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These are the Keys to a Loving Lasting Relationship

~ Enjoy!
~ Love one another with all your hearts.
~ Give more than you take.
~ Don't ever take your relationship for granted.
~ Have heart-to-heart talks and really communicate.
~ Be trusting, playful, intimate and kind.
~ Appreciate all the little, special things.
~ Recognize that time spent together is a treasure.
~ Make the most of what each day brings.
~ Know that nothing is sweeter than the warmth of one hand within another.
~ Walk together in the direction you want to go.
~ Be supportive and sharing and open to changes.
~ Always continue to grow.
~ Cherish this blessing which so few truly find.
~ Have dreams to reach out for through the years.
~ Share one another's smiles through the good times.
~ Be everything to one another through the tears.
~ What your time together lacks in quantity, make up for with quality.
~ Call to say "I love you" in the middle of the day.
~ Keep your sense of humor and hold on to your hopes.
~ Don't let work or worries get in the way.
~ Make love a sanctuary and a celebration.
~ Make each moment more precious and each season more glad.
~ Realize how lucky you are to be two. . . together.
~ And make the best memories any two people ever had.







My Love . . .

Maybe it's old-fashioned
to think that everyone
has one perfect love
somewhere in the world . . .
All I know
is that I've found mine
in you.




What Is Love?

Love is the way that our lives intertwine.
Love is the feeling of your hand in mine.
Love is each look and each meaningful touch-
The unspoken language that tells us so much.
Love is the laughter and joy that we share,
But most of all, love is just knowing you're there










Until you came into my life,
I never really knew
That I could care for anyone
The way I care for you. . .

And little did I realize
How happy I could be,
Until I fell in love with you,
And you, in love with me.

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The Miracle of Friendship

There's a "miracle" called Friendship,
That dwells within the heart
And you don't know how it happens
Or when it gets its start
But the happiness it brings you
Always gives a special lift,
And you realize that friendship. . .
Is God's very precious gift!


My Dear Friend

Your friendship has helped me grow.
Your encouragement has helped me
gain confidence in myself.
Knowing someone as caring as you has
made me more sensitive to the needs of others.
Your understanding has helped me to become
more open about my feelings, and listening
to your observations has made me
think a lot about what really matters.
Your friendship has made me see life
as something to be enjoyed. . .
especially with someone like you.



My Special Friend

It takes many special qualities
To make a friend like you,
A lot of care and kindness
And understanding, too...
It takes a special kind of love
That seems to know no end
And the thoughtfulness and patience
Of a true and trusted friend...
It takes many special qualities
To make a friend like you,
And that's why you
Are loved so much
Today and all year through.



The Miracle of Friendship

There's a "miracle" called Friendship,
That dwells within the heart
And you don't know how it happens
Or when it gets its start
But the happiness it brings you
Always gives a special lift,
And you realize that friendship. . .
Is God's very precious gift!





My Friend

There are many things I hold dear.
Things I value and things I love.
Your friendship is something
I will always treasure.
Our time together is special and dear.
I am now and shall always
Be your friend.



Our Special Friendship

Friendship is the comfort
of knowing there is always
a shoulder to lean on,
a hand to reach out for,
and a heart to
welcome me home.



To A Very Special Person

Once in a while someone comes along,
someone who just naturally makes everyone
feel a little happier, a little more alive to life.
You've been that someone to me.
You've given me a new perspective on
a lot of things - including myself.
There are things you've said to me I'll
always remember and ways you've helped
me I'll never forget. The times we spend
together are always good times that leave me
looking forward to the next time.
So thanks for being the wonderful person you are.
You're an inspiration to me and I'm very glad
and grateful to know you.




In Love

Until you came into my life,
I never really knew
That I could care for anyone
The way I care for you. . .

And little did I realize
How happy I could be,
Until I fell in love with you,
And you, in love with me.


I'll Love Only You

As long as I live,
and with each day we share,
I'll do anything for you,
I'll go anywhere.
As long as forever,
my love will be true -
And as long as I live,
I'll love only you.



The joy that a husband and wife
find together is part of God's wonderful plan
to bring the most perfect fulfillment that life
ever gives to a woman and a man. . .


