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Jen and Nicole Cont'd

By the time we were all ready and out the door our culinary opportunities consisted of Denny’s or…Denny’s. We chose the former. Jen and Nicole sat on the same side of the booth, opposite me, and each held one of my hands. The waitress gave us a few raised eyebrows, but in the end apparently decided to keep any questions to herself. Dinner was eaten quickly and we were soon back in the car and all but racing home. There was no trail of discarded clothing stretching from the front door to the bed, but the pile at the foot of the bed grew fast and tall. I had Nicole on her back and was kissing her deeply and slowly as Jen pulled the last of her clothes off. My right hand roamed up and down her body as the left worked its way into her hair. I glanced down to take in her naked form, and saw Jen slowly kissing her way up Nicole’s leg. Jen’s hand slid up Nicole’s inside thigh, tracing a path she followed unerringly with her lips and tongue. Nicole gasped as she felt Jen gently flick the tip of her tongue over her outer lips and clit. Her eyes met mine, and I gave her a reassuring smile and pressed my lips against hers once more. I felt her twitch and wiggle as Jen continued to lick and suck at her clit. I worked my way across her jaw and down her neck, my hot breath making the tiny hairs on her skin dance. I kneaded her breasts and pinched her nipples as I licked and nibbled slowly in their direction. I took her right nipple in my mouth and swirled my tongue around it, sucking gently. I let my eyes wander down her body again and saw Jen looking up at me. She winked at me, then closed her eyes, inhaling deeply through her nose and thrusting her tongue deep within Nicole’s wet sex. Jen returned her attention to Nicole’s exposed clit, sucking and licking at it as she worked two fingers inside her. I kept my focus on her breasts, Sucking and licking her nipples one moment, then softly blowing cool air over them the next, causing her to break out in gooseflesh before returning them to the warmth of my mouth. I don’t know how long we went on that way, but Nicole climaxed again and again until finally pleading with us to stop. I gave her softening left nipple a last kiss, and began working my way lovingly down her body again, and Jen worked her way up. We shared a quick kiss, and then went back about the act of kissing and tasting every inch of flesh on our lover’s body. As I reached her ankles I looked up and saw Jen with her mouth clamped tightly over Nicole’s throat, sucking as though she was sustaining herself on the dark haired woman’s very essence. Nicole simply closed her eyes and tilted her head back, reveling in the sensation of two mouths and four hands exploring her naked body. Softly, I kissed the small scars on the top of Nicole’s feet, I knew they made her self-conscious, indeed the first time we made love she’s kept her socks on, but they were a part of her, and as such I adored them. I began the ascent, making my way up her legs, bending her right leg up so I could sample the delicate skin at the back of her thigh and her smooth bum. My tongue darted out and parted her vaginal lips. I licked her shaven pussy in long slow strokes as I draped her leg over my shoulder and across my back, and started massaging her clit with the middle finger of my right hand. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the tasted of her. She grew ever wetter with each pass of my tongue, and I couldn’t get enough of her. I thrust my face hard against her, working my tongue as far into her as I could reach. I felt a pair of hands gripping the back of my head, holding me firmly against her, and though I could not see, I knew without a doubt that one of those hands was hers, and the other belonged to my wife. While I continued to suck and lap greedily at her Nicole’s pussy, Jen leaned back slightly and admired the dark bruise, ringed with deep teeth marks, that she has left upon the woman’s throat, She gave it a final lick and kiss, then moved up and began to nibble at her ears. I never let Jen play with my ears, so when Nicole not only didn’t protest, but seemed to enjoy the attention, she assailed her cute little lobes vigorously. Biting gently, and flicking her tongue into the ear itself, sending a chill up Nicole’s spine . I had Nicole’s left leg now draped over my right shoulder, and was lost to any stimulus beyond the taste of her. Jen was in a similar state. The house could have been burning down around us and we’d have neither noticed nor cared. We were worshiping at the altar of Nicole’s body, breathing her in, filling our hearts and minds and souls with her, devoting our entire beings to giving her pleasure. My face and neck were slick from the wetness of her many climaxes, and I was finally shocked back to reality as she took a hand full of my hair and dragged my mouth away from her, “Oh God, no more,” she pleaded breathlessly. I lifted her now limp legs from my shoulders and slid from beneath them. She and Jen were sharing soft kisses as I crawled slowly up to lay next to her. She turned her head and kissed me, moaning into my mouth as she tasted herself on my lips and tongue. Despite our earlier nap I was spent. I gave her a final kiss, holding her bottom lip between my teeth for just a moment before letting go and resting my head on the pillow next to hers. I snuggled up next to her slid a hand across her body, grinding my pelvis against her hip and resting my right leg on top of hers, I felt a felt of toes brush across the top of my foot and opened one eye to see that Jen had taken a position mirroring my own. We lay there, none of us speaking, and as before, slowly we began to breathe as one, and again, sleep took us all.

