ralphie," she murmured. "Don't be afraid. That's my mom, and she loves you, too."

The Birth of a Butterfly

A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening in the cocoon appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could, and it could go no further. So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time. Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly. What the man, in his kindness and haste, did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were God's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. If our higher power allowed us to go through our lives without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. We could never fly!

Life Instructions

INSTRUCTIONS FOR LIFE Author Unknown 1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. 2. Memorize your favorite poem. 3. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want. 4. When you say, "I love you", mean it. 5. When you say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye. 6. Be engaged at least six months before you get married. 7. Believe in love at first sight. 8. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much. 9. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely. 10. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling. 11. Don't judge people by their relatives. 12. Talk slowly but think quickly. 13. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?" 14. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk. 15. Call your Mom. 16. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze. 17. When you lose, don't lose the lesson. 18. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; Responsibility for all your actions. 19. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship. 20. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. 21. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice. 22. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other. 23. Spend some time alone. 24. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values. 25. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. 26. Read more books and watch less TV. 27. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back you'll get to enjoy it a second time. 28. Trust in God but lock your car. 29. A loving atmosphere in your home is so important. Do all you can to create a tranquil harmonious home. 30. In disagreements with loved ones, deal with the current situation. Don't bring up the past. 31. Read between the lines. 32. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality. 33. Be gentle with the earth. 34. Pray. There's immeasurable power in it. 35. Never interrupt when you are being flattered. 36. Mind your own business. 37. Don't trust a man/woman who doesn't close his/her eyes when you kiss. 38. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before. 39. If you make a lot of money, put it to use helping others while you are living. That is wealth's greatest satisfaction. 40. Remember; not getting what you want may be just what you need. 41. Learn the rules then break some. 42. Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is greater than your need for each other. 43. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it. 44. Remember that your character is your destiny. 45. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.
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