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created on 11/10/2006  |  http://fubar.com/beautiful-days/b23191
BEAUTIFUL DAYS CHAPTER TWELVE(FINAL) BEAUTIFUL DAYS 12(THE END) "You are now tuned into the sounds of RADIO ROB here on your F.M. dial. The forecast for tonight...? SNOW! And lots of it. You know what RADIO ROB knows you'll stay indoors for the remainder of the evening. In the next hour we got some of your favorite underground hits, we got The Yo Yo from Little Brother, Musick from Dudley Perkins, everybody's favorite duo Amphibeus Tungs with 4 Siblings. You are tuned in to the station that smacks that eardrum with nothin' but the best, that's 102.7 on your F.M. dial. We gonna kick it all off with Crazie Vizion with...BEAUTIFUL DAYS! BEAUTIFUL DAYS CHAPTER 12 SWAN SONG SILLILQUY Part two END OF DAYS. John helped Sophie load up the car with the explosives found in the shed behind their former safehouse. Able struggling to hold on to what little life he has left as he lie bleeding in the backseat. Refusing medical attention as usual. But highly understandable at this point. They hop back in the car. Crank up. And peel off back for the city. This little tussle between me and Patch has taken a nasty turn for the worse. See now we are on the rooftop of the APEX slugging it out. Neither man refusing to quit. I have to get to the ground. To my guns. I swing. He swings. I know I'm not hurting him, but i think he's starting to realize...he's not hurting me either. Blood flying every which way. I got to pace myself. I kick him in the chest and send him flying over the edge. He grabs on to the flagpole sticking out from the roof's side. He swings around once and propels himself to the next roof. I have to jump...SHIT! I pace myself yet again. It's all about timing...do it. I run. Faster. Faster. Faster. Then...I jump...and i miss. Luckily I wear a looooong trenchcoat.. it got snagged on a gutter on the side of the building I was jumping to. I'm hanging by it. My foot happens to catch my hat before it falls. Patch slowly creeps over to the ledge to see , what he hopes, to be me hurling to my death. What he gets instead...me grabbing him. And snatching him down on my level. Right below my feet are the letters from the OMAR building. The building we are choosing to beat the shit out of each other on as of right now. We are now on the letters. I swing, he lands on the M. I hop over to the M and i feel the sign drop slightly. He climbs on me and tries to hit me. I kick him off. He falls on the A. The sign drops even more. Now we are tussling on this sign. He picks me up, slams me on the O, sign gives way. I seek refuge in the open part of the O. A lone cable on the O is enough to keep it attached to the building at least, but sending me swinging from front to back. I look down...SON OF A BITCH, Patch is still hangin' on. He looks down and realizes...He has a back up gun in his boot. He draws, I grab. I kick him off the O. He lands on the edge of the rooftop. Hanging by one hand. The O swings back his way. I have his gun now. I aim...BULLSEYE. Right in his good eye. He drops. I look down smiling before I hear... SNAP!. Down goes the O. With me inside. I feel the wind rushing up as i drop down. I'm clinging to the inside of this O. In the middle of traffic, I touch down. The glass in the O shattering. And the O falling over to it's side. I peek up out of the O. I crawl out. Exhausted. My hats gone. No sooner than i say that. The wind blows it right up to me. I light up a cig. I get up...stunned. I look to the ground across the street...there's my guns. I head for them. Out of nowhere. A fist. Comes right down on my eye. It's Patch! "There's no stopping me now, Dick!", said Patch. "Yea no shit!", I said. I dive and roll for my guns. I grab them and begin to open fire on him...son of a bitch kept comin'. "Shit!", I yelled as he rushed at me, bullets not harming him. He knocks the shit outta me. I get up. He kicks me. He's got the upper hand so far. He picks me up and tosses me across the street into a news stand. He's on his way towards me...out of nowhere...CAR! Runs him down. He is pinned underneath. It's John again. His father in the backseat still injured...but where's Sophie? "Sophie? Where is she?", I said "She is fufilling her destiny!", said the dying, Abel. "What do you mean?", I asked. "The earth is dead. It has cried as we cried. It has lived as we lived. And now, I lies lifeless. Raped of all spirit. Same as mankind. Dead. Spiritless. Without hope. We look to man as god. Our vision tainted. Man is not god. But man does possess the power of God. The power to create and destroy. Which gives man the impression that it is alright to destroy God's property as well. These days we live in are days of dark despair. Days of blindness. The earth has cried it's final cry. As has man. And for the earth and mankind alike, only one final option