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The Night Was Heavy & Cold thick with fog surrounding this forest a place you'd been to perhaps a thousand times before... the toes of well traviled foot prints lined the old dusty road. Well travled it such a short time that sight alone spoke volumes about this land & so strangly out of place. For none hardly ever cam this path none thought to special or diffrent then any other  but a place people would never look twice to find. & some how not trully know how or why it felt if it drew you here a longing a calling of spirit perhaps of the nagging tugs of a restless spirit...

The night was cold just a chill to the air that brough the mist form the lips of the living with each breath drifting before their faces but the dead walked here as well drifting among the  clouds that hung low to the trees hlaf seen half understoon the floaded on half noticed in & out the vison of each passser by some to notice  others to walk by never even knowing the energy that passed around them the night was rich with it this night of nights was far diffrent then any other only you didnt know it yet your avdenturs were just about to begin...

It was then the music could be hurd that timeless sound of laughter & tears of joy & tebulations.. The timeless sound anyone would notice no matter how long it been since the side show had moved through their town bringing with it the memorys of all ages the sweet necture that would draw them into a world they could only partly see or understand but the greatist show of all time as well......

With a smile the music draws you in fallowing once lost in this darkened wood givin purpose & hope in the new found guise.....

As you got closer the shapes & forms begin to  step out of the night the lines of wagons & tents far behind rising in twisted spires like some once great kingdom that span the heavens.... the walls old & crumbling the edge of every thing has its on touch of age & decay of a thousand deaths as if theres always been a reason for each tent that stands... the lights that shine as the  piller of creation at the fogs edge lighting up the night in a rainbows hugh that made the night come to life in ways one never thing possable.. there is no fog there it cant touch inside those outter walls & the night is alive with mystery.........

The the loud voice breaks the dream like state that had you walking though the night still shrowded in bed cloths.. for the first time the confusion sets in where am i why did i come here whats happening... but like any good mystery the hooks have already been placed in your soul & arnt to quick to let go of their laitist treasure  than any jelous lover ever will  for the voice comes over to you with a steel iron grib & soft hands touching your arm before you can begin to turn or run screaming back to your bed.. & with the silver tongue the words come from his lips to ring you the core of your marrow...

"Come One Come ALL....!!!!"

With a wink & a smile the Tin Man stands before you & with a whisper he breaks charater for just a moment a chink in his armor fades as fast as its shown but a slight whisper comes to you though his lips never seem to move "esepcilly you my dear one we have a front row seat just for you" & he starts again his loud voice eching through the stillness of the night "Come One Come ALL.... To The Greatist Show OF Life... A Spectial of Myth & Mystery... A Tale Woven to Take the Blinders From Your Eyes... & Bring Joy to a Needful Heart... Come One Come All... To Our House of HorroRs & the Macabe to Our World Outside Your Own Few Can Ever Seeeeee.... " His voice Echoed into the night as if carried on the winds & perhaps they were for once you look around you find your no longer alone & others have come to stand at the gates of this circus of side show freaks "For Few Have the Eye & Heart to Find What Lies Behind the Eyes of the Men & the Mind! But  Be Warned This Not Be For the Weak of Heart! Not For Those That Know Not What it is They Seek.... For Walking Through These Gates You Will See Our World That Will FoReVeR!!!! Change Those eyes With Witch You See... & FoReVeR Change the Way You Look At Life & Turn it On its Side! Come One Come All to OUR DARK CARNIVAL!!!

He hands you a special ticket one free to all rides free to enjoy the night on your each & every whem & leasure. it glimmers & shines as it it keeps every bit of the rainbow of light that surrounds it & reflects it back upon its surface dances &  swims with it & shimers with your very touch! Once again he speaks without speeking through his voice warm & welcoming it quickly casts all fears aside"Take care my child its a grand thing i do! Both rair & special it a  a task i lay before you... ever door will open just for you a Rair gift indeed... so beg no i pleed take your time view all for each corner of our world has something you need to see! Then prehaps you will return & tell me what youve seen!?!"

With those words he lets go his iron grasp on your arm sending forth inside & ushering those others in behind you without another word...

