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July 30th

Harry stepped out of a fireplace at the Ministry of Magic.  Today he was on business and covert movement was neither necessary nor desired.  He checked in at the main desk, drawing some raised eyebrows, and then made his way to the Apparation Testing Office.  He set up the appointment for his test for August first at 9AM.  Then he headed for the Minister's Office.  He walked in and went straight to Fudge's inner office without so much of a look at the secretary or Percy Weasley.  Cornelius Fudge looked up from his paperwork with surprise and irritation as Harry closed the door and locked it and silenced it behind him.

"Fudge, it is time to talk." Harry sat down.

"What do you want?  I'm a busy man, and I'm Minister of Magic.  You just can't just walk in like this!" blustered Fudge.

"Well, I just did.  Now, are you going to be an insolent prat, or are you going to shut up and listen for once?  Here's what is going on, Fudge, so pay attention!"  Power radiated from Harry, and Fudge shrunk back from him.  "Voldemort and I meet in two days at Gringotts because of Dumbledore's will.  He is to be unharmed that day, but if any Death Eaters attack, they will be open game.  After that, I will be hunting him and them down, Ministry be damned.  Here is my hunting license." He pulled out a vial filled with silvery liquid.  "Go ahead, take a look."  Fudge reluctantly took the vial and emptied it into the Pensieve behind his desk next to the window.  He looked at the Pensieve and then turned back, a defeated man.

"All right, Potter, you win.  The Ministry will not interfere with your work.  I don't like blackmail, though."

"Then you should have never been caught, Fudge.  Remember this, also.  Your job in this is simple.  I work behind the scenes, and the Ministry gets the credit and stays out of my way.  The same is true for those working with me.  Voldemort is mine and mine alone.  You blow that, and I blow the lid on your situation, and you get a cell in Azkaban.  Once this is over, pardons will be issued for certain people, and life will get back to the peace and quiet we all want.  Oh, and one more thing.  Leave the non-humans alone."

"I understand," Fudge replied meekly.

"Make sure you do.  I have eyes and ears everywhere."  Harry rose, and then waved his wand to open the door.  Percy fell forward into the room, obviously trying to eavesdrop, even though the silencing charm was there.  Harry heard the door hit something in the empty corner and immediately sent a silent stunner there.  There was a thud and a disillusionment charm faded, and Peter Pettigrew lay there unconscious before them.

"Well, Fudge, I think a pardon is order right now, for Sirius Black."  Shocked at not only there being an intruder but as to who it was, he nodded numbly.  Harry took Peter's wand and snapped it, then bound and gagged him.  Harry swept from the room, left the Ministry, and changed into his phoenix form, then disapparated with a crack to Grimmauld Place.

* * *

Harry apparated into Sirius's bedroom and changed back into human form.  "Sirius?" He looked towards the painting and Sirius stepped into it, smiling.

"Harry!"  Lupin walked in, wand raised, having heard a noise but not being sure what it was.  He lowered his wand at the sight of Harry.

"Relax, Remus.  It's fine.  All right, Harry?" asked Sirius.

"Doing well, Padfoot.  And so should you.  You're getting a pardon today.  I nailed Wormtail in the Minister's office as I laid it on the line for him.  Faced with the undeniable evidence that Peter was alive, he's issuing the pardon." Harry's face fell.  "I just wish that had happened two years ago."

"Well, better late than never, I suppose." Sirius grinned.  "How goes the plans?"

"We're finalizing them up, and starting to organize the forces.  We move into position while Voldemort is busy at Gringotts, and then the trap is sprung the day after.  Ron is an excellent strategist, and it's even easier when we know what's coming." Harry smiled.

"You should get down to the War Room, Harry."  Sirius replied.

"Yeah, I should.  Coming, Moony?" Harry asked.

"In a minute, I need to ask Padfoot something."  Harry left, and Remus turned to Sirius.

"Does he know what's coming tomorrow?" whispered Sirius.

"He hasn't a clue!  I'll make sure I move you down there later.  Oh, that reminds me, he has that letter from Ginny to read tonight.  Hopefully he'll remember," replied Lupin.

"Oh, trust me, he will," said Ginny from the doorway.  "Remus, Tonks is looking for you."

"On my way."  Sirius looked at Ginny and grinned.

