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MISS INDEPENDENT's blog: "life"

created on 12/12/2007  |  http://fubar.com/life/b167221
HELLO ALL, HERE ARE A FEW OF MY BLOGS FROM MY SPACE. YES I CAN BE A BITCH WHEN I FEEL THE NEED TO BE. JUST SO EVERYONE KNOWS, THESE ARE VERY OLD. I JUST HAPPENED TO HAVE OVERHEARD A CONVERSATION BETWEEN 2 CERTAIN PEOPLE FROM HERE, AND I HOPE LIKE HELL THEY READ THIS. SOME MEN CAN BE SO COLD AND HEARTLESS. THESE BLOGS ONLY HAVE TO DO WITH THOSE 2 MEN AND NONE OF THE REST OF YOU ON MY PAGE OR WHOM I TALK TO ALL OF THE TIME. I REALLY CARE ABOUT ALL OF MY FRIENDS, AND DON'T WANT TO LOSE ANY OF YOU. THESE 2 MEN KNOW EXACTLY WHO THEY ARE. ONE IS MY HUBBY AD THE OTHER IS A DJ FRIEND OF HIS. THE REST OF YOU PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS AS A SHOT AT ANY OF YOU AT ALL. NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU HAS DONE ANYTHING TO ME EXCEPT BE MY FRIENDS. BUT MY HUBBY AND HIS FRIEND WERE TALKING SHIT ABOUT WOMEN, SO I DECIDED TO PUT A FEW OF MY OLD ASS BLOGS UP ON HERE FOR THEM TO READ. I CAN MAN BASH WITH THE BEST OF THEM, BUT I DON'T DO IT NOW, BECAUSE I LUV ALL OF MY FRIENDS, AND I DO HONESTLY CARE ABOUT THEM. P.S. I WOULD LIKE FOR SOME OF YOU MEN TO ANSWER SOME OF THE QUESTIONS ASKED IN THESE BLOGS. LETS SEE WHO IS BRAVE ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mandi Last Updated: Dec 19, 2007 Post New Blog Customize Email to a Friend Gender: Female Status: Married Age: 33 Sign: Libra City: AKRON State: Ohio Country: US Signup Date: 03/08/07 Blog Archive [ Older Newer ] Saturday, September 01, 2007 A poem Current mood: accomplished This is a little poem I wrote myself that has meaning to me. Some of you may not understand it, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. SILENCE THIS IS DEDICATED TO ALL OUT THERE WHO KNOWS WHAT LIVING IN SILENCE IS LIKE. Silence is a beautiful and glorious sound, sometimes silence is the only thing you hear, during the good times and the bad, silence is the only thing some people ever have, Silence can make you feel good it can make you feel sad, And sometimes silence can make you go mad. Silence is something some of us crave, but it never comes even if you try, the silence is not there, you can not find silence anywhere. There are some people who will never hear, and voices are something that we all hold dear, For when the ones you love are gone, in your heart and mind their voices carry on. I wrote this poem not long after my Aunt Debbie passed away. I had a rough time dealing with it. She was a good friend to everyone who knew her. I have written many many poems and most of them have been published in books. But some of them I prefer to keep private and not let all of gods creation see them. They are the most important ones to me. 9:52 AM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove Thursday, August 09, 2007 A good read for all Current mood: calm Category: crazy Life Hello everyone, I am sorry it has been a while since I did my last blog. I have been busy. I have a few things on my mind that I need to get out. Why do men say things to make a woman feel good, when they don't really mean it? Why is it o.k. for a guy to go out and fuck whoever he wants, but when a woman does it, she is called everything but a white woman? Why do men always say they have big dicks? No one cares. Why is it that when a woman wears make-up, she is a whore, but when gay men do it, it is o.k.? Should a married woman worry when her husband would rather talk to other women than her? What do men think? Do they assume that women like being told they can't do this or can't do that. Well I hate fucking control freaks, and do not tolerate them. Maybe some of you guys can answer these questions for me. Anyway.... Oh Yeah, and fat jokes don't hurt all of us fat bitches, just most of us. Ugly jokes don't bother me, cause I'm not fucking ugly, you guys that look and see ugly on me, are fucking looking the wrong way. I am big and beautiful, and anyone who disagrees can KISS MY ASS!!!!!! I am so tired of insults and stupid people making stupid fucking comments about the size of my ass. I have a man that says he loves me for who I am not what I look like. Has anyone besides me ever figured out that looks aren't all that matter? People can be awesome people if you take the time to look on the inside. Just because someone has acne or a mark on their skin, does not automatically make them ugly. All people have feelings. Most of us have hearts. Also I would like to bring up the name calling thing. What is wrong with people these days? Just because someone is of a different nationality, or a different color than you, does not give anyone the right to call them any fucked up names. It really pisses me off. We are all the same color on the inside. People should really think before they open their mouths. You may find that if you think before you run your mouth, you would probably get a lot farther in life. 1:15 PM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove Wednesday, June 20, 2007 PEOPLE STICKING THEIR DAMN NOSES WHERE THEY DON'T BELONG Current mood: pissed off Category: sick Life Hello all, I am sorry for blogging about dumb shit, but there are a lot of things bothering me. Like # 1 Why do people have to stick their fucking noses into everyone else's business? Can't people see that