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July 20th

Harry’s plans for the Dursleys continued unimpeded.  Fred and George apparated over to America and found plenty of motor home information and were due back soon.  Tonks spent her time with Harry teaching him Auror techniques and combat skills, after first enlarging his room and transforming it into a workout gym.  They were hard at it when a tabby cat with thin spectacle markings appeared on Privet Drive, hopped over the fence, up the front tree, then with a leap landed on the window sill, where it watched as the two dueled.  Tonks was an even match for Harry, but the cat distracted her enough for Harry to slip in a body-binding jinx. Tonks fell forward onto the mat.  Harry noticed the cat on the window sill and promptly released the jinx on Tonks as the cat changed form into Professor McGonagall.

“Ouch,” groaned Tonks.  “I wish I hadn’t landed face-first on that!”

“Good afternoon, Nymphadora, Potter,” said McGonagall.  “I take it that the training is going well?”

“Well, Professor, it is so far.  Tonks has helped set me straight on a few things,” replied Harry.

“Good.  Nymphadora, I relieve you on the inside guard.  Harry, the next three days I will be teaching you advanced Transfiguration techniques, and if you show enough progress, beginning work on becoming an Animagus,” said McGonagall.

“Professor, am I correct in that this ‘inside guard’ is also designed to teach me while I’m here?  If so, then let’s get busy!” exclaimed Harry.

“Minerva, I will take my leave,” said Tonks, coming over and giving Harry a hug.  “Good luck, Harry!”  She disapparated with a “pop.”  Harry looked at his head of House expectantly.  She waved her wand and the room resumed its normal size and shape, becoming once again the littlest bedroom.

“Before we begin, Harry, we need to talk about your seventh year.  I’m afraid to say that the Governors have decided that the school will not open this year.  They are, I am afraid, dumbstruck with fear over the return of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named combined with the murder of the Headmaster within the school itself.”  Harry looked disappointed, but she pressed on.  “However, the professors and the Order have conferred and decided that a select group of students will in fact be returning to Hogwarts for specialized instruction and training.  I am referring to yourself, Miss Granger, and Mr. and Miss Weasley.  This instruction will be NEWT level and far beyond.  We want you four to be completely prepared for what we hope will be your final confrontation with You-Know-Who.”

“I’m glad for that, Professor.  I’ve had to come to grips with a lot lately, and focusing on that is what Dumbledore would have wanted,” replied Harry.  His voice held a steel edge to it, and his green eyes held determination.  “I will beat Voldemort.  I made a huge mistake recently, Professor.  I thought I had to do it alone every step of the way.  It was overwhelming to think of that way, and I was wrong, big-time.  I was shoving away the people I needed to stand with me, to help me, and to prepare me, and that was the biggest screw-up I could make.  Yes, the final battle is mine, but only that.  I want and need the help, and I’m thankful to get it.”

Minerva McGonagall looked at Harry closely, and in front of her she saw something new, something different, something mature.  Inside this teen was a man trying to emerge, wanting the challenge, not for the adventure, but because he knew what he had to do, and had finally accepted that the burden was not his alone.  This was not the innocent sleeping baby she had helped Albus leave on this doorstep fifteen years ago, and this was not the wide-eyed boy that put on the Sorting Hat six years ago, either.  He had come a long way, with more than that to go, but he was finally emotionally ready for it.  Her gaze softened and she actually smiled.

“Harry, you have no idea how different that sounds from even a few days ago.  I’m proud to teach you, and I can assure you we will all do our best for you.”

Just then Fawkes arrived with a flaming bang, three parchments in his talons.  He dropped two of them in Harry’s lap, the third in McGonagall’s lap, and then landed on Harry’s shoulder.

Harry looked at the two parchments.  One was from the Ministry, and the other was from Remus.  He decided to open Remus’s first.


They’ve found Dumbledore’s will and they want you to meet at Gringotts to go over it with you.  The bad news is that Voldemort is mentioned as well, and he is to meet at the same time.  However, the Goblins will not permit any shenanigans, and Gringotts is considered neutral ground.

How do you think we should work this?  The Goblins are willing to provide Portkeys into the bank and out again.  I’m more worried about you and Voldemort coming face to face.


P.S. A certain red-haired girl sends her love.

Now he opened the Ministry’s letter.  An old movie ticket fell out.

Mr. Potter,

Your presence is requested at Gringotts on August 1, at 10AM for the reading and disposition of the will of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.  Due to unusual circumstances, Gringotts will provide transportation with the enclosed Portkey that will activate at 9:45AM on August 1.


Gringotts Wizarding Bank

He noticed McGonagall reading her letter; it was probably the same thing.  He picked up the movie ticket, and saw her Portkey was an Italian menu.  She dabbed away a small tear.

