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In The Name Of Religions



Dear Readers; The sad reality is that even during a waxing moon (positive) accident will happen and people will lose their lives. Many of you asked me to comment on this sad San Diego aeronautical accident and why it happened during a *good moon. First remember, on a physical level there are hundreds of unknown factors as to why the plane crashed. It seems to be a mechanical problem in this case but there are other inexplicable reasons (at list for the time being) involving the pilot's UCI and the accident itself. The same apply for the police force when someone decides to become a cop and turn out to become a bad cop or get killed on the line of duty because the soul inherited an afflicted UCI or born with a Dragon's Tail (karmic) in Scorpio (the police force). In so many of my newsletter I have literally begged the police force *elites to listen to me and my rare wisdom to save both precious lives and tax payers money but as expected nothing has never been done and I still accuse ALL of them of being IGNORANT and responsible for the death of many cops. The Cosmic Code RULES every single human endeavors including the police force and now do I have to take on the Army and the Navy? This is a total waste of time as my valuable work will only benefit the smart kids of the future when I will be 6ft under and by judging the response (or interest to pass on legitimate wisdom) I received so far this seems to be the sad reality.


www.cnn.com/2008/US/12/09/military.jet.crash/index.html?iref=mpstoryview#cnnSTCOther1 A grandmother, mother a young child and another person died when a military fighter jet crashed into a house in San Diego, California, on Monday, igniting a huge fireball, authorities said. The sad reality is that the Dragon once more was aiming for a child and the body of a fourth person -- a child -- has been found in a San Diego home that was destroyed this Monday when a Marine Corps fighter jet crashed into it. If a pilot to be was born with a Dragon's Tail (karmic) in Aquarius (aeronautics) more than any of his comrade students HE must be aware and OBEY his Dragon's Dates because during a waxing moon (positive) or a waning Moon (negative) the Dragon do not care and will destroy and KILL, Period! Of course to the logical rational soul born with an solid earthy UCI trying to relate to my *mystical findings will become impossible and would be classified as total NON sense followed by a loud laugh forcing out the serious amount of inner stupidity coming from the mouth of this moron, but who can blame those young souls? Only those wise souls who have invested in my Dragon Dates knows what I mean! www.drturi.com/resolution.php They are aware of the reality of my heeding affecting the *timing of everything we do. But can you ask any military or police official to do the same and realize the facts? After all I invested only 35 years of strenuous research into the Cosmic Code's impact on the human experience but what do they really know outside of a football or golf or Army/Navy games? I understand, wars were never won with God's approval, love, compromises, cosmic consciousness, spiritual education and above average intelligence… Yes, as always because someone reached a high position in the Army or the Navy (or any high, respected position) doe not make him/her brilliant because the only sound such a rational Army like soul is able to hear is its own or the loud blast of a canon attached to a tank I may add. Listening to the inner, deep, hidden music of the Cosmos (or God's lineage) requires a much more sophisticated, perceptive UCI like mine and those of a minority of advanced souls if I can make sense to you. Part may have been manufactured or put in place on this plane after the full moon too but imagine one second how incredibly LOW the casualty are considering the *normal amount of casualties in such airplane accident? ONLY 4 people dead, but what would have happened if a commercial plane hit this house (or a school/or a stadium full of people?) This is what it is sad enough and this horrific accident would have been much worse after a full moon with HUNDREDS of casualties. Now parts have also been manufactured after the full moon for your car too and how much car accidents do we see everyday? Millions worldwide and this is what keeps the car business going my friend. What ever was born HAS to die, sometime violently. This is why in my book Moon Power I strongly recommend everyone smart enough to listen to SEE, TOUCH, DRIVE AND SIGN the paper work AFTER the NEW MOON! This is why I am also asking you to book your plane or travel AFTER the New Moon because doing so may very well save your life. Now there are millions of people living close to this base in California and every day someone generated a thought that ONE DAY, a plane