I slowly crawled back to conciousness and opened my eyes cautiously. I stretched, and closed my eyes again for a moment, I was on my right side facing the window, the full light of day streaming through the open shades. I was afraid to roll over, afraid that if I did I would learn that the amazing night that was flooding vividly back to memory would just have been a dream. Preparing myself mentally, I rolled on to my back and turned my head to the left, a broad smile crossed my face as I saw a head of dark hair on the pillow next to mine. I reached out and stroked that dark hair, just once, still fearful that somehow she wasn't really there, and when my fingertips confirmed what my eyes were telling me my heart swelled. I propped myself up on my left arm and was treated to quite possibly the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Jen and Nicole lay on the same pillow, their foreheads just touching,  The comforter was down just far enough for me to see that they were holding one another in their sleep, and I was sure that if I lifted that blanket I'd find their legs intertwined. There was a look a peace and serenity on both of their faces, and for a while I lay there just watching them sleep. Eventually though my nagging bladder would no longer be denied and I was forced to move.

     I slipped quietly out of bed as not to disturb them, and carefully closed the bathroom door. After taking care of my biological needs I washed my hands and brushed my teeth, intending to slip back into bed, nuzzle up behind Nicole, and wait for my two beautiful women to wake. Though that plan did not bear fruit I could hardly complain about the scene I witnessed when I opened the bathroom door. Jen was softly stroking Nicole's dark hair, and the two were sharing gentle kisses. Rather than disturb them I leaned against the door frame and watched. Gradually their kisses deepened, and almost as though she could hear what I was thinking Jen threw off the comforter. One of Nicole's hands was between Jen's head and the pillow, the other was resting on Jen's now exposed ass, stroking and squeezing it as they kissed. Jen had a hand on either side of Nicole's head, fingertips just delving into her dark hair.

     Nicole continued to grow bolder as they went on, no longer confining herself to a touch and the occasional gentle squeeze she was now gripping Jen's ass firmly, holding her fast as she thrust her hips forward against Jen's. Her fingers, which once danced gently, hesitantly, across the pale skin of Jen's bum, now delved into the cleft, the tip of her middle finger occasionally pressing against Jen's anus as she squeezed. I saw Jen try to thrust back against Nicole's finger when it made contact. Jen, seeing that Nicole was either missing her subtle encouragement or just too trepedatios to take make that move without guidance, slid her hand down to Nicole's shoulder and followed her arm down. She covered Nicole's hand with her own, and guided the tip of Nicole's middle finger to the center of the tight dark sphyncter of her anus. She broke their kiss, put her lips to Nicole's ear and whispered, "push," before gently biting on her earlobe. Nicole pressed more firmly, there was just a moment of resistance, then the first digit of her finger slid easily inside.

     Jen moaned delightedly at the intrusion, and pressed down on Nicole's hand, pushing the finger in to the second digit. Nicole was at first shocked at the strangeness of it, but with continued encouragement, both physical and verbal, she relaxed, slowly drawing her finger almost all the way free before thrusting it back inside her. Many women were, because of fear that it would be painful, or unpleasant past experiences, unwilling or unable to surrender themselves to such an intrusion. Jen had, in our time together, overcome both of those obstacles and was now reveling in the feeling of Nicole's finger inside her this way. As much as she enjoyed the physical sensation, there was also a strange intimacy to it, as she shared herself willingly with another person in a way she had previoulsly only done with me. Confident that Nicole would be comfortable continuing without further direct encouragement Jen let her hand stray across to Nicole's bottom, but as one of her fingers brushed her sphyncter Nicole tensed. Jen flattened her palm against Nicole's soft cheek and pointedly slid her hand away from it, she again put her lips to Nicole's ear, "it's okay sweetie, I won't do anything you don't want me to." Nicole relaxed and returned to her rhythmic probing, and Jen moved her hand down between them. She put a finger inside her again wet pussy, and began masturbating. Their position allowed her to press her top knuckle against Nicole's clit, stimulating it as she worked toward her own orgasm. The feeling began to build within her, heightened by the feeling of Nicole's body against hers, the growing wetness on the back of her hand, and the now increasingly erratic finger inside her ass.