I have a life apart from theirs? I mean my sister-in-law is just trying her hardest to turn the rest of my family against me. She doesn't know it, but none of them really like her. I let my kids go to her and my brother's house while I was at work yesterday, and they tried to pull some bull shit with my kids. Well now they are simply never going to get to see them again. And when my brother asks why? I will tell him because of his fucked up wife. I am no longer going to speak to them and I will not ever let them see me or my kids again. Why do people always have to bring fucking drama into my life? They always start shit then run to me because they don't know how to handle it. I have drama of my own to deal with everyday. I don't need their shit too. I don't mind helping every once in a while, but being help responsible for what others do, is not my thing. I have my own life away from the rest of the world. My children are my life, and I take care of them. My husband comes second in my life. I come last. I get everything for everyone else and do everything for everyone else, before I do anything for myself. Now I have my sister jumping down my throat because I do for everybody else before I do for my self. Well, she can kiss my ass. My kids are my whole universe, and I don't really need any one but them. I can support them without the help of any fucking man. I am smart enough to find a decent paying job. I did go to college. And I didn't have the help from anyone. I did it all by myself. I am planning on going back to school, but not to be what everyone wants me to be. But to be what I want to be. And fuck all of those people who hate on me all of the time. I am smart enough to get where I need to go, without the help of family. I lived in peace for 7 years, and I was enjoying it. We moved back to Ohio in August of 2006, and ever since we have been back, it hasn't been anything but fucking drama every damn day. Well, I am done with the drama. If they have a problem, they can fucking deal with it by themselves. I don't need the shit. If people can not be decent to me and my children and my husband, then they don't need to be a part of my life. I am just tired of all of the bullshit falling into my lap, and everyone hating on me because I am not where they are, or I don't have all that they have. Once again, I say FUCK ALL OF THEM, BECAUSE I AM HAPPY WITH MY LIFE. I don't ask anyone for anything at all. I don't even ask my husband for sex, I just see it as if it happens it happens and if it don't well I can please my self. I don't care anymore. All that I ask is for people to let me live my life and for them to keep their noses out of my ass, and my business. And don't fuck with my kids, because you will get no where with me. It will just make me hate them more. O.K. I am done with my blog. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to message me. I will answer all. 10:38 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove Saturday, June 16, 2007 Disrespectful People Current mood: lonely I know many disrespectful people, but there are way too many to write about. A lot of people in this world are disrespectful. They need to change. I know that most people were not raised to be that way. Grown people should treat all others with respect, instead of talking shit about them. I know everyone has heard this before, ( IF YOU CAN'T SAY ANYTHING NICE, THEN JUST KEEP YOUR MOUTH CLOSED ) it makes sense when you think about it. There are people who don't care that their stupidness actually hurts some people. They don't care about any one but themselves. It is people like them that make the rest of us normal people look bad. I am not perfect by any means, but I am not disrespectful either. I do unto others as I would like to have done to me. I help people out if and when I can. There are so many young kids now days who don't know what respect is. And their parents simply do not give a fuck about teaching them anything. I on the other hand, will not tolerate disrespectful kids. I always tell them, YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIKE ME, YOU DON'T HAVE TO LOVE ME, BUT YOU WILL RESPECT ME. If children want to be able to come around my house, they have to be respectful, or they aren't welcome. There are plenty of grown folks who have no damn idea what respect is either. And it makes me sick to think that their parents did teach them to respect people when they were kids. But now that they are adults, they are just simply to stupid to think. This not aimed at anyone, and I am just voicing my opinion. I sell ice cream for a living, and I see a lot of disrespectful people everyday. A lot of disrespectful children also. It breaks my heart to think that some of them may end up in prison or dead before they graduate high school. I feel very bad for these children who were brought into this world by uncaring parents. It truly disgusts me to see what this world is coming to. There are so many unruly children out there that the cities are becoming full of crime and people selling and doing drugs. People disrespect every thing god has given them.Them selves, the earth, the air they breathe, every thing. They throw their garbage out of their cars onto the streets. They pollute the air with god only knows what. They pollute the water so much so that it isn't even safe to drink