Together they worship and pray,
their home life is founded on faith, hope and love,
and their happiness grows every day. . .
There's no greater joy for a man and a woman
than to find the real meaning of life
in the beautiful presence of God's Holy Spirit
that joins them as husband and wife.








Will You Love Me When I'm Old?

Life's morn will soon be waning,
And it's evening bells be tolled,
But my heart shall know no sadness,
If you'll love me when I'm old.
Down the stream of life together
We are sailing side by side,
Hoping some bright day to anchor
Safe beyond the surging tide.
Today our sky is cloudless,
But the night may clouds unfold;
But, though storms may gather round us,
I know you'll love me when I'm old.



A Better Place

They say that love
can change the world,
and it's so clear to see
Your love is what
has made my world
a better place to be!


Love Is . . .

Love is what I feel each time
you smile or touch my hand,
Love is how we know
each other's thoughts and understand,
Love is all the joys we share,
the happiness you bring,
Love is what you mean to me -
and you mean everything






You're The One That I Love

You touch my life with so much love,
In your own gentle way. . .
Your trust and your belief in me
Support me, day by day. . .
You're the special inspiration
For my brightest hopes and dreams. . .
And when I need someone to care,
You're always there, it seems.
You're my friend, my love, my sweetheart,
And my happiness, it's true. . .
For you're the one that I love,
And will my whole life through!




I Love You

You're such a special part of me
as loving and caring as you can be.
You're everything that matters in my life
you're all I ever need.
You're the one I turn to when I need somebody there,
to laugh and talk with, to understand and care.
The one I need to have forever by my side.
The one I can depend on, in whom I can confide.
You're all I'll ever need to have a full and happy life.
I love you for your love for me, so constant and so true.
But most of all I love you just because you're











I Love Thinking Of You

I love looking back to where we began,
seeing us as we were at the beginning,
then slowly leafing through the memories
we've made together to bring
us to where we are today.

I love anticipating the days ahead of us,
wondering what we'll find
in each other, in ourselves,
before another year has slipped away.

But best of all, I love being with you
where we are today,
together writing the pages
we'll remember tomorrow.



A Love Of My Own

I would rather have someone to love me,
A spirit my heart could embrace
Than to have all the gold in the mountains;
Such treasures cannot take the place
Of a love which would always be faithful,
A someone who really would care,
Who'd be part of my joys and my sorrows,
My secrets and struggles to share.

I wish I had someone to love me,
A heart to whom love I could give,
For then I would welcome tomorrow
As love offers reason to live.
I need to have someone to love me,
A someone whom I could love, too.
Out of all of the world's lonely people,
Could my special someone - be you?










All I Want Is You

I'll tell it rather simply;
I'll say it plain and true-
A single thing is all I want
And all I want is you.

There are no other riches,
No treasures or possessions
That ever could compare with you,
My fondest of obsessions.

You are the very air I breathe,
The ration that sustains me.
You're all my thoughts tied up as one,
The laugh that entertains me.

You're all that life need ever give,
The maximum that's due.
If I could ask for anything,
I'd only ask for you.




Once in a Lifetime

Once in a lifetime you find someone special,
Your lives intermingle and somehow you know.
This is the beginning of all you have longed for,
A love you can build on, a love that will grow.
Once in a lifetime to those who are lucky,
A miracle happens and dreams all come true.
I know it can happen, it happened to me,
For I've found my "once in a lifetime" with you.




My Loving Wife . . .

With you is where I want to be,
Together for all the world to see.
Holding hands as we walk down the street,
Spreading cheer to all the people we meet.
When we're together, we will always be one,
And as for sadness, there will be none.
We'll be drowned in happiness all of our life,
I'm very happy that you're my wife.


My Loving Husband . . .

You're everything
there is to me
And you always will be, too -
My friend, my sweetheart,
and my husband . . .
My one and only you!




My Loving Husband . . .

It's you who filled my life with joy,
It's you who helped to make
my dreams come true.
It's you who holds the secret
to my happiness. . .
and when I think about the one
I'll always love - it's you.







I'm Glad You're My Wife

You are the light in my life,
I'm proud to say that you are my wife.
Through good and bad, and thick and thin,
To say what I love the most, I wouldn't know where to begin.
I love you from head to toe,
and every day it seems to grow.
You are in my dreams,
You are everywhere it seems.
You are the light in my life,
and like I said, I'm glad you're my wife!