      Nicole was thrusting against the back of Jen's hand, matching the pace of her strokes and increasing the pressure against her clit, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. She hadn't been at all sure about being with Jen, her prior experimentation with another woman had not been what she's expected, and while she could always appreciate the beauty in another woman, sexually they had held no interest for her. She had however, been intrigued enough by the possibilities of a threesome, the intimacy of being a part of a couple's lovemaking, that she had come to visit us not so much with the intent of falling into bed with us, but open to the idea if it felt right. She had never intended though, to find herself alone with Jen this way. She was surprised by the rightness of it, surprised at how attracted she was to her, how much she wanted to touch her and be touched in return.
      All of those thoughts were banished however, when her body was wracked with pleasure. She clutched Jen tightly against her and rolled her on to her back, straddling her and grinding down against the hand trapped between them. They climaxed togther, Jen's hand becoming soaked in their combined wetness. Jen contined sliding her hand between them, bringing them both off several times before Nicole collaped on top of her, trapping her arm. They were both breathless, gasping between kisses. Eventually Nicole rolled off of Jen and lay on her back, her forearm draped across her forehead. "That was amazing," she said, turning her head to look at Jen, who was still shuddering occasionally as little aftershocks struck her. Jen turned toward Nicole, and kissed her again, "you're amazing," she replied with a smile.

      I stood there, and I watched for a time as they lay together, looking wordlessly into each other's eyes. I wanted desperately to join them, but at the same time I did not want to intrude upon their moment. I waited for as long as I could stand, watching as they, seemingly oblivious to the world around them, lay there looking at one another, stroking each other's face or hair, and trading playful kisses. I climbed into bed behind Jen, and kissed her shoulder as I reached across and brushed Nicole's cheek with the backs of my fingers before laying my hand on her thigh. 

Her plane landed in Orlando shortly after three in the afternoon. I was sitting in the waiting area outside the TSA secure zone, my smile broadened as my phone chirped, alerting me to a waiting text message, "I'm here!!!" it read. I stowed my iPod and ear buds and got to my feet, straightening my shirt for the hundredth time, and popping a fresh piece of gum into my mouth. I bounced gently on the balls of my feet and watched the end of the corridor where she would appear, and several minutes later I caught sight of her. Her eyes found me at the same moment and a smile lit her face, she waved merrily, and there was a childlike quality to it that I could not help but be touched by. I laughed, and began to close the distance between us in as dignified a manner as I could. When we met I swept her up into my arms and squeezed her tightly, lifting her from the floor and spinning in place. I buried my face in her long hair and unhaled deeply of her long absent but not forgotten scent. I put her down, brushed her hair from her face and kissed her, just barely brushing my lips against her cheek, then took her hand and led her toward baggage claim. We made small talk about the flight, I had to fight the urge to look at her, to drink her in with my eyes, because I feared to do so would make me lose what little control I still had. We got her bags and quickly made our way to the car. I opened the trunk and quickly stowed her bags, then shut the hatch, before walking her to the passenger door. I started to reach for the door handle, but couldn't wait a moment longer, i turned and snaked one arm around her waist, pulling her body against mine. the other hand went to the back of her neck, working my fingers into her hair as I leaned forward and tasted her lips. my head swam as the kiss quickly deepened. Our hands roamed almost frantically over each other's bodies and we tried to devour one another's mouths, but soon the need for air became too pressing to ignore. Our lips parted and air filled my lungs. I rested my forehead against hers, "God I've missed you," I gasped. Afraid that if I kissed her again we'd end up with our hands down each other's pants right there in the parking garage I grudgingly pulled away from her and opened the car door, helping her inside. I ran around the rear of the car and got into the driver's seat, then punched the ignition button and put the car in gear. "let's get to the house, there's someone who wants to meet you," I said with a wink. We smalltalked all the way to the house, her hand atop mint on the gear selector, our fingers laced together. Jen must have been sitting near the front window, because she was walking out the front door before I got the car in park. She greeted her with a smile and a friendly hug. I laughed quielty to myself as I saw Nicole’s body stiffen slightly as Jen’s fingertips brushed across her bum when the hug ended. She took her hand and walked her toward the door. As I got her bags I heard her introducing herself and asking how her flight was. By the time I got inside the two of them were sitting on the couch chatting amicably. "You were right," she said to me, never taking her eyes off of our guest, "her pictures