anymore without the use of germ killing chemicals. People burn tires and things that create smog and air pollution. The world is going to hell, because people simply don't care any more. Our children have to grow up and live their lives too. By cleaning up the garbage and and finding ways to curve the pollution problem, the world would be a much better place. People should respect what God has given them, because God did not have to create man or woman. He did so because he wanted to, not because he had to. Every one should stop and think before they continue to ruin this world. Our world should be clean and free of toxins that hurt us all. I mean think really think about it. DO WE ALL WANT OUR CHILDREN TO HAVE TO GROW UP IN A WORLD WHERE YOU CAN GET CANCER FROM JUST ABOUT ANYTHING? The answer to that is no we don't. All who read this sit down and think about how we can all help to make this sorry ass world a better place. I am tired now, but I have a lot more to say about disrespectful people. I will blog again soon. 11:49 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove Sunday, April 29, 2007 QUESTIONS FOR MEN TO ANSWER Current mood: bored Category: bitchy Blogging Hello everyone. I know it has been a couple of days since I have had time to do a blog. I have just been busy. I have some questions for men. 1.) Why is it so hard for you all to show your wives / girlfriends affection? 2.) When we say " I LOVE YOU" do you just say me too? Why can't you just say it back? It doesn't make you like a bunch of pussy's, it proves that you love your girl. 3.) Why is it when you are dating a woman, they are important, but when you marry them, they become non-exsistant unless you want a piece of ass? 4.) What is the fucking deal with all of you thinking your woman has to look like a damn beauty queen? 5.) Don't you all know that women are people too? 6.) Do you all not realize that women have feelings just like you do? 7.) Why do men only think of themselves when it comes to sex? 8.) Why do men always say " It's not mine," when they get their girlfriends pregnant? 9.) Why can men not handle the responsibility of helping their baby's momma? 10.) Do you all not understand the concept of condoms? 11.) You all do know that not wearing one can cause a woman to become pregnant don't you? 12.) Why do you all think god created woman? Well, here is the answer to that question. ( GOD CREATED WOMAN BECAUSE HE KNEW THAT MEN COULD NEVER DEAL WITH THE PAIN OF CHILD BIRTH.) 13.) Why do men think just because women are women that they are really fucking stupid? 14.) Why is it a crime for your girlfriends or wife to have male friends? 15.) WHY CAN MEN NOT CALL IT MAKING LOVE INSTEAD OF FUCKING, OR GETTING A PIECE, OR JUST SEX? 16.) Why is it that right after making love men push their women away from them instead of holding them for a while? Well, I am done. I hope all guys who read this enjoy it. And ladies, you all need to read this too. Not all men are this way. None of the ones I know are. I am married and have not had anything to do with another man for 11 years. Yes, I have a few male friends, but that is all they will ever be. I am in love with my husband, and could never touch another. 4:16 AM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove Saturday, April 21, 2007 WHY DO MEN ACT LIKE JERKS??????? Current mood: bitchy Category: crabby,I've got PMS!! Life My Question Is WHY DO MEN ACT LIKE JERKS? Just so my husband knows, this is not aimed at him in any way..... But I do want him to know that he is my heart, my soul, my everything. I love him and I am in love with him forever and always. I know I do a lot of man bashing, but it is for very good reason. Men act as though once they are married to a woman, they can just forget that their wives exist. Or once they have the woman they want, they can just toss them on the back burner and carry on with their guy friends. WELL FELLAS, IT DON'T WORK THAT WAY. Women no matter how pretty, cute, ugly or whatever. No matter whether you are fat or skinny, tall or short, don't let any man get you down. Don't let them talk shit to you at all. Don't let them put you down. Don't let them tell you that you can or can't do something. Don't let them control your life. Don't let them tell you that they are the only man you can get because you are not pretty enough or good enough for anyone else. DO NOT BELIEVE THEM. Guys like that are just huge assholes, and don't deserve you. You are all better than they are. Most men are jerks and assholes, but they think they are god's gift to women. Guys I have news for all of you. 1.) You are NOT GOD'S GIFT to women. 2.) You have no right to tell any woman what to do. 3.) You have no right to tell a woman who she can or can not speak to. 4.) You all need a damn reality check. If it weren't for us women, you damn men would not be here. 5.) If God thought you men could handle the pain of child birth, you would all reproduce A-sexually. 6.) If you all feel the urge to hit a woman, then you are a straight up fucking pussy. 