remains... RESSURECTION! ", said Able. I understood what he meant. I hauled ass to the APEX. I run as fast as I can. I run thru the demolished entrance way from the previous car crash. I head upstairs...I get to the hallway... It's lined with explosives. "Sophie!" She's in the room at the end of the hall. I had to get in there... I call for her. She knows it's me. She tells me to leave... "Get out of here!" she yells. I enter the room. It's laced with explosives. At the center of it all...Sophie. Also laced with explosives. "Sophie what the hell are u doing?", I asked "Someone has to stay to flip the switch!", she said. "Fuck it let John do it!", I said. "It's not his job to do!", she said. "It's the only way I can slow them down enough for you to finish it. You need John for that. He knows where to go. I don't.", she said. "I'm not leaving without you!", I said. I walk over to her. She's perched down on the floor by the window. I lean to her...we kiss. I thought that kiss would never end. When it does...she says... with tears in her eyes... "Now go!" "No!", I said. "Yesssssssssss!", said a voice from the fire escape. It was Patch. He reached in and grabbed me. Snatched me out onto the fire escape. We fall off into the alley below. The rest of Patch's gang head into the Apex. They are going for Sophie. I had to get to her. I try to fight him off enough to get back up to the ladder to the fire escape. He picks me up and tosses me into the alley across the street. He runs over and kicks me even farther down the alley way. He knows what he's doing. He's keeping me from Sophie. He is running right for me. I time it. He jumps to kick me again. I catch him. I run him head first into the side of the dumpster. I stomp him twice in the face. I run for the building. Patch's gang is running up the stairs. They realize the explosives in the hall. By then it's too late for them... "Good night!", said Sophie as she flipped the switch. I'm running for the entrance or what's left of it of the front of the Apex. I get half way to where the front door used to be... THE APEX BLOWS! I am hurled back into the building wall across the street. The Apex is up in flames. Flying debris. Burning pieces of brick and wood. It was history... And so was Sophie! I hear laughter. It's Patch. Still in the alley. "Bitch really brought the house down!", he said as he continued to laugh. I rush over...I beat the shit out of him. Every blow I land to his face is smashing what ever machinery that lies beneath the fake flesh. I can feel it. I smash all that lies beneath the surface. His face is horribly disfigured. I slam him back into the gate that ends the alley way. He staggers down. He goes down. Laying there. I'm winded. I drop to my knees...thinking... "Sophie!" Patch gets up...he rushes at me. At the point of impact. I get my hand under his chin... Killswitch! He goes down...then offline. He's history. Not getting back up. John rolls up. "Quick!", he said. "We must hurry!", he said. "Where's your dad?", I asked. "He's gone on to the next life.", he replied. I get in the car. We speed to downtown. Why are we at the D.A.'s office? Then i realize...that was the building we were held captive, prior to going to the APEX. We crash right through the front door. Taking out receptionists and others standing in the lobby. They draw. So do John and I . The lobby is huge. Whoever we didn't run over...we shot. "My father's hand...take it!", he yelled as he shot out the window. "What?!", I replied. "Do it!", he yelled. I reach over to the back seat and I grab the dead hand of his father...but he is not so dead...I feel his spirit... I hear drums... I see it... A purple cloud...covering the sky. People dying. The children. The animals. They all struggle to breathe. Then...silence...nothing. They died. All of them...then...and emergence...life...coming form below the earth...a bunker. But once they hit the outside world...they feel a change...they know who they are...but they don't. Some pass out. Comatose. I see it all in the flash of a second... I get back to my senses. I snap back. The car stops by the elevator. "Reach out and press the top floor button!", he said. "O.K.!", I said as i did so. "Now get in there! You will know where to go!", he said. "You have your guns?", He asked. "Yea!", I replied. "Take those too!", he said pointing to the back floor to the bag of automatic weapons. I take them and I hop in the elevator. I get to the top floor. I was met with a group of men armed with semi automatic weapons. The elevator door had opened up and they open fire...to find... no one there. I am perched at the top of the elevator out of the way of harm. I toss out a grenade that was in the bag of weapons. Gunmen go flying. I make my way out of the smoke with two Mack 11's blazing at the gunmen who remain. I tear my way through the men. I make my way across the room where there are mirrors. The mirrors lift...out come