don't do her justice." I smiled broadly as she blushed, I had worried that the meeting would be awkward, but things were going much better than I expected. "I know we were supposed to go to dinner first," Jen said, "but I think you want to take this beautiful girl in there and fuck her right now as much as I want to watch you do it." There was a hunger in her eyes. I looked to Nicole and asked, "so, are you starving, or do you think you could hold off for a few hours?" She stood up, and offered a hand to me, and her other to Jen "dinner can wait," she said with a smile. We each took a hand and lead her to the bedroom, inside there were candles lit, casting a soft light over the entire room. The shades were drawn closed and a chair was positioned near the bed. Jen put the hand she was holding in my free hand and kissed me soundly, "have fun," she said with a mischevous grin before sitting down on the chair. I turned to Nicole and put my hands on her hips. I kissed her playfully as I walked her backwards toward the bed. Our lips barely parted as I lay her back and took a place next to her. Again we explored each other's bodies with eager fingers, and soon we were undressed and i was kissing my way down her lovely body, relishing the feel of her soft skin against my lips, my tongue flicking out and tasting her sweet flesh. I continued past her 'safety zone' then slowly ran my tongue up across her outer lips, teasing the soft pink bud of her clitoris. She gasped and thrust up against my mouth, moaning and writhing as I gently ministered to her warm, wet sex. "I need you inside me," she moaned. The desperation in her voice was palpable, and I would have been inclined to tease her, to make her wait for it, if I weren't about to burst from my own desire. As I raised my head I heard a soft moan from Jen, I looked over to see that she too was naked now, and watching us intently as she worked two fingers inside of herself. Rather than moving into the missionary position I turned Nicole on her left side and spooned in behind her, so that Jen would have an unimpeded view of her body. I lifted her right leg and draped it back over mine as I thrust my hips forward and guided my cock into her. She turned her head and we kissed as my fingers began massaging her clit. We quickly fell into a rhythm, she pushing her bum back into me as I thrust into her. Her eyelids fluttered and her head rocked back as a wave of pleasure crashed over her body. I glanced up toward Jen, she was fingering herself furiously and watching us with mix of lust and longing. "Look at her," I whispered in Nicole’s ear, "she wants to touch you so badly." Nicole pried her eyelids open and looked at Jen, their eyes met, and after a moment's hesitation she nodded to Jen before another moan escaped her lips and her eyes closed again. My hand was pushed away and I looked down to see Jen's mouth cover her pussy. Nicole cried out as Jen vigorously attacked her clit with her tongue, one hand squeezing her bum while the other kneaded her breasts. Nicole grabbed the back of Jen’s head and pressed her face into her. Jen’s tongue danced back and forth between her clit and the bottom of my cock as I continued to fuck her slowly. As much as I wanted to make the moment last forever I could feel the climax quickly growing within me. Jen had let go of her breasts and was again frigging herself madly. I felt Nicole tighten around me and I could no longer hold back the tide, and the three of us came together. Nicole was holding Jen's head with both hands now and she pulled her up to face her. Jen kissed and licked her way up Nicole’s body as she was gently pulled toward her waiting lips. Their eyes met again for a brief moment, Jen grinned at her and held back, I knew what she was doing. She was making Nicole come to her, not to tease her, though that was a delightful side effect, but to be sure. Nicole moved forward slowly, almost hesitantly, but unwaveringly. They were only inches apart, but it seemed like forever to me. Their eyes were still locked, and just before their lips met Nicole held a breath, the first kiss was gentle, the second, less so, then Nicole closed her eyes, exhaled, and gave herself over completely to the experience. She moaned into Jen’s mouth as she tasted herself, and me, on her lips and tongue. I watched the two new lovers explore one another’s bodies. I pulled away and let Nicole roll on to her back. Jen wasted no time and moved on top of Nicole, straddling her hips, grinding their pussies together as she wound her fingers into Nicole’s hair and probed her mouth with her tongue. Nicole’s hands worked frantically up and down Jen’s body, squeezing her ass and pulling her down firmly as another orgasm ripped through her. Jen buried her face in the pillow, muffling her scream as her own body was rocked with pleasure. She collapsed on top of Nicole and reached out blindly for my hand as she caught her breath. I took her hand and squeezed, working my thumb into her palm and massaging small circles that I knew would send tingles throughout her body. Nicole brushed Jen’s hair aside and began kissing her shoulder, neck and ear, tracing her fingertips over Jen’s back and bottom. No longer content to simply watch, I let go of Jen’s hand and reached across her body, rolling her toward me, placing her on her back between Nicole and I. She stretched, and smiled, and I put my hand on her belly below her navel and pressed down on the tightening muscles just beneath the