“It’s okay; I miss him too,” he whispered.  She turned and smiled at him.

“We all do, Harry, we all do.”

“Professor, with this news, and the fact that Voldemort is going to be there, I think we need to alter my schedule.  I’d like to have Remus teach me as much Occulmency as possible between now and then, just to be sure.  I don’t want Riddle breaking into my mind,” Harry said.  Left unsaid was the beginnings of a plan that was slowly and nebulously forming in his head.  Yes, we don’t want him seeing that!

“I think you’re right, Harry.  I’ll talk to Remus.  But for today, we continue as planned.”

They spent the rest of the day working on transfiguring Harry’s pillows into geese and back again, first with the words and then wordlessly.  They were interrupted twice, once by Charlie delivering lunch, and in early afternoon, by the coin in Harry’s pocket.  Harry pulled it out and saw Ron’s face.

“Harry, Hermione is back and her parents are out of circulation now and safe.  She sends her love and wants to know how things are.”

“Ron, I can’t talk right now.  I’m in the middle of Transfiguration lessons with Professor McGonagall.  Tell Hermione I’m doing fine and I’ll talk later,” Harry replied.  Ron’s face disappeared and Harry put the coin back in his pocket.  McGonagall raised an eyebrow.

“Effective means of communication, Harry, especially since the normal means are being watched,” she said.

“It was Hermione’s idea, and it seems to work well since only the three of us have them.  I’m not sure on the range, though.  I tried calling her when she was out of the country and she never responded.”

“In any case, let’s get back to it, shall we?”

The hours passed with Harry making much progress, and only one more interruption as Professor Flitwick arrived from Hogwarts with dinner for three.  By nightfall, he was tired but exhilarated to have done so well.  McGonagall was impressed as well.  “Harry, tomorrow we shall begin the Animagus training.  I will need to get some supplies in the morning, but for now we shall rest.  Filius, can you relieve me for that in the morning?”

“Certainly, Minerva.  I shall be here at 8:30,” squeaked the tiny Charms professor.  He disapparated with a “pop.”

“Well, then, it’s bedtime, I think.” McGonagall stifled a yawn.

“Er, Professor, where will you sleep? Tonks transfigured the chair into a couch.”

“Not to worry, Harry,” she smiled.  She waved her wand and conjured up a cat bed on top of Harry’s trunk, then simply transformed into her cat form and curled up to sleep.  Harry got into his own bed and was asleep almost instantly, dreaming of long red hair, brown eyes, and a lot of snogging.

At the same time at the Burrow, the object of those dreams was having her own, dreaming of black messy hair, bright green eyes, and a lot of snogging.

Neither of them noticed the soft white glow surrounding each of them. It lingered until morning and disappeared.

* * *

July 21st

The next morning, Harry awoke to find McGonagall still asleep in her cat bed.  Harry quickly got up and grabbed a quick shower.  He came back in to find McGonagall waking up and transforming back into human form.  The clock showed 8:25. At 8:30 sharp a small “pop” announced the arrival of Flitwick, complete with breakfast.  The three ate quickly, but the food was typical Hogwarts fare, meaning plenty for everyone and all of it delicious.  Afterwards, McGonagall left for Hogwarts via Fawkes, who was rapidly becoming more of a taxicab than a phoenix, to round up what they needed for the Animagus training.  That left Harry with Flitwick, and Harry was ready with his request.

“Professor, can we strengthen the wards here and around the Burrow and Grimmauld Place?  I’m not certain if Professor Dumbeldore’s death caused any to fail, and I’d like to be sure.  I’d also like for you to teach me how to do them.  There’s one other complex charm I want to discuss with you also,” asked Harry.  With a bang Fawkes returned.

“Certainly, Mr. Potter, I’d be delighted.”  For the next two hours Flitwick went over the charms and they practiced how to do them, and by the end of the second hour he had mastered them silently, to Flitwick’s pleasant surprise.  Harry also explained the special charm he wanted to try, and after some surprise from Flitwick, they figured it out and mastered it.  They quickly apparated to Grimmauld Place via Fawkes and Flitwick supervised Harry’s efforts and found he needed little help at all.  They then moved to the Burrow and repeated the exercise.  He thought he saw Ginny at a window, but they were done and had to get back to Privet Drive.  Fawkes took them back to the Dursleys, and then Fawkes immediately left to fetch McGonagall.  They returned promptly and Fawkes returned Flitwick to Hogwarts, but not before he told McGonagall what they did and that Harry had mastered the charms silently and quickly.  McGonagall smiled at her charge and congratulated him on his success.

