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Mr Legal and Mr. Illegal

Mr. Legal vs. Mr. Illegal 

You have two families: "Mr. Legal" and "Mr. Illegal" . Both families have two parents, two children, and live in California.

Mr. Legal works in construction, has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.

Mr. Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table."

Ready? Now pay attention...

Mr. Legal: $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week, or $52,000.00 per year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax; Mr. Legal now has $31,231.00.

Mr. Illegal: $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week, or $31,200.0 0 per year. Mr. Illegal pays no taxes. Mr. Illegal now has $31,200.00.

Mr. Legal pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for his family at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year. Mr. Legal now has $24,031.00.

Mr. Illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the state and local clinics and emergency hospitals at a cost of $0.00 per year. Mr. Illegal still has $31,200.00.

Mr. Legal makes too much money and is not eligible for food stamps or welfare. Joe Legal pays $500.00 per month for food, or $6,000.00 per year. Mr. Legal now has $18,031.00.

Mr. Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps, WIC and welfare. Mr. Illegal still has $31,200.00.

Mr. Legal pays rent of $1,200.00 per month, or $14,400.00 per year. Mr. Legal now has 9,631 .00.

Mr. Illegal receives a $500.00 per month Federal Rent Subsidy. Mr. Illegal pays out that $500.00 per month, or $6,000.00 per year. Mr. Illegal still has $ 31,200.00.

Mr. Legal pays $200.00 per month, or $2,400.00 for car insurance. Some of that is uninsured motorist insurance. Mr. Legal now has $7,231.00.

Mr. Illegal says, "We don't need no stinkin' insurance!" and still has $31,200.00.

Mr. Legal has to make his $7,231.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, etc..

Mr. Illegal has to make his $31,200.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, and what he sends out of the country every month.

Mr. Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work.

Mr. Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family and friends.

Mr. Legal's and Mr. Illegal's children both attend the same elementary school. Mr. Legal pays for his children's lunches, while Mr. Illegal's children get a government sponsored lunch. Mr. Illegal's children have an after school ESL program. Mr. Legal's children go home.

Now, when they reach college age, Mr Legal's kids may not get into a State School and may not qualify for scholarships, grants or other tuition help, even though Mr Legal has been paying for State Schools through his taxes, while Mr. Illegal's kids "go to the head of the class" because they are a minority.

Mr. Legal and Mr. Illegal both enjoy the same police and fire services, but Mr Legal paid for them and Mr. Illegal did not pay.

Do you get it, now?

If you vote for or support any politician that supports illegal aliens... You are part of the FREAK'n problem!

We need to keep this going--we need to make changes ASAP!

It's way PAST time to take a stand for America and Americans!

This is not a 'racial' issue, or to prevent any 'racial minority' from living and working in the U.S., the issues here are LEGALITY and EQUALITY. If you don't understand the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration, or paying a certain percentage of your income as taxes, as everybody else, to support the benefits you get from living in this country, you should not be allowed to vote in any election...EVER!

I too applied for medical school and was accepted.  After the first few years of studying abroad, I came back to the states to study full time at a college. I was excited, I knew that one day that I would save lives, and in the end lose a few along the way.  I wanted to go into neurosurgery, my dream was to attach a spine that had been severed, and make it work like it did before giving hope to millions who have/are wheelchair bound.  Giving them hope that one day, there will be a surgery that will help them be able to function normal again.  Unlike this young doctor, it was discovered that I have a genetic disorder called Dystonia.  This causes shaking in my hands, this would be the end of the program for me.  Yeah I could've went into something else, but nothing would make me happy I left the program altogether.  If I couldn't do what I wanted, there wasn't anything else I would be happy doing.  Now that Obamacare has come up, it's robbing the nation of the most brightest minds, and skillful hands, he is taking away their rights to earn the money to pay back their tuition, and a way to make a living.  I wouldn't want to work for the government either...not with them telling me what I can and can't do, where I can and can't go, who I have to live and let die. I couldn't stand someone dictating to me how to do my job, when they themselves cannot do their own job.  Below is the letter, weight in and tell me what you think...What say you?


PS...The picture is the actual writer of the letter.  Just a little FYI!