You find yourself standing at  a Crossroads the lights & glare of the consession stands & baked goods twisting into a mouth watering pallet & with it the joys & splinder of the Carnival!!! the post before you points a sign in every direction of  warn & chipped painted  lands now have hurd of in perhaps forever this road sign points in ever direction & as wisdom has been said a point in every direction is like having no point at all you eyes pass over each in turn a strange collection of obscure names jump out at you ask if becoming you to join all at once & not saying a thing at the same time

Your head swims from the newness of the night the commotion & marry making seems so out of place for but a moment & with it you stomich swims your head fallow & the word blurrs for but a moment then to return back the way it once was with it you notice a man near by his eyes on you dressed in tattered robes & walking with witherd old staff of the ages worn smooth with the meny years of walking  he is far from old his face timeless eyes deep with mystory & the knowlige there yet untold drawing you in narrowing to consume your world for a breath of a heartbeat on your lips he almost displays a passonate embrace he flirts with the glow of spirit drinking in its holy light! with a saddned smile he turns with a nod to you & walks lost among the shadows his form desolving into the Darkness as if they are one....... The Magician has come...

You look back to the sign post the piller at the crossroads & it is changed the once dirty dusty road weary signs that stood the test of twisted time! the signs changerd rearanged in a new order & with it you find the tops standing out to shine the Tilt ~a~ Whirl & with that your path is forged & you begin you journey around our marry band of outcasts.....

The fairway all a bustle with life & people as the move from ride to sideshow tent to tent stopping for a taste of gluttney in every taven & bardello each seems the facless face of a stranger beyond the the sight of notice all a mas of sustanace that makes the carnval run with smooth joy &grace

Till you see her.... Standing there at the entrace to the big top kindness in her outstanding beauty her chair ornate & the likes of an achent thrown she sitts in waiting as all pass her by a book spread out in her lap that she needs not read & whip & deavous smile in the guize of the mistress of the fan fair he dress elegant & form fitting revaling & senual as if the harlot at the ball she was lust & pleausre embodied her eyes met yours for but a moment & like others before found the core that lies beneath one soul there the warmth over took you dispelling all the shivers form the cold night as givin a blanket to hold at bay the feathers of the winter night & with it the fear that had been there the racing heart ready to run from the unknown quites & melts form you body to the mother at your feet the dust clearly upon your boots....

But you look up & she is gone leaving behind the throne lossing a bit of its mystic glimmer as if the jewels lost a bit of the light of their Pristess... & there in her sted sits a card you walk over to see what this card is the envlop possessing you  by name yours written there in florished script but givin as it was from birth & in full no one but a goddsess of magic could know such things....

You pull the card form its wrapping & watch it almost dance in your hands for a time the picture shifting as it if it can settle to the one that is for you & you alone

Then comes the bellow of the Beast drawing your attentions to the Beast Master stading hollering with the music that surrponds him like the untamable himself Around him srpeads every from of beast none in a cage for he has tamed them all each lion tiger & bear oh my bends knee to the master of man & creature both.. He stands at his pulpit the controls for the Tilt ~a~ Whirl cackling like a mad man in his element as he watches the people trun in circles in his house of horrors

You take the steps 2 at a time to rise to his high yet still this huge beast of a man towers before you an intemadtingly powerful man.. His mantle made of furs the heads of meny beastes intact looking down not from dead eyes but qite living eyes that watch you with curous abandon adorned with maskes of steel each emotion betrayed in carvings of plate around him showing the iron hand he guides all things with fainess & heart he stands sword ornate at his belt that never leaves its scaberd & holds his scepter of dominion over man & beast in his right hand he watches as the tilt~a~whirl spins & his hands dance over its open surface.....

You watch the ride beings to move the prople straped in laughing as the ride begins the Blacksmit cackles with his own twsited joys begin for he is the weaver  he stinps his victoms taking them from their grounded basis & off their world to come to his his hands dance in speeds to fast for the eye to catch as he touches each spirit in turn taking from this one this past misery thid trial this tribulation & passing it from the one seated across them till hes woven his twsited tapestry of souls he then laughs at the masterpice before him & hits the next lever in turn & turns his new world on its side before the ride is done...


You watch as each victom unknowing their the change walk down the rickty old stairs the look of joy plasterd to their features not knowing now that are in for more then they ever thought possable they look at the fan fair of the dark carnival with new eyes that will never see again as they once did before......