will crash on my house… Yes the energy took years to build and somehow found the right element to concretion…The same apply with people living near the ocean, or a volcano and it is just a matter of time before the Cosmic code (or God) had a multitude of hidden physical and spiritual element perfectly in place to come to reality and take lives…The fear is so strong that people dream about these accidents and the Superconscious in time and space HAS to respond and *create our reality. Once more repetition is a must in my work…"The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought (s). Ignorance is evil only when humankind realize this Godly gift of creation will we be able to control our destiny because we are GODS in training on this dense physical world. OK try to insert this in brain of the Pope or the Army, Navy, Police, political and scientific *elites? Now you see why I need you to help me to help other to raise their spiritual vibrations and sponsor my work and I? But let me divulge more secrets about God's order through the Cosmic Code and you may grasp a glimpse of true wisdom. This terrible accident took place when the moon was in ARIES! Aries rules the Army, the Navy (and all its components) this mean all vehicles and planes somewhere somehow (including the 3 big car manufacturers) will make some sorts of news. Aries is rules by Mars (The Lord Of War) and my Moon Power clearly tells you to be cautious and be ready for MARS explosive deadly nature during his 2 to 3 days *Moon passage. But I have even better fact for you…while the dramatic news unfolded in San Diego I was driving my car listening to the news when up a sudden a loud noise came from under my hood. I could not believe such an expansive and reliable German engineered sophisticated machine I was driving could let me down. For your information Germany is an ARIES country and ARIES rules ALL sorts of machinery and engineering. This is why the Germanic Mars gifts really apply and why they were able to create top of the line Army material (including superchargers). I stopped at the next gas station and called the garage. I spoke to my mechanic and answered all his questions. He told me The Super Charger of my AMG Mercedes needed to be changed. A very expansive repair indeed but the car is new and still under warranty.



http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.editAlbumPhoto&albumID=734262&imageID=40619844&MyToken=565503f1-5fe2-4781-8e99-a873cba40784 AMG - The Super Charger Monster Of Power


They told me regardless of the noise the car should make it to them just a few miles away and I did. Note also this *accident took place right on my dragon date for December and this breakdown took place less than 3 miles away from Mercedes garage, thus imagine if I was driving through the desert in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night? Thus my own Dragon dates prepared me for something very unusual for that day and it happened…The difference is I was not flying a plane over San Diego and one day in the future, when the Cosmic Code (or God writing) book become the future TRUE Bible, everyone on earth will KNOW what God has planned for everyone of his children on earth and everyone will respect the celestial order above…But again and as always only the future will be my true witness! Wait there is more…my neighbors were fighting late into the night (Full Moon In Aries!) and their young son (a Capricorn) drove straight into my other neighbors' house. Had he read my newsletter titled: Pluto In Capricorn issued Nov 28th 2008 - Pluto (death/drama/police) entering his Sun sign may be he would understand why he feels like killing everyone around him? Not to forget of course the Moon (emotions) in Aries (war) was right in his 4th house regulating ALL home affairs and ALL his family members. But there is more his over religious devastated mother came to my house crying and apologizing for the damage and I did all I could to help her regaining faith in herself and her son. Incidentally had she been a VIP reader she would have been fully prepared for the trouble. Memo of my 2008 FREE Moon Power - www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2008.php Cancer – Let go of your past a new life is calling you. Avoid eating under stress. The stars will touch your life directly, be ready! This poor Lady spends her life in our local church but NO ONE there has so far been able to help her to help herself and her son. Like the majority of those born in January and July; religions (and doctors prescriptions and/or drugs) rules their lives. Ignorance has never helped anyone and the Church Inc. has nothing else to offer than to breed more ignorance, guilt, fears and future wars.


But let get deeper into pure insanity now… I perceived this gesture as a serious setback and very detrimental for the freedom of the human spirit.