Mr. President,

I was born at Centennial Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. My mother would later take a job delivering babies in that same operating room only a couple years later. My parents got a divorce when I was young. There were many times during the summer when she would be forced to take my sister and me to work with her. I vividly remember the child version of myself walking the halls of the same floor I was born on in fascination as the years passed. The anesthesiologists used to bring us candy and watch movies with us. When the holidays came, a nurse by the name of Patty Vaughn (we called her Granny), would have bags of presents for my sister and me. Donna Smith, a surgical first assistant who came to America from Canada to work in a free-market healthcare system, use to babysit us.

Donna’s two-story town-home became a 3rd home (2nd was the hospital). We spent countless nights at her house.

Patty passed away when I was ten. I still remember the last box of moon pies she gave me for Halloween that year. To this day every time I see a moon pie I think of her. Donna helped me through my undergrad at Belmont University. With tuition at $30k/year money was tight. Donna never let me go without a meal.

You see Mr. President, the smell of sterile operating rooms, horrible coffee, crisp white coats, and cold metal was my destiny. The first time someone ever asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I responded, “Anesthesiologist”. I had no idea what they even did, but it was the first big word I learned to pronounce as a 6-year-old. The hospital is my family. It’s all I’ve ever known.

Twenty-one years after my birth, in the same hospital, I listened to a fetal heart beat through my very own stethoscope as a student. You know, it’s quite magical. As the cool, metallic bell lies upon the tight skin of a young mother’s stomach anxiety, fear and joy are all present in her face. A week before my birthday I stood at the side of the laboring mother. There’s no other way to explain childbirth than witnessing the face of God. The emotion is enveloping. You can only try (unsuccessfully) to hold the tears back. I knew at that moment what a gift God had given me. To be allowed the involvement of such a beautiful, pure moment was not to be unappreciated.

When I started college I knew where I was going. You had just won the election. I remember the cameras focusing in on Oprah Winfrey’s face. Tears streamed down. At the time, I knew nothing about politics. My biggest concern was a girl in my Anatomy & Physiology class I had a crush on. I paid little attention to Washington DC.

I worked hard. Multiple all-nighters, falling asleep behind the wheel of my car countless times, thousands of shots of espresso (I actually took a job at Starbucks to support the habit) and 15k note-cards later I had graduated in the top 5% of the country. However, during those last few years something changed.

We studied medical legislation for an entire semester. It’s no secret that the federal government has over-burdened the healthcare market, which has manifested astronomical costs to consumers. However, in 2010, democrats forced through the partisan Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), which was later funded by both democrats and republicans.

Since the passage of Obamacare everything has changed. When I started college I never intended to work for the government. I never thought I’d have a government bureaucrat dictate what I was worth to the market, and I certainly never imagined those same bureaucrats (who have absolutely no medical training) telling me how to treat my patients.

I remember the day Obamacare became law. I was sitting in the hospital working in the anesthesia department part-time to cover the costs of tuition. Dr. Alfery, a mentor of mine, looked over at me and said, “Run– It’s not too late to change majors.”

Your legislation has caused countless doctors to go into retirement early, opt for cash-only practices, and has discouraged bright, young minds from entering the field.

With student loans reaching $300k, incalculable opportunity costs and 8 years lost to school, students seeking medical degrees give their lives to the practice. Starting our careers at 30 while dictating to us how much money we can make is nothing short of destroying all incentive to enter the field.

Since that day I’ve yet to find a doctor who recommends the field. People respond to my complaints, “It’s still going to be a good job”. I don’t want a “good job”. I have not fought for a government entitlement of a “good job”. I want an incredible career. That’s what I have fought tirelessly for.

I have been on a path to enter the Air Force and continue my education in medicine. I have been dreaming of specializing in pediatric neurosurgery for half a decade.

After quite literally losing my hair from the internal conflict, considering the sunk costs and evaluating different avenues I have decided.

I have decided that I believe in the principles of a truly free-market, and I trust the free-market. Because of this deep, internal value system I cannot, with clear conscience, continue on this path. My life has value. Such value cannot be calculated by Washington bureaucrats. I won’t allow it. Only a true free-market can accurately assess the value I am capable of.

Mr President, I’m leaving the medical field. I’m hanging up the white coat. However, let me be clear. You have not won. Unless something “changes”, you’ve lost and will continue to lose. You will fail because you lack principle. Meanwhile, we will succeed because we are born of principle.