* * *

The drawing room of the Burrow had been converted into a War Room.  Maps of England, lists of forces, enemies, and allies were on the walls.  The Floo was active but untraceable, as were Portkeys that were seeing a lot of use.

In the middle of it sat a lone teenager, eyes glazed in thought, hand running through his flaming red hair, looking over the plans he had developed.

This is just like chess, but more intense since it's with real people!  Ron thought to himself.  Actually it's more like Stratego, but we have the advantage since we know what the other side is up to!  Harry had introduced him to the Muggle game last month and Ron immediately took to it.  Harry walked into the room.

"How we doing, Ron?"

Ron looked up.  "I've checked it six ways to Sunday, and I don't see any flaws.  We've even got the D.A. in reserve to move where needed.  You think Voldemort will be there in person?"

"He won't.  This is his message attack, not intended for me, but for everyone else.  He'll stay home, and let his minions do his dirty work." Harry grinned.  "He has no idea what's about to come down on him."

"Well, he never should have attacked my sister.  That made it personal for me," Ron responded firmly.

"That reminds me, I have a note from her that I need to open at 11PM tonight, and I need to pack to leave Privet Drive," thought Harry.  "I'll check in on the training with Tonks and Kingsley, and then get that done.  I'll be back at midnight.  After my Gringotts meeting tomorrow I'll be heading out to Azkaban.  Have Fred and George started training that group on our little surprise?"

"Yes, and it works perfectly.  Who would have thought of transferrable, portable Patronuses?  Bloody brilliant, Harry!" Ron grinned, then turned serious.  "Be safe, Harry."

Harry walked out of the room and ducked through the Floo to Hogwarts, where the training was going in full force, under the supervision of the professors, Tonks, and Kingsley.  He took a look at the work and was impressed at the results just a few short days had made.  In a normal battle this would not be enough, but when we can see what cards the other player is holding, then a battle becomes a trap, then the odds change significantly.  Satisfied, he retrieved Fawkes and they apparated to Privet Drive.

Harry apparated with a crack into his room, and looked outside.  Several hooded figures were looking at the house, but they advanced no further.  One turned slightly to another and Harry saw the light reflect metallic off the mask on the face.  Death Eaters, Harry smiled.  Tom didn't get the message.  Two of them moved around to the back yard.  Harry quietly made his preparations and packed his things.  Then he waited.

* * *

At Grimmauld Place Ginny was still in hiding in Buckbeak's room, as was agreed until tomorrow, when she would move to the Burrow for the party.  Hermione came to check on her and bring her dinner.

"You doing OK?" she asked.

Ginny sighed.  "I hate the waiting and I'm nervous.  He opens that letter in two hours.  I know he's mine, but still..." Hermione gave her a hug.

"Relax, girl!  Just think of the look on his face tomorrow!"

Ginny grinned, and the nerves lessened.  She dug into her meal, knowing she would need her energy soon.  When she finished, Hermione took out the tray and Ginny resumed her vigil.

* * *

Harry looked out his window.  It's time.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his coin.  "Ron?"

Immediately Ron's face appeared.  "What is it, Harry?"

"Five Death Eaters camped out in front, and two more in the back.  I'm fine in here at the moment, but some backup in about five minutes would be useful," Harry stated.

"What's your plan?" Ron asked.

"Simple.  I take out the back two first, then between me and the cavalry, we get the five in front."  Harry smiled.

"Sounds good enough.  I'm sending Bill, Charlie, and Flitwick.  Five minutes.  Go to it." Ron's face disappeared.

Harry moved to the back window, where he could see the two Death Eaters watching the back of the house.  Must be Amateur Hour tonight, he thought.  They forgot to cover their own backs.  Nice and quiet, Harry.  He waved his wand and silently did a Revealing Charm.  No cover on the rear.  Good.  He then did the same in front, and found they had two more hidden across the street in the hedge.  Better do them second, change in plans. He disillusioned himself and then changed into his phoenix form.  He flew out the window and landed behind the two watching the back.  Two quick silent stunners later they were out cold and bound and gagged, wands snapped, and left there.  Quickly he took to air and landed behind the rear guard in front, and repeated the exercise.  He had just finished the gags when the pops of the Order members marked his five minutes being up.  Quickly he snapped the wands in his talons.  Bill, Charlie, and Flitwick were to his left and ahead of him, starting the three-on-five melee, with the Death Eaters in front of him.  Harry started the crossfire, still in phoenix form, and took out two immediately before they could react.  The other three dove for cover and were well-protected.  Harry took off to his right, soaring up and around to the back, and dropped a Weasley's Wizard Wheezes Stun Bomb straight down on them.  It was over, barely a minute after it had started.  Harry landed behind a tree, changed into human form and re-illusioned himself, and began the ritual of binding and gagging and wand snapping.  He noted with satisfaction that this failed raid had bagged Crabbe, Goyle, and Macnair.  Bill, Charlie and Flitwick came up.