7.) Any man who beats on a woman, or child, deserves to have his ass kicked by as many people as want to do so. 8.) Any man who puts his hands on a child for any reason, should be castrated, and fed his testicles one at a time. 9.) If you men think I am cruel or mean, Just get the fuck over it. 10.) Just because there is a man running this country does not mean that you are the smarter species, it just means that there are a bunch of jerks in congress who voted them in. 11.) Men, just because you all have dicks hanging between your legs, does not make you any type of God. 12.) It is a true fact that size does not matter, what does matter is how you use it. 13.) If you all were real men, you would not be afraid of what a woman has between her legs. 14.) I was once told that real men eat squirrel, ( P*U*S*S*Y ) 15.) Why won't men do things with their girlfriends or wives during a specific time? Anyway..... I just had to get out some of my frustrations, and now I feel better. If any one has any questions, please feel free to drop me a line or two. I will be sure to reply. 9:45 PM - 3 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove Thursday, April 19, 2007 Comments About My Page Current mood: depressed Category: sad My Space I obviously have a my space page. But I recently changed my pictures on it for my husband. Before I had a picture of me in there, that made me look like I was really old, and ugly. I started getting really nasty comments about that picture. They were from grown men. They were saying rude things, and told me that I was way too fat to be peoples friend, and that my ugly ass just needed to delete my myspace page completely. Well Boys, Your BULLSHIT didn't stop me now did it. Yes I said boys, because that is what you really are to me. Now, there were a few guys that I really want to say thank you to. Why???? Because they made me feel really good about my self. And I think they both know exactly who they are. I talk to one of them almost everyday, and the other I have only talked to a couple of times. But still, the one I have only talked to a couple of times, made me feel like I am truly beautiful. And the other man is a very good friend of mine. I would tell everyone their names but I don't have their permission. Anyway..... My real reason for changing my pictures, was so that I could prove to my husband that I can be just as pretty as those women he has on his page. Granted I may have a big ass and the breasts to match, but he loves me. I have thought for years that my husband did not love me, just because I have put on weight and lost it, and my body is not as nice as it once was. I was somewhat thin when we met, and I was beautiful. Now I am not. If I could go back to those days and change everything, I would. I would do a lot of things differently. Anyway... I would not look like I do now. I would be the same beautiful woman I was back then. I would not look like the blob that I do look like now. Maybe I should just put my ugly picture back up, and delete all of the other ones. Then everyone could see the me that I see. Anyway.... I just really wanted to thank my two guy friends for making me feel really good about myself. THANKS GUYS, and thanks to everyone who tried to help, me feel better. 6:28 PM - 4 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove Wednesday, April 18, 2007 WHY CAN'T MEN SEE PAST THE BARBIE COMPLEX????? Current mood: bitchy Category: pissed off Life WHY CAN'T MEN SEE PAST THE BARBIE COMPLEX????? Well, let me just say that looks aren't everything in this world. I am not a pretty woman, so I know this. I am happily married to a real man who was able to see past the barbie complex into my soul. Anyway.... Real relationships can not be based on how pretty a girl is or how well she does in the sack. If you are looking for something real, don't judge by looks. Don't judge her at all , but do give her the priviledge of getting to know you and you get to know her. Be real, don't act like an ass. I have had plenty of experience knowing quite a few men who thought that they were some hot shit, when really they weren't anything. And they never amounted to anything either. So guys don't talk shit and act like you know what you want, because you don't..... You all act like you have to have the perfect looking woman. Well, even the models in the magazines are airbrushed, because they have flaws too. They are not perfect by any means!!!!!! Also, they have fat asses just like normal women. Guys, there are women in this world who deserve a good man, but because they aren't beauty queens, no one wants them. It is really f***ed up because you all think you have to have a barbie bodied beauty queen. Well, this woman right here has a fat ass, and the rest of the fat that goes right along with it. I am not thin, but I also don't give a damn what other men think of me. My husband is the only man that even needs to think about how I look. I only put my pics on here for him. Not all women are thin and have hourglass shaped bodies. Some of us are some what thin, but not too thin. Some of us are really fat and have huge asses and boobs. Then there are those of us who are chunky and not all that pretty, but we deserve to have men who will appreciate us. You know, even the ugliest guy thinks he has to have the perfect hot bodied woman, well I can tell you, she don't want you. Because you see, most hot looking women want men who look just as good. They don't want a man who looks like a dogs ass shaved. NO, they DON'T. There are women out there who are just plain ugly, but at least they can find men who don't care about looks and all that bullshit. I am not aiming this blog