more gunmen. I jump on top of the large conference table sitting in the middle of the room. I shot anything that moved. I took out every one. They lie smoking on the ground. One more mirror. I knew what to do. I launch the empty clip at the mirror and there is an open room. It's the office that i was tied up in earlier. There is a figure standing behind the desk...his back turned to me... "Good evening Detective!", he said. It was the Engineer! But that voice...I knew that voice... "Kells?", I asked. "In the flesh!", as he turned to reveal himself to be none other than the D.A. "I knew it! ", I said. I knew that you knew!", he said. "You knew ever since you saw the picture in the Apex!", he said. "You killed the human race!", I said. "Well as you can see...not all of them!, he said. "I'm here. And you're here. Both human!" As he began to explain, it's like I could see the events as he narrated... "It was a perfect plan. 25 years in the making. I had always been a student of science. I learned every aspect of it since i was 6. My father, a world renowned scientist in his own repects. I learned from him. And as i got older. It was around that time I began to learn about... CHEMICAL WARFARE! The gun squad enters the building. John tries to hold them off but there are too many. They make short work of him. They head for the stairs... The Engineer goes on... I learned that a human, not expecting it, can not escape airborne chemicals. By the time they would have time to haul ass to an underground bunker...their asses are history! Those who make it to shelter of some kind...well, they have to deal with the after effects of being exposed to the earth's atmosphere after it is altered by the chemicals. Which could be fatal. I also learned the important of health sciences. What makes a human healthy...and unhealthy. What makes up a human being. By the time I was 12, I would create my first artificial human. The gun squad makes their way up the stairs on each side of the building...getting closer and closer to the top floor... I would spend the next six years learning abroad...London, Japan, China, Antarctica, Iceland, Even visiting the North Pole. But not just to do Earth sciences...I was strategically laying out my bombs. Each to go off simulteaneously at strategic points around the globe to where once set off, the poison would cover every inch of it. The gun squad makes their way up the stairs even closer...they are around the 6th floor... The gas was released killing all humans with the exception of those who survived today. Killing all plant and animal life. All living things. The earth died that day. And I had by that time...only 20 artificial humans done. I had just seen my 30th birthday. But there were survivors. A doctor who knew of my plan and all he could save. They emerged for the underground bunker they hid in and the effects of the gas took it's toll on them. Sending them into comatose states. I found them. I allowed them to live among my artificial humans to study the interaction. As the comatose patients would awaken. They would have no knowledge of any events prior to their comatose state. Which is exactly what I was banking on. I would use the 20 artificial humans... to make more. And more. And more! The squad's footsteps get closer... I would then send them out into the world to find a spot to erect a city. This city would be run solely by me. And the awakened humans who survived. But in my greedy state I did not think to monitor other comatosed survivors. So they blended in with the others to where I could not keep up with them all. So that list I was looking for that list you had, Detective...held the names of all survivors. Dr. Figgis began to get his memory back as well as his daughter...I could not have that. So they had to be terminated...as well as the remaining humans. The gun squad draws closer... "So you...you sick fuck...you had these "Imposters", build this city and make us think that we lived in a natural world?", I asked. "Yes!", he replied. "The process was called...OPERATION: MYSPACE! "What the hell is that?", I asked. "The erection of a community...under one leader. The false sense of security. The brainwashing of a small group of individuals that would continue to grow into more brainwashed citizens. All at my command. Even the ones who still had their traces of humanity. We would soon take them as well...by making them believe...they were equal! That way they feel safe...that way... they don't leave... The squad is making its way up the main staircase... That machine you see over there, Detective...it is a server. It is what powers the city and every artificial human in it. When i can't watch it, I have special artificial humans who monitor it as I am away. For example...a night...at the opera. When the people want to travel...they go to the airport...the plane..one big giant computer, waiting to hack into their systems installing