All that work on silent spells and spell work in my phoenix form is paying off.

"Two more in the backyard and two behind the hedge across the street.  I'm fine.  You?" was Harry's report.

"We're fine, Harry.  Let's get these jokers off to Azkaban," Bill replied.  Harry helped them stack the unconscious Death Eaters, then Bill and Charlie bundled them all together.  Flitwick changed a piece of junk mail into a Portkey, and the massive bundle was whisked to Azkaban.  The three of them disapparated back to Headquarters, and Harry went back inside.  He had one more thing to do, and he would do it in forty minutes.  In the meantime he waited.  Butterflies massed in his stomach, so he went downstairs to settle it down with a snack.  You have no problem taking on the followers of the most evil wizard in modern history, yet you get nervous over a letter from a girl.  That's pathetic, Potter!

Five minutes to eleven saw him just staring at the letter on his bed.  These five minutes were longer than any he had ever endured.  Fawkes apparated and sat on the desk.  Finally at eleven o'clock the letter began to glow with a white light and the seal snapped open.  This was it.  Harry unrolled it and began to read.

July 16th

Dear Harry,

I'm writing this on the train heading home after Dumbledore's funeral.  I know you feel totally devastated by what happened.  I also am slightly angry at you for breaking up with me.  I don't agree with it at all, mainly because you don't seem to understand it at all.  But I forgive you anyway.  Honestly, you boys can be so thick sometimes!

Harry, being a Weasley in this war means that I'm a blood-traitor, and that means by choosing the light side I'm as much at risk as anybody.  I made that choice, and I'm proud to do so.  Being with you or apart from you doesn't change that choice or the risk, and it doesn't change the fact that I love you and I'm here for you.  I've known that for years, and it came into focus first year that you would die for me.  Bloody Hell, you almost did, remember?  You being willing to die for me was what saved me that day in the Chamber.  That's love, Harry, in its rawest form.  I know you still love me, even if you can be so thick as to not see what's right in front of you.  I hope the kiss I give you after I hand you this will prove that point clearly enough.

There's more, though.

Hermione told me about the prophecy.  Before you get mad at her, don't.  She was talking to Ron about it and she let it slip by accident.  I heard and cornered her on it, and she told it to me under threat of Bat-Bogey.  But I think it means something different than what Dumbledore said.

"Neither shall live while the other survives" doesn't mean either you or Voldemort.  It means you and me.  Away from you, I feel like I'm only surviving, and I've seen how miserable you were as well.  When we were together, we were both so happy, so ALIVE!  It means that we need to be together, Harry, that we are meant to be together, and the Boy-Who-Lived has to live so he can win, and that only means with me.  I'm sure of this in my heart, Harry.  Somewhere along the line you won me, heart and soul.  Please claim me.  I want you, I need you, and I love you, Harry.

Yours now and forever,


Harry finished the letter, openly sobbing.  He collapsed onto the bed, buried his head in his arms and wept for joy.  He didn't notice the white glow from the letter now was enveloping him.  Fawkes trilled a soft note, and the glow intensified.  Fawkes kept singing, the glow building, to the point of being a small sun in the room.  Then it subsided, flowing into Harry.  He raised his head, not even noticing.

I have what I need now.  I have the power Voldemort knows not.  I have Ginny's love.

He looked at the clock.  It read 11:59 PM.  He nodded to Fawkes, who came over.

I'm coming, Ginny. Right now!

The clock struck midnight.  The wards fell.  Harry and Fawkes disapparated with a crack.

Seconds later, dozens of Death Eaters arrived only to find an empty house.

Harry arrived at Grimmauld Place in his room.  He sat down, wrote out a new note on parchment, sealed it, and then went to sleep, not knowing that his love was two floors above him.


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