images?q=tbn:Blg1xtzrmXYJ::<a href=/www.st-philip.net/images/church_front_small.jpg">www.st-philip.net/images/church_front_small.jpg"/>

< Frugal farmer leaves $2M to his tiny Pa. Church - BLAIRSVILLE, Pa. It's like a gift from God. A tiny church in western Pennsylvania inherited more than $2 million from a farmer who lived in a mobile home. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported Sunday that John Ferguson left his entire estate to Hopewell United Methodist Church near the town of Black Lick. The 71-year-old farmer attended the church before dying in January 2007. The gift has been in probate since then. Yes of course 2 millions is what is left of the total amount left by the old lost soul, but the Church Inc. has solid regulations pertaining to ALL donations and only a fraction was left to the local Church. The amount of money *missing will never be known because the Church Inc. is very secretive (but fast) in its dirty business. The church has just 80 members. Hopewell pastor Jason McQueen says a panel of congregation members will choose projects to be funded annually from the income generated by Ferguson's estate. This is exactly what the Church Inc. is all about FUNDING MORE CHURCHES…Poison more dim, scared, spirits till their last day on earth, lure them with eternal heaven goodies and at the end GIVE them ALL your money and resources so they can build more churches and repeat the process indefinitely. Now you have the results of *Jesus Banking system and if he was alive today he would become totally insane because his message has been totally distorted to build an empire that is designed to induce fears and indefinitely rape your children physically and spiritually. The old man was born with a Dragon's Tail in Capricorn (traditional UCI) and a Dragon's Head (luck) in Cancer (real estate). But this old generation was very much prone to gulp anything religious born with Pluto (fanaticism) in Cancer (traditional values/religions and families). With a few millions of them dying each years the Church Inc. empire and *stolen wealth has exploded all over poisoning every blocks or every wealthier parts of town and all beautiful natural land and sacred sites. THE RESULTS? There are over 450,000 churches in the United States according to Premier Tourism Marketing's website and a few others.


http://www.google.com/mapdata?CxXBwxMCHXqVVvkgEQwLFbfvEwIdU-NV-SASDAsVFwIUAh3PWFb5IBMMCxVq5hMCHUeIVvkgFAwLFauAEwId1ZVW-SAVDAsVVw4UAh3lolb5IBYMCxUEABQCHbCOVvkgFwwLFfLzEwIdmfFV-SAYDAsV9YETAh1fbVb5IBkMCxV17BMCHU3YVfkgGgxAqgFI3AFSAnVzygECZW4 As a spiritual center for so many people, Sedona is home to a large number of churches and spiritual groups for a city its size. Churches and temples of just about any major faith and denomination share the town with dozens of lesser-known worship communities, spiritual centers and informal gatherings. Again only those wealthy enough can afford to build and live in Sedona and the religious local government constantly grant permits to build more religious buildings from fat millions of dollars of donations coming from old people *buying their place on *paradise. Is Sedona becoming a huge Christian Center? You bet that is the goal… Given a chance ANY religious or political or what ever group (Scientology etc.?) or denominations etc. (like Hitler tried) will want to RULE the world and IMPOSE its own jurisdictions regardless of the disgraceful or deadly means used in the process. In this case *and because burning on the stake is now abolished, WEALTH is used to *breed religious attorneys and use the system at their advantage. But the sad reality is in some Muslim countries the cancerous damage is much to IMPLANTED in the brains of the people beginning early in life that even a child becomes a perfect example to reinforce the laws of the land. Given a chance, in the long run, ANY religious (or other) institution, once in power WILL kill you and your children to stay in power. Why not seeing what I so clearly see to happen to America is amazing to me if nothing is done to stop it before its too late… God does not handle millions of dollars in dirty business and certainly would be appalled to see the following… THE LAW, THE NEWS












And do not think this type of evil can not happen here at home, because if those pictures above are awful imagine what the Church Inc. has done to people like me (including Galileo and so many smart souls) in the dark Ages? Why would anyone endorse, support, maintain and continue building such disease for humankind's spirit is totally senseless and irresponsible to me. Its all about politics, manipulation, money and power PERIOD! "It is the responsibility of...every evangelical Christian ...to get serious about re-electing President Bush." Jerry Falwell, The New York Times, July 16, 2004 Is Bush finally waking up?


