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The First for Fubar

Hello, Fubarians out there. I am Reverend Bakie, or if you want to call me by my real name, __________, that is fine, but if you want to just call me Bakie that's fine too. I signed up on Fubar is because I wanted to expand my audience even more, since I have profiles in MySpace and in Facebook. I did have one in MyYearbook, but absolutely no one on there viewed any of my blogs, so I abandoned it. I am going to first start off putting some of the classics on here, and then go on and put up my most recent typed blogs. This should give you a taste of how my writing is, and I hope you all will them. Comment if you like, or just simply read them, it doesn't matter. However, some of the material I may put up here may offend some people, if it does I am sorry, but it just shows that I speak my mind and if you disagree with any of it, then simply don't read my blogs. But I hope all of you will enjoy and I am going to kick things off with some of the classics! Stay tuned!

Hello Fubarians.  I haven't typed a blog on here for quite some time, so I thought it was time for a new one and for some updates on me.  As some of you have seen on my status, today is the day I have announced my retirement from MySpace after four years of being on that site.  I decided that it was time to move on, considering that I barely ever go on it anymore other than post blogs.  But, somehow my real name is still tied onto MySpace, even after taking it off of the website.  I wanted to break the tie with my real name and my blogs to prevent any problems people may have with my subjects, which it did happen to me before in the past.  Well, I don't really care what most people think about what I say in my blogs, but it was concerning people that had power over my job that had issues on my blogs.  So, being that I am going into the Army, I don't need to get in trouble with the military for what I have to say.  Which is where Twitter and Blogger come in, I made those accounts with a different alias.  My screen name will remain the same, but I put down a different name when they ask me for my real name.  It is Peter McNally, there's a long story on how I came up with that name, so I won't be explaining it right now.  In fact, he is the narrator in my upcoming new short story I am in the process of typing, which I have got a name for it now, I'm going to call it Nerd Night is Here!, a black comedy about a group of gamers.  After putting together some good notes, I have began typing up the story and I'm hoping to get done before I get shipped out to Basic, which is Nov. 4.  I am looking forward to a new beginning in the Twitter and Blogger realm, and expand my following even more! 

Hello again.  I thought I would do a blog for new people that just got started.  I wanted to do something like this because for the past year that I have been on this site, I have seen too many good people leave due to idiots, stupid drama, and just having rude people chase them away.  So I decided to do here is to give them tips and advice for new people signing up to Fubar, so they don’t end of like the other casualties from this place.  I’ll try to be as thorough and practical as possible on some of the subjects at hand:

1.  Don’t get too carried away on VIP’s, Blasts, Tickers, or anything else on here that costs money. 

To be honest, having a VIP is not going to gain you anymore friends, or make you an better on here at Fubar if you don’t have a VIP.  There are really no special privileges you gain with a VIP, except for more space for photos, and your picture may be displayed more often on top of the screen.  Although getting a VIP, a Blast or a Ticker may help boost ones confidence, it does not give you higher status on Fubar.   Other than that, there’s isn’t really anything more with having a VIP.  Also, when I say friends, I mean ones that you actually talk to once in a while, not someone you just add on your friend’s list and never see them again.  Most of the people that tend to do that are the ones that take the site too seriously, making it out like it’s high school all over again by gaining ranks spots and being legends supposedly, when in truth it’s no real biggie.  In fact, they have more problems with drama and stupid people than the common folk that remain distant to all that is costly.  I always believe, the less people you have on your friend’s list, the less chance you have to get pointless drama around you and your page. 

2.  Downrating people is bad, but don’t get too upset over someone doing it to you. 

People on here will disagree with it, but there is no rule have you should rate a ten or not all.  You can people one’s if you so desire, but you’re going to have thousands of angry Fubarians bitch, yell, and cuss at you while they rate everything you have a one.  But, once in a great while, someone will rate you less than a ten.  Now, don’t get too mad about it, because this is merely a social website, just like a MySpace or a Facebook, only with rates and people that have popularity issues.  What I do is simply rate them the same as they did to you, that’s all.  Because there is one thing people tend to miss while you’re on Fubar; any rates, from one to ten, gets the same amount of points.  Usually if there’s a profile I don’t like, I just don’t rate them at all, because if you think about it, they still get points if you rate them a one.  Just looking at the page doesn’t give them anything.  Now, there’s an extremist group on here called the Tru-Raters that are trying to push the idea of rating someone what they should be, not just give them a ten.  Although I do respect their argument, I could not stand beside them and rate people what they should be because it’s really sort of rude.  Also, they rate people by the way they look, and not by their personality, which I do not like at all. 