skin. She gasped and clamped a hand down on my wrist as her body bent in half at the waist. “No no no, not yet,” she pleaded breathlessly, “I need a minute.” I grinned at her and pulled my hand away, then covered her mouth with mine. As we kissed I gently ran a hand up and down her body, tickling and poking playfully as I went. I pulled back to breathe and looked over to see Nicole watching us, she looked like she wanted to join but wasn’t sure of her place. I kissed Jen again quickly, stuck my tongue out at her for a moment, then leaned across her, brushing my fingers across the side of her face, caressing her dimple with my thumb, and drawing her close for a kiss. I slid my hand down the side of her head, across her shoulder, and down her arm until I reached her hand. I gave it a reassuring squeeze and guided it to Jen’s body, and down to her wet sex. My hand on top of hers I used Nicole’s middle finger to part Jen’s swollen outer lips, then slowly worked our middle fingers inside. I set an easy pace, thrusting our fingers just a little deeper with each repetition, until Nicole’s finger would reach no further. She added her index finger to the effort and began to pick up the pace. As I removed my hand and let her take complete control, she leaned down and began kissing and licking Jen’s left nipple. I bent down and began attending to the right and Jen placed a hand on the back of each of our heads, holding us against her chest. I felt her kiss the top of my head, and heard her do the same to Nicole. She was tracing small circles in my hair, and I could picture her winding Nicole’s long hair around her fingers. Jen cried out in pleasure, I glanced down to see Nicole, encouraged by Jen’s response, pick up her pace even more, grinding the heel of her hand against Jen’s exposed clit with each downward motion. I pressed my fingers back down against her sensitive abdomen, beneath her navel, adding to the stimulus, and in moments Jen was overcome. I felt her grip tighten as she pulled my head firmly against her body. She thrust her hips upward, but I slowly pushed her back down to the bed. She let us go and pushed our hands away, shuddering as little aftershocks coursed through her body. I looked at Nicole and smiled, she was watching Jen’s face in awe and satisfaction. At the moment Jen was lost to us. Her eyes closed, hands pressing down against her stomach, head pressed back into the pillow as her body was rocked with pleasure over and over again. I knew it would be a few minutes before she would be ready to play with either of us again. I leaned across her to Nicole and stroked the side of her face with the back of my fingers. She started, as though for a moment she forgot I was there. I winked at her when her eyes me mine, and motioned for her to come to me. She nodded, and grinned, and stood up, walking around to my side of the bed. When I rolled over to face her she pushed me down on my back and lay down, draping her body across my right side. She rested her head against my chest for a moment before tilting her face up toward mine. We shared a few furtive kisses, her tongue darting out to tease my lips. I tried to lean forward but she pushed me back and began to kiss her way down my neck, across my chest, teasing my nipples with licks and little nibbles before working her way down my stomach, to my once again hard member. I closed my eyes as I felt her take me in her mouth, just a little at first, then all the way. There was a chill as I was once again exposed to the air, and a second later I felt two tongues, and two sets of lips upon me. I opened my eyes to see them both kissing and licking their way up and down my cock, pausing at the tip to share a salty kiss. I twitched and inhaled sharply and was afraid I was going to cum right then and there. They noticed my reaction and smiled at one another. After one more long, smoldering kiss, Nicole again took me in her mouth completely, and Jen began to lick the sensitive skin beneath my scrotum. They continued that way for several minutes, then switched positions. I closed my eyes and lay my head back, the scene was so erotic I knew if I continued to watch I wouldn’t have a chance of making it last more than another couple minutes. I gripped the sheets beneath me and clenched my teeth, I know they switched off several times during the course of their ministration, and in the end I don’t know who was doing what when I could finally no longer hold back. I squeezed my eyes shut as my dick throbbed with each shot of cum. I felt the mouth swallow each time, and a moment later I was exposed to the air again, I looked down to see Jen and Nicole locked in a passionate kiss. I lay back, spent, and watched in fascination as, without breaking their kiss they stood up on their knees, each feeling her way to the other’s damp, bare mound. They began fondling one another, but quickly abandoned light touches and starting frigging one another furiously. Jen climaxed first, but Nicole was only seconds behind. Hey fell against one another, arms wrapped around each other’s naked body, gasping for air. Then they shares another lingering kiss before laying down on either side of me, Jen on my left, our new lover on my right. Arms and legs were draped over me from either side, heads rested on my chest. I kissed each of them atop the head, put my arms around them and closed my eyes. Soon the three of us were breathing as one, and sleep took us.
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