Bush Reveals Biblical Doubts - He Calls It 'Probably Not' Literally True. WASHINGTON (Dec. 9) -- President George W. Bush said his belief that God created the world is not incompatible with scientific proof of evolution. In an interview with ABC's "Nightline" on Monday, the president also said he probably is not a literalist when reading the Bible although an individual can learn a great deal from it, including the New Testament teaching that God sent his only son. Weighs In on Evolution: http://news.aol.com/article/bush-says-he-doubts-bible-literally-true/264531?icid=200100397x1215022060x1200954500 Had President Bush learned all about his UCI he would have been able top perceive God (and Jesus) in the right light and be forewarned from the stars (and signs) NOT to infringe on his Dragon's Tail (negative) in Sagittarius (Foreigners/religions/Iraq?). My God Mr. President you are such a young soul and at the end you feel that God, regardless of your constant prayers did not hear or listened to you. May be changing your entire perception and attitude, including a right (non religious) advanced and gifted teacher such as myself would make you understand how God truly speaks to his children on earth. So now the question remain in the privacy of your own spirit Mr. President, you have also been taught NOT TO KILL so the guilt you built is so intolerable because of the deaths you are responsible for. So indeed you (or your supremely wealthy family) will see for your repent (as planned by the Church Inc. treacherous religious teachings) and you will donate a lot of your money to them too before your number is up, so that you will be forgiven when facing God? OMG this is totally insane but REALITY people! Please endorse me, support me and help me to put an end to all this nonsense and erase your fears while building a better understanding of God working throughout the Cosmic Code. I will soon offer my worldwide readers the option to really do so by sponsoring my upcoming radio/TV programs on Voice America, please DO NOT LET ME DOWN! I really need your help to make the changes we all need. stand by world, the year 2012 is near and with it a rebirth of humankind FREE spirit. Lastly I received many emails telling me that some guests on Coast To Coast were using my *windows to predict earthquakes. Remember again that my book 2008 Moon Power has been available for free from my website www.drturi.com and anyone remotely interested in earthquakes predictions (especially with my unarguable record of predictions on CTC) will be naturally interested in those windows. Thus be sure these *guests have learned as much as you did over my years broadcasting with George and my FREE books offered to the mass and my only concern is the message to be sent out there to the world so people can be prepared. Make sure to review SOS To The World broadcasted Nov 23rd 2008 from www.drturi.com/newsletter/ and be prepared. Now many of you have decided to send me letters with your payment of $50 or $35 for Seniors, thank you very much we are swamped and I am glad to see my call is not unheard. Thank you so much for your support but PLEASE TYPE, PRINT AND ADD YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS CLEARLY! At least 60 of you will NOT receive the VIP newsletter in January because Mike, Terania or I could NOT read your handwriting. Thus if you sent your check and do not get the Cosmic Code on 01.01.2009 you will have to call us or email us to insert you in the large file. Send your payment to Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23Rd St Phoenix, AZ 85016 Also our new super reliable software is currently being tested and ALL past and future VIP newsletters will be available to you once you sign up and create a password of your choice. We are in the process to erase ALL 2008 VIP subscribers while entering the new 2009 VIP Cosmic Code subscribers on our new system record. Unless you sign up before the year is over your subscriptions will stop as of 01/01/2009. As we approach Christmas and the New Year, in these difficult days of recession I have decided to offer the last few VIP newsletters for FREE to my worldwide audience. The deal for you to join and become a VIP in 2009 will remain at $50.00 all the way to the end of the year 2008. Then the price will be back at $100 as of January 2009. I am getting so extremely busy and my time is becoming very precious and I wanted to offer you the option to realize how much hope, wisdom, true guidance, real predictions and logic you can and will find in my work. So make a good use of the current deal, join the thousands of wise readers because you are in good hands