3.  If you’re a guy, and you’re just here to look at naughty pics, you’re not going to go very far on Fubar.

I’m just being honest on this one.  I mean, there are some women on here that will let you look that their NSFW pics, which mean Not Safe For Work if you were wondering, but most of the ladies here that do NSFW pics would like to talk the guys looking at them.  In fact, most of the women that do show NSFW pics ask for things in return, like a VIP, a Blast, or a Bling Pack.  Now, this is not that bad, say if you want to give money to Fubar, not to the ladies that are showing you their clit or boobs.   This is why I don’t tend to agree with spending money on here to look at someone’s naughty folders.  The way I see it, it’s the woman’s choice if they want me to see them, not me.  Plus, I am not on Fubar to just look at naked women, I am on here to socialize with like minded people as myself, looking at ones NSFW pics to me is merely an optional perk if allowed to.  I mean seriously, if I do want to look a nudity that much, there are thousands of other places on the internet where I can see that besides Fubar, and also there are two porn shops in my area I can go to if I really want.  Also, there are women on here that are very against NSFW pics to the point if you ask them, they will block you in a second.  If you don’t believe me, try doing so with some with the women on my friends list, they’ll give you an ass chewing in the process.

4.  If you’re a woman, and you’re wanting to put up naughty pics on Fubar, watch who you let look at them. 

Even the guys who will buy you VIP’s, Blasts, or Bling Packs to look at whatever you put up can become a problem after a period of time.  I mean, once after a while of buying that stuff for you, they may start asking for more, like wanting to meet up or wanting to see you on cam and all that good stuff that comes with it, and some guys don’t care if you’re in a relationship or married.  Also, there are guys that will copy your pictures onto his computer and create a porn site of his own for other people that are not even on Fubar, so that is another thing you have to watch out, considering if the wrong people see it.  For instance, if you’re looking to get a really good job, and you wanted to have some fun on Fubar by putting up naked pictures of you, let a few guys see them and one happens to do what I said earlier, and all the places where you send your resumes to search the web looking for your page on social websites and happen to run into a naked picture of you.  It won’t be good for you, because wherever you’re applying to will disregard your resume due to bad character.  In fact, anyone that has a social profile must watch out what they put on their page, because employers will look on the web to see how you really are.  What I do is keep all mine on private to where only friends can see them, or the ones I do have for public view, not put down my real name on there.  All it is really is just being safe on the internet.   Also, putting up NSFW pics of you can create drama as well, for being if the guy that has acceptance to looking at them has a girlfriend or wife.

5.  Don’t get too uptight about people on here if they don’t talk to you right away.

Especially if it’s someone that always has a VIP with fifty thousand friends and millions of fans.  Chances are they have tons of messages from people that think if they talk to them, they will be just as cool as they are.  But you have to remember, Fubar is just a social website.  It is not like the rest of the world, it is not a popularity contest nor it is high school.  I cannot stress that to you anymore than that.  Also, there are people on here that actually do have lives outside the internet, and some may be offline for a week at a time.  I know, because I tend to go offline in long intervals, just to see the light of day and the nice blue sky.  Above all, just have fun on here, don’t take things too seriously, respect people on here, and you’ll do just fine.  Try to read people’s profiles first before adding them as a friend or even becoming a fan of theirs.  All in all, just use some common sense while on here.

If you want to learn more on the rules and regulations of the Fubar website, just search for the Fubar Bible.  The bouncers here can also help you out with any questions you have.  They are the ones who have the orangeish yellow screen names.