You hand him then your shimering ticket as he ushers in his next victoms to hes welcome fun ride he looks at it a moment with curosity knowing from winst it came & why he nods letting the rest be seated as they will & tells you to put that card away "It is not for me !.... for you have already seen my tricks"  hes eyes roam over you with a curous abandon wondering just how you see things others do not!... he turns looking to the line that leaves his whirlwind stuming still drunk off their new eyes  placing a finger to his lips he squats down to look at you face to face "Do not tell them for once you do that will unravel my knot & they will learn nothing for their time here much like you... " he pulls his hand out his layerd folds of furs taking outta a small strange looking key an r key & a bolt he hands each to you in turn " this is your key for only you hold its lock.... i am no jailer... no innkeeper  or judge! though accused of all a time or 3 for you must lock yourself in for the ride & do it of complete heart & complete will of sipirt of will or  the lock will not bind & youll never tke the ride of the ages with us... "

With that hes stands with a dismisive wave  "Go find my wife the Contortionist she will help you further..." & turns away to once again begin his twizted fun & weave his next tapistery dissmissing you to being his work anew.... with the slyst of a wink he watches you walk away "Welcome my child  you have no clue the journey you embark upon... Lil jimmy jimmy got em!"

The throngs of people make it easy to find the Contortionaist already dressed in finist silks weaving her dance with as much grace & flair as any you have so far seen her beauty is breath taking & offsetting after seeing the hard lines carved in stone from the man you have left bahind how can this soft creature love such a horid beast how can she see beyond those frightnig features & find the teddybear beneath....

She bends dances the audance is in a trance that fallow her every move as she packes hes self in first this bag then dose a high flying dare devil dive stopping only seconds form the deadly point of knives with such grace you watch as the ours pass unnoticed till her show ends  she sees you beconing you to the stage & behond as she wipes away the seat from her brow this a silver felice "so you are the new play thing i see you have come here in search of something  & here it be you will find it some might turn & run some of the bravist men find they are cowards"

Shes surounded by mirrors on stage & most every where she seems to go her feet are light she walks on the tips ready to break into the next dance even after the show is over & done with "the merchant find that they are the theif & the coward often find he has the streingth to survive unparelled  to a god!" her passions show on her beautiful feathers with such joy its infecous & you find yourself smiling inspite of it "but what are you do you yet know where is your place in life where if you road in this twisted manashery of roads ? the answer lies with you "

 She takes up the scepter much like her husbands yet smaller & made of woven knots that seem to be endless " i see hes already givin you the key.. lol  such a hopeless romantic fool he can be but to tame the beast is his nature" she presses her hand to your chest a wave of pure pleaure runs the lenght of spirit the warmth spreads as if a whole night of drinking  & festivities were combined all in one purity of a heartbeat "you must look inward  to your self & make your choice yo must find within the striength to do what noon can possable commet to for you path is a weiry on but full of reward when it comes to fruition... "

With that she hand leaves you & with it the almost orgasmic preportions of her  touch "now my time with you is short but heed my words & the prize i have layed with your spirit that only you can clam" & find the Bishop hes a cranky old on a doggedly tiring" she laughs a devous laugh not spoild with out comapssion "but he will give you your next tool to our festival of spirit!"

The Pope stands upon his open stage in from of his worshping masses preaching his words of wisdon & tall tales of gods long gone. before him stands the loyal fallowing basking thin his glow faith raditaing to his gasph from every poor & he spys you as you walk up yelling to you every one looks to you curous of this new addition he invites you to the stage & the people before you open up a line as if for the royalty of the carnival of missfits have arived

"Here we have the purity of a soul untained before gods eye" he showers you with holy water his methods seem overstated as if every thing he dose is over dramatic for the crowds " with the potencal of the ages  to breed faith! just as each of you will some day find faith can move mountians faith can crumble then beneath the ocean my childern can make the waters rise up & feed the starving lands if you trully beieve the faith in oneself to do so there is nothing you canot do in the name of faith... "

He takes your arm & begins an almost dance across the stage a music startes to keep time with your feet & the whole festvel comes to frution in marriment leaving him a solem moment by your side" As i said fath has such power i do not lie to these people for they must hear what they want to understand that without the fears anger rage & horror you can do anything in this world if only you have no doubt in you spirit ! i speak for no one god & at the same time all & you"

He points to the key now tucked in your belt "have but to open the door with that & the purity of faith in your choice will you forever take the chance at a world untold secret or is this life enough for you to pass quitly into the forgotten.... You must deside if you have the faith of ages & what it takes to watch while they all fall like the autume leaves fall without regret for those left behind..."