to any specific man, but to all men!!!!!! Here is something that I have wanted to say for a long time now, but was afraid of how people would react to it. IT IS NOT FOR ONE PERSON TO JUDGE ANOTHER, BUT IT IS FOR ONE PERSON TO JUDGE THEMSELVES. Just so all the asshole men of this world know, just because a girl or woman does not have the body of a model, does not mean that she isn't just as sexy as those so called models. I am not saying that all men are shallow, but most of them are. Sex is not a really important part of a relationship either. What is important is how 2 people feel about one another. Guys you all should grow the fuck up, and realize that women are more than just pretty faces. We are not just pieces of meat that you can use and throw away either. We all have feelings too. People should always be friends first before they start screwing each other. My husband and I were friends for a very long time before we started our real relationship. And our marriage is extremely good. And our relationship has never been better. All of you remember the next time you see a girl or woman whom you think is ugly, think about what I have said in this blog before you open your mouths to say something smart or mean. Only worthless pieces of shit will not take into consideration what I have said here. Also, I hope you enjoy the read, and have a nice day..... 5:56 PM - 5 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove Thursday, April 05, 2007 A message that was sent to one of my good friends from someone obviously trying to make it so s Current mood: pissed off Category: very, very, angry. Friends Hello again to all. I am sorry for the way my page is right now, but I felt it was time for a change. I was on here earlier, and I had to go do something really quick, and when I came back, my cousin was on the computer. I don't appreciate people touching my stuff especially when I don't give them my permission. I am very upset because that person probably ruined my friendship with the only friend that I am able to talk to daily on here. I tried to tell my husband that I was not the one who did it, but of course he does not believe me. He now hates me because of something my stupid family member did. Now I have to sit up and worry if my husband is gonna come home tonight. I have been this persons friend for a while now. Why would I have a problem with her now? She hasn't ever done anything to me. She has been my friend since I set my page up, and my cousin had to go and ruin it all. I am just going to start turning off my computer when I get up from the table. I didn't even know she had done anything on my page until I got a message from my friend. I feel really stupid, hell I am stupid for leaving my computer open and running. Guess my mom was right when she said that I was gonna be dumb all my life. Now because of my cousin, I am losing my husband. What am I going to do? My friend Staci means a lot to me. just recently she helped me see things a lot differently than I did. She also helped me to make a choice to do things differently. Now why would I mess up a good friendship like that. She is the only one of my computer friends that even really knows what I look like, and she told me that I was a pretty person. I don't have any one else that would be honest and say something like that to me, except my husband. I love him with my whole heart and soul, and I would not ever do anything to hurt him. She is his friend too. We both like her, and I have no problem with her. My husband is my whole universe, and I can't imagine life without him. But I guess now I am going to have to try to live without him, because he called me back and said he wasn't coming home until late. Why do people have to go and fuck up other peoples friendships because they are jealous of a pretty naked girl. I have no problems with that. I think she ahs a good looking body for the age she is. I wish my body looked half as good as hers does. But it doesn't. Anyway.... I just hope my husband doesn't leave me because of my family's stupid shit. If he does, then I guess I am once again on my own to raise two children by myself this time instead of just one. 10:34 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove About | FAQ | Terms | Privacy | Safety Tips | Contact MySpace | Promote! | Advertise | MySpace Shop ©2003-2007 MySpace.com. All Rights Reserved.

My Friend List

Hello all, Yeah I know there isn't going to be many who read this, but I am gonna type it anyway. There are those of you on my friend list that i talk to everyday and those who talk to me everyday. Then there are some of you that talk to me every once in a while. Then there are those of you who do not speak to me at all or do not leave messages and or comments. There are those of you who are just on my list for big friend numbers. If you are one of those people please remove yourself from my list. I am not trying to sound like a bitch but I want real friends. All of my real friends and those of you who consider yourselves my friends please remain on my list. Any drama makers please disappear. Anyone who doesn't want to really be my friend, just remove yourselves from my list. Once again I am not trying to be mean but I am not gonna put up with a bunch of people who r so unreal and not true friends.
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