Cool, after a few days of preparing and going through countless photos in the internet, I have finally put together my Illinois folder.  Now, you may be asking, why are you posting a bunch of pictures of Illinois on Fubar?  The reason for it is this:  in a next few months I will be getting shipped out to Basic Training for the Army, and after it I will be stationed out of state, in Alabama to be exact.  So, I began to think about it, and realize that I am going to be living outside of Illinois for the first time in my life.  I mean, granted I travelled a lot when I was younger, but never moved out of the state.  As a result, I began to think about all the places I went to in the state of Illinois, and I thought I should make a folder of some sights around the state.  Also, the folder is for people that are on my friends and fans list that want to learn about where I live, how the area looks like and just get to know me a little more.  Plus, making this folder for me would give me something to look when I'm away from home.  So, I hope you all enjoy it, and I hope you learn something new as you look at the pictures. 

Hello, fellow Fu-Men and Fu-Women.  I haven't written a blog exlcusively for Fubar in quite some, and I thought I should do one for the record.  After posting a new blog for the first time in a couple months just a few weeks prior, I noticed that Fubar now that a nifty little font changer for the blogs, and I do have to say I'm loving it!  No more having to paste a code in the front of the blog no more!  Also, I can now use the same font I use for posting blogs on MySpace, which I am happy for as well.  Also, as some of you may not know, I have just joined the Army, so once I get my military email, I will have a little Army icon underneath my primary pic on my profile.  I am so for that, I feel now I am part of something special, instead of some useless bum I have been doing the past year.  But, for some of you may be wondering what my new profile pic is of, well let me tell you, it's a scene from a great Stanley Kubrick film called Full Metal Jacket.  I have actually been watching that movie quite a bit for the past few weeks now, just so I can try to stop myself laughing when the Drill Sergent is yelling at the recruits.  That is going to be the main problem for me, trying not to laugh when the Drill Instructor is yelling at people.  I must break that habit, or I'm going to be doing a lot of push ups the entire time I am in Basic.  But I should try to break that habit, being I don't get shipped out till Nov. 4.  So, I will leave on this note, for my main profile pic, I have a comment underneath it, I want to see if you can finish line.  Post your answer on the comments of the photo, please.    

Hello, hello!!! How have all of you been? Good, I hope. I have been sort of a hermit in the past couple months, considering around Christmas time is not a very good time for me. Anyway, since becoming Fu-King, I decided I needed a break from Fubar, being it was consuming my waking moment everyday it seemed. So, in order to break my Fubar habit, I decided to get a new habit, play computer games! Yes, I know I am pathetic, but I like computer games, they are very challenging, and they don’t make your wrist go numb after hours of playing them like when I would rate people’s pictures. But the rest was well worth it, and with all the blog topics I began to think of started to pile up, I thought it was time to do some typing. There has been some new changes on Fubar I have noticed since I became a Fu-King, first I noticed there is a new picture for the security check. It’s still annoying as hell, but I guess Fubar just wanted to make the check fancier. Also, you can be owned by someone, that can be scary at times, but it seems like good fun. At least the person I keep buying doesn’t seem to mind me owning her. Anyway, another big change since I have been on here was one of my family members here has left us. Her reason is understandable, she got tired of all the pointless drama that Fubar tends to generate. However, I do still talk to her and she is relieved to not being on the computer for hours on end, which is another reason why she deleted her account. I even thought about ending my time on Fubar as well, but I decided to remain on here due to the lovely people I have met here and still talk to. Also, I was thinking about trying to get a VIP finally, being that now the only way for me to level up is to obtain one, or get an Auto 11 bling, but I have decided not to do that at this time. I have no need to level up, and that was the reason on how I got so addicted to Fubar in the first place. But I still think about my friend that got off of Fubar, thinking about the drama that is on here. I mean, this website is suppose to be an adult website, and it’s pretty sad to see adults not acting like adults. It’s funny, being that this is such an “adult” website, I have blocked more people on here than I did on MySpace and Facebook combined. Boy, I can just feel the hypocrisy in the air tonight. However, if I do decide to get off of Fubar, I will let you all know, and if you wish to remain in contact, I do have a Yahoo Messenger, which I have began to use more, and a MySpace and Facebook if you have them. Other than that, it was time to get out of my cave and explore the outside. I haven’t really done much of anything for the past month and a half but stay at home, travel to the library once in a while for searching on the internet. But mostly I was hooked on computer games, I hate it when I get too catch up into them. I feel like I’m in my own little world when playing them, because most of the games I play for strategic and actually do take focus on in order to beat them. Although now I have broken that link off of me, I can now focus on more important issues at hand, like typing blogs and talking to people other than the few handful I have been talking to. I know there is one specific person that I do need to talk to, and I hope she hasn’t left me due to my reclusive ness, but that should be a test to how much people do like me. I see not too many people left the Secret Society, most of them I believe just Fubar completely. But I am back and will continue onto what one of my goals are on being here: to bring intelligence into Fubar.