He looks to you & hands you a windeskin filled with holy water "that is my gift to you the holy water that can streingthen you in your greatist of need it will show you the holy light & take you to the path that leads to your doorway.. take it & heed your inner spirit my child for this is the wheel of time & we are but players!!!" he left you standing there on the stage  no deriction no guide this time instead turning to the gowing mases & mingling among the half crying faces begging for his healing touch......

There you stood among his stage & down you look at your feet to find the insrpition carved in the dirt fallowin its lines lost not knowing where to go you circle of the camp youve found yourself already in you catch a glimps of each member so far

The Magican ever the Illusionist weaving his spell creating the mystery of the carnival the untold things that amaze & asstonish all those around him his magics seem to swarm away out of his contol pulling each neck tricik out of the ever moving cloak of shadows that surounds him plucking a bit here & there & turning it from the darkness of nothingness to the sweetist rose for the young lady or darling trophy for the true champion of champions each time he sends them away they take a peice of him with them & for that his heart bleeds for the longing to be whole once more... Ever the magical Ever the Illusionst ever the first card in his own tarot deck

The High Priestiss comes out at his side her chains now present tie them selves to his cloak as surely as any chains of steel could ever hold she but not as a slave as would most  but thay are tied to the boddis of her dress the key warn there dangles of the purist of gold & sliver shine btigher then diamons for she holds the key to her lock & fogerd the chains to keep her mindless flirt of a ebetter half & from running away with the parts of self he deals out to so meny befor her beauty is stunning her ever footfall is practice hes dress leve little to the imaginations & yet hold so much meystory ant man would die to possess her form only one night she walks about him then as he turns to reach for her she fades af if they be his own dreams of a past he cant remeber with that the tears one slint tear falls from his cheek hidden for he awaits her return though her spirit can not leve the crnival hes in search for where it is she might of run.....

THe BEASt Master is ther his creatures doing tricks around the big top ring dancing & doing things noone thought theyd ever see a animal doo but the heart of the dragon has yet to be releaced  he twirls the master of the show the Key master & the Emperior of all he sees  he rules with a just caring hand & all that make such choices will forever receve his protection & none wish the rath of the savage beast for it could shake the very heavens to crumble to the groundat his feet

The Emperiss flys in on her swingin trapiese tosing & flipping through the havens with no fear of the gavity of her situation as if she had every feather of a wing of a falcon the gave of  a huntres & mother of a coddled dove she stunns all onlookers with he stunning dismount & comes to stand amongthe furred mounting of creatures the Blacksmith had erected in her honer to cushion her fall rising to her feet she takes a bow

The Pope comes up circling with his words of faith & the proof these very 4 have givin you with the array of magics & their love form the show & every ember that joins them to witness their amazing feets of the impossable for all is possable with the guise of faith & the invatations are givin the offers made to join such strienght with poise & grace that each man watching can perform but you have only to find your own key & can Find You Own Wheel of Fortune!!!

With that you look to the key held in your hand knowing it isn not time the doors have only begn to unfold & with them the mysteries have yet to be explaned but locked into their own curosity you look at it look atthe big top even standing till each person has filled out of their seat you stand there you see it then the whell spread out on the ground  before you spreading to each corner of the huge tent  & beyond as if the hub of some great wheel.. you find youself as if half out of step as if gravity had completly changed for only you & you were locked into this wheel as surly as the rest who have yet to show theit  faces or was that a dream or what where did the world go before you know it the world is blsck the lights goine dim then out & you left alone in the darkness onely one voice that of the magicianc whispers around you as if darting in then out first far then right a hair from tentlizing your ear  his voice calm deep & flirtingly temptasious but his words were few.....

"So you have come to me.... & with it some have seen a face they know but still you hide your form even from me... who can this be that hides from the eyes that see all?.... stand now & beign you journy walk with out fear into the abyss for youll not fall as long as you have my hand... open your eyes & show me the card you were givin!!!.............................

(((((To Be Contenoued!!!  With each card that falls the players become in my trek through time can you tell me where you fit into this this twisted managery of the macab or if you only pass away to the side forever changed!!! open you eyes & minds & only you can tell me for this no story just of flight & fancy this is they family ive spent centuries beside can you lay cclam to your card?)))))


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