Michael Gordon Lotfi

Hummm...Well isn't this a bitch.  It would appear that at some point while we all slept the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments were repealed.  What DHS done here is a direct and clear violation of what shouldn't be done.  They had ZERO right to enter into this house and take ANYTHING, that wasn't listed on the warrent. Is is alleged that they went through the house and took items not listed on the warrent, this is a violation of the 4th amendment, and unless it's been repealed, and I not know about it, makes it an illegal search and seizure, and that my friends is against the law.  Looks like the big O is now trying to take the rights away from the citizens because they don't like what's being done.  That's about as bad and a corrupt as the LAPD.  THe whole administeration is nothing but corrupt.  This shows it, WAKE UP people! If we allow this to happen, it will soon be common law, and everything that this great nation was built on will be gone. We will go to Shira law, which is the law of the middle east...do you honestly want that for your children?  Think about it people.


Audrey Hudson’s husband had just left for work on August 6 when suddenly, her dog began barking. The nationally-known journalist walked over to the curtains and peeked outside to discover her Chesapeake Bay home was surrounded by law enforcement officers wearing full body armor.

The phone rang. It was her husband.

“I’m in the driveway,” he said. “The police are here. Open the door.”

And so began Hudson’s nightmare – held captive by armed agents of the U.S. Coast Guard, Maryland State Police and the Department of Homeland Security as they staged a pre-dawn raid in search of unregistered firearms and a “potato gun.”


“I think they found a great way to get into my house and get a hold of my confidential notes and go through every other file in my office."

- Audrey Hudson, journalist


But instead of taking the potato gun, agents seized unrelated government documents and notes from the former Washington Times journalist.

Agents took Hudson’s records during a search for guns and related items owned by her husband, a civilian Coast Guard employee. They also confiscated her legally registered firearms, according tocourt documents obtained by The Associated Press.

The armed agents held Hudson and her husband in the kitchen as they searched their home. At some point, one of the agents asked if she was the same person who had written a series of stories critical of the Federal Air Marshal program in the mid-2000s.

Hudson did indeed author those stories for The Washington Times.

“Those stories were embarrassing to the agency,” she told me.

It wasn’t until five weeks after the pre-dawn raid that Hudson realized agents had taken her private documents – documents that were not listed on the search warrant. At the time she was told that “miscellaneous documents” had been taken.

“I got a call from Homeland Security and they told me I could come pick up the documents,” she said. “The search warrant did not allow them to walk out with those documents. They clearly violated the search warrant.”

It appears the agents were on a fishing expedition. Hudson tells me her home is filled with boxes and boxes of files.

“But they only took five files – and all five had to do with the Federal Air Marshal stories,” she said.

The Coast Guard told The Associated Press its investigator was suspicious that the government documents in her possession were labeled “law enforcement sensitive.” However, they were returned after concluding Hudson had obtained them under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act.

But that doesn’t explain why the Coast Guard took her personal, handwritten notes. Nor does it explain why the Coast Guard accessed her personal Facebook page.

“I think they found a great way to get into my house and get a hold of my confidential notes and go through every other file in my office,” she said.

The Washington Times said Friday it is preparing legal action to fight what it called an unwarranted intrusion on the First Amendment. 

“While we appreciate law enforcement’s right to investigate legitimate concerns, there is no reason for agents to use an unrelated gun case to seize the First Amendment protected materials of a reporter,” Times Editor John Solomon said.

The Coast Guard defended their actions. A spokesman said the warrant authorized police to search the family’s home for guns, ammunition, records of gun purchases, gun cleaning kits and other gun-related documents.

It should be noted that neither Hudson nor her husband have been arrested and no charges have been filed.

“We have absolutely no idea what this is all about,” Hudson told me.

I’ve got a pretty good idea. It’s about the federal government trying to intimidate an American journalist.

The Obama administration has a history of targeting journalists in their effort to root out leaks. The Associated Press noted that the raid on Hudson’s home came one month after Attorney General Eric Holder toughened the Justice Department’s rules for seizing reporters’ phone records, notes or emails using federal subpoenas or search warrants.

“This really can’t stand,” Hudson told me. “You cannot come into a journalist’s home under false pretenses with a bogus warrant and just waltz out with confidential files.”

So if you’re doing the constitutional math, I’d say the Obama administration has violated the Hudson family’s first, second and fourth amendment rights.

“Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that state police and federal officers would come into my house at 4:30 in the morning to take my files without a federal subpoena,” she said.

It’s really not all that surprising the Obama administration would use a potato gun to trample the constitutional rights of an American citizen.

It’s a perfect tool for shredding potatoes – and the U.S. Constitution.