Hello again. Now, if any of you do read my blogs, you may have remembered that I told you once I reached Insider, I was going to cut back on points and rates, instead just focus on only rating members of the Secret Society only for a while. Well, since becoming an Insider, I didn't realize that the amount of points to level was so small. I mean, I thought it would be over a million points to level to Fu-King from Insider. However, I saw the amount of points being only at 750,000, and realize I can level very quickly once more. Now, this does seem like I am addicted to the full extent of Fubar, on rating people for points and such, and then with the arrival of the Auto 11 Bling made the addiction become even harder to break. I originally wanted to lay back on the rates and points due to my start on a project of mine, which is writing a short story. I just started typing on it, but I need to make more notes on it. With all the information and detail that I want to put into, though, it may be more than a short story but as a book of itself. I told you the working title right now is called "Strays", I don't know if I will be keeping the title or not, but I'll see as the story progresses. Also, even though I will be laying back on rating, but I will not be laying back on typing blogs either as I am typing my story. I will too be publishing exerts of the story as it progresses to show all of you the work, and can give me comments on what you think about it. But, seeing how close I am to get leveled, I am going to be making a push to Fu-King. Then, I'll just lay back and just glide to Godfather. It's funny how far I am able to get on here at Fubar since joining five months ago. Now, some of you may be saying, "Well, there are people on here that have a higher level than you and have been on here less time than you." True, but those have been a VIP, had a few Blasts, and some even a Happy Hour and Auto 11 Bling. I had none of that yet, not one, and five months to get to the level I am at is quite an accomplishment for not having to buy anything to help me level. However, once I do get to Fu-King, I may definitely start looking into a VIP, because with the points from there on to level, it'll be quite hard and a long time to accomplish without any help. But I'll even be thinking about that, and I won't getting one anytime soon.

Hello again. I have been wondering about this for quite some time now. I notice that some people have folders of pics that they see only, not no one else, even family and friends. Now, I don't know about you, but personally if I had pictures that I didn't want people to see, I wouldn't keep them online. To me, having pics for no one else to see is like putting up a huge sign to hackers saying, "Come hack into my profile and see my pictures." I mean, being the mentality of some people, that is just having them wanting to break into your page. Now, I know that security here on Fubar is pretty good, however, I think about those pics they don't want anyone else to see are actually being seen by somebody. Oh yes, not many people realize that these profile websites are monitored my the police, I know MySpace and Facebook are and I would assume Fubar is as well. So, technically, those pics people have for their eyes only are still being seen by someone. The truth sucks, doesn't it? Anyway, I was just curious about it and not being nosey because I don't really care to see them. If their naked pics of somebody, good for them, there's porn sites all over the internet for my picking. Now, as I cleared that up, I do want to talk on some other things I would like to let you all know: I have edited all my old blogs, with the exception of some Fubar blogs, with the font and text color I have been using for the past month and a half. I wanted to that so if any of you are bad with close up vision due to the type being small, I made it a little more visible and comfortable for your eyes. So, if you want go check them out if you haven't read the older blogs before. Also, my popularity seems to be more than I thought because today I have been ranked at #64! That is crazy, being the highest day rank I received prior to this was only #464. Now, I broke the top 100 on day ranks here at Fubar, and again doing it without a VIP, Blast, Happy Hour, or even an Auto 11 bling. That is something of a feat there. Now, I wonder if I'll get to Legend without that stuff, I highly doubt it, but it would be nice. For someone that doesn't seem to care about their popularity, I sure do have good following, a following of awesome, smart, well cultured people. Maybe I am putting an impact on this site after all?