McGonagall pulled a potion out of her bag and handed it to Harry, then pulled out a huge dusty old book, Animagi and the People They Love to Be.  “Now, Harry, the way this works is that you drink the potion and then say the spell with your wand, and your Animagus form should appear.  The book tells you how to change into your form.  I’ll be right here if anything goes wrong, but it shouldn’t.”

Nervously, Harry uncorked the potion and downed the potion.  It reminded him of Muggle Pepto-Bismol, except that it was pale green instead of pale pink.  He then waved his wand and said, “Animagi Revellus” and what happened next surprised both of them.  From his wand jumped a lion, a greyhound, and most surprisingly, a phoenix.  “Professor, does this mean I can be any of them?” Harry asked incredulously.

“Yes, I think so, but to say it is unusual would be an understatement.  I don’t even think Albus could do this!” she replied in astonishment.  Harry suddenly thought of something.

“Professor, can I try something a little, well, odd?”  She nodded.  Harry raised his wand and thought of snogging Ginny. “Animagi Patronus!” Out from his wand erupted the same animals, except in Patronus form.  The phoenix Patronus flew over to Fawkes and they regarded each other curiously, as if they were in conversation.  Suddenly they both began singing in perfect harmony, and both Harry and McGonagall felt themselves levitate about a foot off the floor.  The song faded and they landed softly.  McGonagall looked a little flushed, but amazed.  The Patronuses disappeared with a soft “pop” and Harry stood there grinning.

“Harry, that was incredible!  I think you are ready to try to transform.  Try the lion first,” she instructed.  Before she even finished the sentence, there was a small “pop” and before her stood a magnificent golden lion, but with thin black circles around the green eyes and a lightning bolt-shaped white streak in the black mane.  Harry looked himself over, then a moment later he became a black and red greyhound, with white circles around the green eyes and a single white spot on the black head, again in the lightning bolt shape.  McGonagall silently decided to not become a cat when he was in that form.  Then with a flash of fire he became a bright blue and gold phoenix, again with the green eyes, but with red circles around them, and the lightning bolt in white.  He looked at Fawkes and discovered he could talk to him this way.  He transformed back into human form and looked at McGonagall, who was amazed.

“Harry, in my thirty years of teaching I have never seen that before.  Nobody I’ve taught has ever mastered Animagi that quickly!  I think you have moved beyond what I can teach you, already!” she exclaimed, with a huge smile and the pride clearly evident in her voice.

A moment later Fred arrived with a “pop”.

“Harry, everything is all set over in the States.  All that is left is this end,” Fred reported.

McGonagall looked at them with a raised eyebrow but said nothing.

Harry replied, “Thanks, Fred.  See me later and we’ll get this end set up.”  Fred disapparated and Harry turned to McGonagall.  “Nothing to worry about, just a side project.”  She could tell he was hiding something but didn’t press the issue.

Later that night McGonagall left and Fred returned to do his inside shift.  Harry went and got Petunia.  “Harry, we’ve got a 40-foot Winnebago fully stocked and loaded in New York ready to go, driver included.  We were able to get an American wizard to do it. Since there’d be that much magic driving around they needed to know, and besides, they want to help since it’s you and all.  Plus, having a wizard driver is safer, and it provides a built-in way to contact you here if there is a problem.  The rest of the money is in a bank account with a debit card the safe in the Winnie, and I have the Dursleys’ plane tickets here, first class Heathrow to JFK.  Here’s the safe combination.  All that’s left is to do our act here and they’re off.”  Harry turned to Petunia and handed her the combination.

“Now remember, you need to keep a straight face on this.  We’re going to have Tonks become the attractive prize awarder and give you the tickets.  George will be the phony cameraman, and after you win your ‘prize’, you go pack and get to your flight as if you’re going on vacation, which you are anyway.  Fred will meet you in New York and get you to the Winnie, and give you the keys, and then you’re off.  We do this in two days’ time.”  Petunia nodded.

Two days later it went off without a hitch.  Tonks played it up a little too much, even kissing Dudley on the cheek (“I don’t ever want to do that again!”) and by the next lunchtime the Dursleys were in America, in a Winnebago, seeing the country, and out of Voldemort’s grasp.

Time to get Serious. Harry thought.

* * *

Ginny looked out the window and saw two figures, one tall and one short.  Frowning, she reached for her Quidditch binoculars, and scanned out.  She recognized Flitwick and then realized that the other was Harry! Her heart leapt, and she bolted down the stairs.  By the time she reached the door, they were gone.  Dejected, she returned to her room and fell asleep, to a bizarre dream.  First she was a lioness, then a red Saluki, then a phoenix.  She saw and heard Fawkes singing.  She was paired with a lion, a greyhound, and another phoenix, but they all had the same trait: green eyes.  Harry’s eyes.  She awoke with a start, and then let out a sneeze.  Where did all this fur come from?

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