false memories of travel. The humans that show up...same deal. Through the use of knockout gas...then machine enhanced hypnosis, they believe they have traveled to their destination and returned safely. This is done with all modes of transportation that is expected to reach strategic points in the world that no longer exist, thanks to me. The AH's are programmed to feel like us, taste as we taste, feel as we feel, hurt as we hurt, but...I have the ability to take away all that... and give it back as well...!" "So they obey only you?", I asked. "I designed them as God allegedly designed man. In my image. As I live and breathe. As I walk and talk. As I love and hurt. They are mirror images of the flesh and bone without being such. They are who we are, but then something more. And as God would do, I can make them greater or I can shut them down. At my own will. How many "men" can you say have that ability. I can control their love, their losses, their wins, and most of all...their pain. Whether it be emotional, physical, mental...all of it! I can shut that pain off and make them invincible, or I can intensify it and make them weak. But why would I shut that pain completely off? This makes them stronger than me? Well the answer is simple, they fuck with me...I shut them down for good. They wouldn't dare try me. I'm the closest thing to God they have!" "Patch didn't seem to think so. He turned off his pain!", I said. "And as you can see...HE PAID THE PRICE!, said the Engineer. "Thanks to me!", I said. "See what I mean? Man is God!", he said. "So you are just some sick fuck who gets off on playin' God?, I asked. HA HA! Don't be a fool!", he said. You look towards heaven for the meaning of life. But the meaning of life is here for all of us. Not in books of God and scripture, but on the faces of us all. Call me crazy for saying so, but man is god. To look in the face of God is to look into my eyes. And the eyes of those around us. Any man, woman, or child is a fool to think otherwise. With these hands I can create a universe. And with these same hands, I can destroy it. Truly the powers of a God. Who would argue such a thing. From the eyes of God...I give you VISION. With that vision you see...that these are truly beautiful days we are living in. The squad enters the top floor area where I had emerged from the elevator. "If I am harmed in anyway, Detective...they are programmed to drop what they are doing, and hunt down my attacker. I die...you die!", said the Engineer. "They have sensors that automatically sense your lifeline. In other words. they hear your heart beat and neuro patterns in a specific rhythm. They stop hearing it...they attack the closet life force to your dead ass! Gotcha!, I said. I pull my guns out. Upside down...in classic Jake fashion...I aim them right at his forehead...then I turn... and I take out the server! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!, screams the Engineer. I then turn my attention back to him... "BEAUTIFUL DAYS MY ASS!", I said. as I blew him away. I turn around...and the gunsquad had entered the room. They were frozen in place with their guns aimed right at me. Around the city...families shut down...workers shut down...people everywhere that were not of the flesh...frozen in time. No server to provide a life force. Just me. Good ol' Jake Reed...left to scan the city on his own...in search of the remaining humans. TWO DAYS LATER... I see this kid... Laughing. Enjoying the thrills of life. All that a young man would enjoy. He's about six. He is playing outside in the snow with one of those giant rubber balls. Tossing it up and down. Every now and then he stops. Looking around to see if he sees another sign of human life. No such luck. He looks up. And he only sees frozen people. He was alone...until...he heres a sound...not just any sound...a familiar one... Those are footsteps... He runs over and he sees a figure... Trenchcoat, fedora, a little less dramatic...THE FUCKIN' KID SEE'S ME , ALRIGHT! He runs over to me...I look at him. "You hungry?, I ask. He shakes his head yea. "C'mon!", I said. A smile fell over his face. He enters the alleyway in which I was standing prior. He sees other humans...ones I tracked down so far. He recognizes two of them and he goes running for them with open arms. They greet him the same way. I stepped out into the snow. My breath hanging in the air, i reach to my left pocket for my cigarettes. My right for my zippo. I observe the city streets. The steam rising from it. Yet everything else is still. The flakes begin to fall again. I look to my left. The child runs up to me. The joy of life tattooed on his face as he plays with his giant rubber ball. I take a drag and i pat him on the head. He smiles at me and runs off with his toy. And in the midst of it all, all i can do is utter in my head just one name...SOPHIE... FIN!
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