Just a couple weeks ago, I posted a MUMM on here at Fubar. Open to everyone, it was only talking about if I should go to this bar in my area. One of my friend's asked me a while back about going to it, and I told I would think about it. The bar is called Breakaway, a place that in my opinion seems to be closest to a nightclub in the Kankakee area, which is where I live. Now, considering I used to go to clubs regularly, I knew what the place was going to be; just another meat market for the whores of the area to hang out in to get picked up by the desperate men of the area that haven't gotten laid as long as I have. However, I am not desperate enough to go after someone like that, being I don't like getting STD's. But, after my friend invited me to the place, I would say two or even three people told me it was not a good place, and I wouldn't like it. Now, it was said in my MUMM, plain and simple, and the responses I got were horrific, at best. Now, there were a lot of comments I didn't even approve because of how of those people, and there were people that don't know how to read something completely. All in all, I thought they were stupid and I simply denied their comments. But, there were plenty of good comments and I approved them, which was good and was able to help me decide on what I want to do. Plus, there many contradictions and hypocrite people to shake a stick at, which for a moment was pretty amusing and then just got plain ugly. After the MUMM expired, I began to think if I should do another one in the future, considering how stupid some of those assholes can be. I may, or I may not, but if I do, it will be something that has a point to it, and not something just stupid just to get points. As for my decision on going to the bar, I'm thinking of going there once I have money to do so. I don't plan on staying too long, because I know how it may be. Also, it's in walking distance from where I live, so I can go for a little hike and not have to worry about getting a DUI! But then again, there are a lot of bars within walking distance from where I live, at least six as I am thinking of it now. But sadly, they all suck ass.

Work in Progress, Yay

Hello again, Fubar peeps, Sercret Society members, fans and such. Just yesterday, I have reached another notch up the ladder here at Fubar. Yep, I am officially now an Insider. As I was getting closer to reaching the next step to Oracle here on Fubar, I began to realize that I was neglecting the people that helped me get to where I am at now. Ever since Fubar released the Auto 11 bling, it seemed that I was nearly focusing on people that had that bling activated in their profile. I told myself that I should for a little bit focus on the members of my little collective I have created. So, for the majority of the time I am an Insider, I will be focusing on my family, friends, and fans of the Secret Society more than that of people with an Auto 11 bling. I know, an Auto 11 bling, since it release here on Fubar, it made it to where a person on here can points really quick, and level faster than ever before. I mean, it seemed as though I lost touch with the people here that truly help me get to a higher level, and expand my coverage on this website. So, it is time to start saying thank you to those people, give them the love and support they need. Also, my creativity is starting to set ablaze in my brain, and I must also focus on a new project of mine that I think is going to shake some ground. I am currently preparing on writing a new short story, or so far it's looking like one but once it gets done may become a novella. This will be the first short story I have done in almost three years now, and I due for another great adventure into writing. I have set up an outline, started to get into a good mindset, and taking notes to what I want to have in this story. The working title for the story is "Strays", and just a brief look at it the story is horror, but I want to make it more than just a horror story. I think what I want to do with this is combine all my influence with writing and add a little bit of horror to it to make something almost completely different and original. I don't know about that, but this a journey that will be taking my madness to a higher level, far more than Fubar can ever do! Anyways, as I am writing the story, I will be posting exerts of the story on here for all of you to check out. I can't wait when it's done. Also, I hope everyone of you are enjoying my little 80's craze on here, with all the music videos and new playlist I put up. It seems that it started when I discovered a music channel on cable that plays a bunch of retro music that I just couldn't get enough of. For all of you that's making you feel old, believe me I have been thinking that too considering I actually remember some of the music when it was new, I am sorry. But hey, there was a lot of really good 80's music, a ton more than what is being released today, pop or alternative.
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