with me. Note that once you join our new system a password will allow you to read every single newsletters I ever wrote as those wont be available public for long anymore. Do not miss the first 2009 VIP newsletter and your PERSONAL dragon forecast and daily guidance etc. I usually give my moon power for free every year towards the middle of the year to help those unfortunate but again my new direction with Voice America may not allow me to do so any longer. Be aware that if you feel you have something good with me NOT to lose it, especially when the best of the best and the TRUTH is offered to you with a 50% discount! With $50 you will find regeneration, true wisdom, true predictions, true PERSONAL monthly guidance, your horoscope, transits and RED ALERT windows. Offer yourself a valuable Christmas affordable present of $50 that will last you (and your loved ones) for a FULL YEAR! Remember food can only last so long in your physical body but my spiritual food will last for ever… Call Terania at 972-623-7689 don’t wait, change your mind and end up paying $100. My wisdom is PRICELESS and WILL save your life, let me guide you and your family safely throughout the year 2009 and you will realize next Christmas how much you gained listening to your INTUITION! As we approach the year 2012, the world is soon to raise its spiritual vibrations where more and more people will challenge themselves spiritually demanding more plausible answers to their quests about God himself and as your chosen spiritual Leader I am dedicated to help you hear and see God at work through the Cosmic Code like you never saw him before. This newsletter did not end up in your mailbox by accident, there are NO accident, you asked so now you received, Stay put with me and let me raise your Cosmic Consciousness and find all the true answers of what it means to be human that we have been all enslaved to uncover. Please go to any of these sites regularly to read more! www.drturi.com/newsletter/ or www.peoplelinking.com/group/Astrology or www.myspace.com/drturi Blessings to all Dr. Turi Sharing emails: VIP reading Feedback Dr. Turi; '' I think the value of knowing the unique celestial identity is paramount to one's development and getting the best out of your life - its practical no nonsense information that can be applied to improve one's present and future – Your VIP reading is a wealth of information and should be regarded with utmost importance''. Layla DT – Thank you for your feedback Layla I am glad I could fully deliver all that I promised you in your VIP reading. All materials have been shipped to you, listen to it all over again and once more thank you for your trust in my work. Blessings DT Hello Dr. Turi, Thank you for your time and knowledge.? I appreciate how you weave the astrological, metaphysical and rhythm of the cosmos in how your presentation of the information you researched specific to me.? As you know my partner Patricia will be calling to make an appointment with you. Although, I didn't have any questions at the time of my reading I would like to clarify. Of course, I am disappointed that I do not have my UCI consciousness in action, and understand that the suggested other reading materials will help me come into that consciousness. When will I start to receive the VIP newsletter - Please forward information on your next training program? Peace & Blessings, Gail T DT – Dear Gail thank you so much for trusting me to also help your friend, she will, I promise you be as happy and fulfilled as you did. You signed for the 2009 VIP Newsletter thus soon you will get a note telling you to pick a password and then you will be able to read ALL my newsletters. You will start receiving them as of 01/01/2009. MY next course will be in Sedona (September 2009) but you should not wait and take the tuition by mail then come to Sedona. All info is at - www.drturi.com/astroclass.php See you there, Blessings DT Dr. Turi, I am 75, do you have a reduced rate for Seniors on fixed incomes? I had my daughter enroll me last year, and she doesn't remember but thought you offered a lower price. Can't get along with your letters, after 75 yrs. of religious dogma, so difficult to wrap my mind around the fact that most of it is man-made to keep us scared, but of course it makes sense. Thank you for coming on the scene when times call for a true visionary to guide us. Regards to you and Terania Jo DT - Yes Hun, there is a deal of $35 for seniors. You may go to orders from my website www.drturi.com and do it yourself or call Terania at 972-623-7689 and she will take care of you. Thank you so much for your support, stay well... Love Dr. Turi; "But