Strange how a report that damns obamacare is removed less then 24 hours after it was published after the NBC website says it's an 'error' or a glitch.  If you follow the link below it will show what was there before and after.  Looks to me like something fishie is going on here, what sa you, the masses?  Please feel free to comment after reading the link.  Enjoy.  It's just getting worse and worse everyone.



Hello, for you first time readers, I ask that you please read this all the way through before commenting, posting, or anything also,  please take a moment to check out some of my other blogs to get a sense in how I write, my style, and what I have to say.  I will say this much, there is a butt-hurt form posted out there somewhere, if I offend you, butt-hurt you, or otherwise, well get over it.  This is how I see things, how someone who's been there and done that is seeing how things are working.  If you don't like my views, that's cool, I'mnot here to push them on you, or anyone else.  If you enjoy reading the blogs, tell yours friends.  Comment if you have a question, or if you are debating something I said.  It might take me a while, so please be patient with me.  I'm not sure how often I will update this, it'll either be daily or weekly, just not real sure what it's going to be.  My opinions are my own, I do my own research, I am linked up with people in their field of what I am talking about, so it's not just random crap.  My political views vary, however I will put it out there, I cannot stand the Hitler mentality of Obama and his hynchman.  If that pisses you off, we're going to have some major issues.  I write about what I feel is important, present it in a manner that I try to make it look decent, without a lot of BS and such, I make sure I do my research, and I can only do my research on what I find.  If you find something better, or something that debunks it, PLEASE for the love of all of everything, POST IT IN THE COMMENTS.  It isn't meant to be onesided that this is how it's going to be, it's meant to get like minded people here in the USA in a network of talking with each other, and talking about current issues, for or against, it's a place where you can talk about politics.  I will censor nothing you say in the comments.  I will talk more about that in a few minutes.


Topics to be covered; 


Gun Control


Anything that's hot at the moment, I will post mostly on government related things, and how it affects you and I, and you can take it or leave it, sound good?  Let's get started with the rules.


Rules:  I will not censor your opinion, things I will censor; 

Heavy name calling (calling someone a pussy bitch is not the correct way to debate, you will be censored, things along that line.  You may use the word 'nigger' but not as a racist term, see the dictionary to see what I am talking about, any sort of racism towards anyone in the posts, I will block you, it's that simple.

Keep it Classy not Trashy

Excessive posts over the same thing (spam posting as I call it)

Anything said here is open for all to see, however, I will NOT report you this is a live debate, over topics covered, and I have no problem hearing both sides.

No personal threats.  If you make a person threat towards someone, I will screen shot it, send to one of the bouncers on my list with a note saying that it's going to the IC5 (FBI cromputer crimes unit) I WILL NOT put up with that, that's not what this is for, after I do all of that, I will have Fubar get in touch with the local police in your area, and if charges are warrented, they will be filed.  (Yes they can be depends on what's said, I will give no warning, I will just do it and block you, and delete what you have said after doing all of that.)

There will be NO religious fighting.  No my religion is better then yours bullshit.  If we wish to trample on Obama for what he is FINE, but I expect each of you to RESPECT each other, again, a religious threat is a crime, it's a federal crime, classified as a hate crime.  You will most likely be banned from Fubar, or worse if you do this, got it?  If I have a Muslim come in and post, and openly says he/she is Muslim, and you all attack them, I will report it.  Again that's NOT what this is for.

No bashing others, if your friend is a Obama supporter, that's fine, allow them that, if they choose to come in here and post they will be treated like the rest of you, I will take no shit from any one over political party. Point blank.

If you have something that you'd like to me look into, or dig further into, and try to find an answer for you, or put it up for discussion, PLEASE INBOX me, my inbox is open to everyone, just don't spam it with shit okay!  

Ideas for discussions, see above.

Pictures, I will post some pretty graphic pictures in here from time to time, their will be a NSFW tag posted to the end of the title, if you wish not to look, that's fine, if you and bitch about it, you've been warned, and your argument is null.

Lastly, these are MY opinions, and I do NOT give anyone of you the right to copy and paste, twist, take away, copy, reuse, put into any thing PERIOD.  If you do it will be punishable under all applicable laws, as stated on my profile.  What is said in here STAYS in here. PERIOD.  These are the rules, follow them and we'll get along just fine, mess them up and you'll be gone, capiche?


Lastly, enjoy and have fun!

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