what about Africa where most of the parents themselves average the IQ of a donkey?" I am African and I am offended. This statement perpetuates the negative stereotypes about people of color. Africans are not dumb, they are just under the rule of Europeans who come and rape the country and the women and children. We are peaceful, we don't manufacture weapons...they are brought to us by the white man. The same white men who demand sex from children before they give the free food that we Americans have donated. I know that you are not racist, so no need to respond, just wanted to let you know how statement came across. My UCI is strong, so I stand up for others and myself without a voice. Peace~ Joi DT - Some of my best friends, students, clients and accomplished African/American people I know and cherish dearly are NOT a part of this crowd Joy...Don't take my words personally when referring to stupidity itself, it show weakness and a lack of perception. I am sorry if you perceived it wrong but the same rule applies for all races Joy and trust me they are some serious morons and imbeciles born white too, not just black people. Try to understand my OBJECTIVITY and may be I should have written that Africa was raped for century by England and so many other countries doing all they could to keep the people of Africa under developed and ignorant (or religious) but who does not know this fact? In any case accept my apology I meant well but much too direct sometimes, sorry! Blessings DT Dr. Turi; Michigan Paranormal Underground Radio with Lizzie the psychic and host Steven Raebel - Lizzie does a reading of Lanaia, sees her deceased mother, still born child, accurately sees current things and predicts fame and fortune for her and her paranormal historical fiction series, Of Atlantis! Don't miss this! I am a publicist for author, Lanaia Lee, who has just released the first in a 5-book fantasy series that begins with life on the Continent of Atlantis. This book has received terrific reviews, and we are anxious to spread the word to fans of fantasy fiction that it is available now in online bookstores. Yes, she is an unknown, but read her book, she is an author to be reckoned with. Into her bubbling cauldron of creativity, author Lanaia Lee decided to toss such tempting ingredients as fantasy, magic, romance, betrayal, revenge, and the eternal battle of good vs. evil. The result? Of Atlantis, a novel thats very hard to put down once you start reading it. Denise DT- yes read this? - spread the word to fans of fantasy fiction! Indeed fiction writers will get fame and fortune because this world is so lost an overpowered by Neptune (drugs/religions/deception/fiction). NONE of my books are fictional and only a hand full of people are smart enough to perceive reality…The most illusive and deceptive book ever written by men is the bible and it is the most read book I history…OMG! In what young and lost world did I land on? Yes don’t give Pearls to Swine do apply here. Try the reality of God's will throughout the cosmic code secrets for a change instead of getting lost in someone else's fruitful imagination. Ask Einstein or any other geniuses how many of these books they read? And you wonder why we are a minority? Good luck people this world need some serious mental gymnastic (education) before things get better. Blessings DT Dr Turi - Where do you predict earthquakes in the next few weeks - what region? Or can you tell me where to find this info ...much obliged as my brother travels a great deal and I am just aware that if pre warning can help - I should. Thanks Layla DT- I do not predict anything but understand the timing of things (or quakes) through the Cosmic Code but if you read "The Universal Law" of the Moon you will understand to always do things while the moon is waxing, such as investing or buying a plane ticket or EVERYTHING else so you can be protected. Many of my newsletters did talk about this, check them up Hun, catch up with the rest of my readers… Blessings DT- Dr. Turi ... when i was 3 yrs old Taurus chased me upstairs to the off-white/blue room just about everyday, til i was 4 ... it was not a dream ... as i ran up the stairs, looking over my shoulder , Taurus was always behind me...once at the top he was gone ... i brain-flash this often & still wonder the meaning/message ... zee/mi DT- 1 - Yes your dad or your older brother or a friend (or schoolmate) did somehow, sometime BULLY you my friend… 2 – Money play an important part of your life and your bills (the bull) are running and following you everywhere…Just a sense of losing power or a serious insecurity complex. Gather wisdom you'll be stronger. Blessings DT I wish my financial situation were better so that I could even afford your 50% discount for the VIP newsletter for 2009. But, at this point, I don't even know if I can even make it through the next 2 or 3 weeks with the bare minimum as far as food and medications for my mother whom I have been caring for now for over 11 years. I guess what will be, will be. . . No matter what, my life seems to be on a downward spiral, from which I can't seem to extricate myself no matter what I do. I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed being one of your VIP's throughout this year. At any rate. . . No matter what my fate. I wish you well in all of your endeavors in the upcoming New Year. Many Blessings to you and Terania! Susan Susan call Terania tell her I OK the $25 for you.. Stay with us, you can do it. Be positive, it works. Blessings DT Hi Dr. Turi: I love your intellect, your wisdom, your sage advice and most of all your delightful personality. Sign me up for the $50 deal for the 2009 newsletter. I am also going to need my luck in 2009 but I will get to that later. Please call me for the card number Myrna////9 thanks so much. DT- Hun I am much too busy to deal with order, please call Terania at 972-623-7689 and she will help you. Meantime thank you so much for your support Hun. Blessings DT Hi DT Thanks for the latest newsletter. The picture of that plaque says it all. I saw a picture somewhere on the web that shows the twin towers collapsing captioned "Religion Kills" across the poster. Just search google and you will find it im sure. If you get a chance, watch the first Planet of the Apes movie with Charlton Heston and it is remarkable how it mirrors our current situation today with the high elders (Church Inc) keeping the truth from the rest of the apes by masking it with religion and fear. And the few apes like Roddy McDowall -Cornelius (Dr Turi) challenge the religious elders by exploring and studying to find the real answers and all along the elders try and cover up and de-bunk his work which shows overwhelming facts that it is correct. I am not comparing you to an ape my friend. Its just how that movie from long ago sends a hidden message. I think that in 2012 the main stream will finally learn the truth they have been masked from for the past 2000 years. Keep up the good fight. Happy Holidays to you and Terania. Best Regards, Vic DT- HI Vic I think I recall this movie – Thanks for the tip Blessings DT DT - "Good Day to You, Dr Turi, Hope your day thus far is treating you right. I wanted to write to you to let you know - thanks for accepting me as your friend on face book. As you know, I am an eager and enthusiastic reader of the VIP Cosmic Code Newsletter and I read it like it was my bible and study it deeply because it is my daily dose of knowledge and it's definitely "THE" power for raising one's cosmic consciousness. You and Terania have a wonderful and awesome great week. Blessings of all kinds and thanks again." Joyce DT DT- Hi Joyce, thank you once again for your support darling…yes my work *in the future will be the bible for millions of people searching for the reality of God and its creation. Blessings DT Dr. Turi; Les Miserable, that was about bread too...But the Jesus people must remember theirs is no better. Religion as a whole is the issue. Jesus people and Mohamed people are equally pathetic. Let the church have the same power in the US, and it would be "NO DIFFERENT" and honestly I feel it could be worse. Craig DT- Craig you and I know that and trust me there are millions of others too but not enough just yet to make the change we badly need to save our kids…In time God will can only fulfill and that is a blessing in itself to know. Blessings DT IS IT RELIGION OR MADNESS? This is the most horrendous pictures I have seen to date. I cannot believe this culture or these people. No religion can ever justify such hideous crimes. Pass it on. Let the world know what's happening in the name of religion...Pass this to all**, for public awareness. It must be sent **WORLD WIDE! Even if this message is sent to you more than once, just keep on passing it on! Marion DT- Yes Marion, thank you for the tip, Mission accomplished today millions more learned about the poison and legacy of any and all religions. God face is slowly coming to light and more and more people are seeing it like we do. Blessings DT Start 2009 with TRUE directions! Use this link to order and please be patient. www.drturi.com/readings.php


teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com Question? Help? Talk to Terania 972-623-7689

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