Precious Love
Love is a precious thing
It is a feeling that
makes your heart sing.

Whether you are far or near
it is like whispering in my ear.

When you find true love
it is something you
keep within your heart.









How can I tell you what I feel for you?
When I think of you my feelings twist inside
As if someone's fist reached in and grabbed a few,
And turned and turned them tight and tangled. I've tried
Somehow to say: You're the sun in my sky,
The wind that takes me where I want to go,
The sweet incense that makes me feel so high
That loving you seems all I need to know.
But it all sticks in my throat! It sounds too cute,
Empty as a wrinkled paper bag.
You won't believe it! Better I stay mute
Than offer you cliches that make you gag.
And yet I wish to tell you of my love,
If only love its own locks would remove!



All I ever wanted is in you:
Love, laughter, a pillow for my fears.
I want to give and to be given to
So I might feel myself flow through the years
Alive in you, the wonder of my tears

Although you are with someone else,
I want to have my say
Without invading your domain
Or scaring you away.
I respect the choice you made
And all that you decide,
But I would just like you to know
I want you by my side.

As a lake deep in a wood
Awaits a cool, fresh breeze,
I will wait, a patient eye,
While you do as you please
Although You Are with Someone Else~~~


I Find My Happiness in Loving You


I find my happiness in loving you.
Though my love is not returned, I don't mind waiting.
The woods are a cathedral where I pray
For the beauty and grace that lie within my heart.
You hold me and we kiss, and yet not yet
Is there the unity that love must crave.
You want me, but not as I want you:
This truth is like a wreckage on my sea.

There's no one else I hunger for, nor touch
That makes me feel I must take off my skin;
And so I'll wait as years pile up like leaves,
And long with the lonely patience of the moon


Dreams do come true, but only when
They make it through despair,
Limping into everyday
Transformed beyond repair.
No dream would be a dream if it
Could pass for something real,
Nor would we sail for paradise
Would it its shoals conceal.

So it is with love: the dream
Long longed for, now possessed,
Must be a dream no longer, but
An emperor undressed.

Stark naked it must come to us
In unaccustomed shame,
And we must take it in our arms
And love it all the same.

And we must love love as it is
That dreams might still come true,
Mangled into miracles
To make our lives anew.









In love you let the heart do all the thinking
And say with courage simply what seems true.
Time will in good time do all the linking,
But you must know you've done what you can do.
Passion understands far more than reason,
Seeing in the dark with more than sight.
Truth, in truth, can vary with the season,
Nor can you ever know you've got it right.

So throw yourself into the stream of being
And let the moment take you where it will.
Fear does nothing for the bitter keening
That only love's sweet sacrifice can still






Love is never easy, but
It turns life into song.
There is no bit of circumstance


That love cannot transform.
There is no weary moment
Of anger or despair
That love cannot convert to grace
And render whole and fair.

How passionate the paradise
That comes from knowing well
That someone in your happiness
Finds pleasure for himself.

How sweet the gift of giving to
Someone who gives to you,
A selflessness that gives to self
More self than self is due.

With all the searing madness of
The world from day to day,
And all the dreary sadness that
No joy can take away,

There is one truth more beautiful
Than anyone can bear:
That two can trust that when they turn
They'll find the other there







What I need... A MAN OR WOMAN

A man who thinks I am beautiful.
A man who tells me I am beautiful.
A man who helps me up if I fall and asks "babe, are you ok?"
A man who loves me for me, even with all my immature and childish glory.
A man who will go out in the middle of the night, on his own, to get me medicine when I am sick.
A man that can stand on his own two feet.
A man who is with me because he wants to be, not because I am "the safest bet".
A man that is my best friend and lover.
A man who will be the first to tell me "Happy Birthday" on my Birthday.
A man who respects me.
A man who makes me laugh, even when I'm crying.
A man who will never make me cry on purpose.
An honest man.
A loyal man.
A caring man.
A man who doesn't always have to pretend to be macho.
A man who is at least nice to my friends (even if he doesn't like them)
A man who will cuddle me all night long.
A man who will always show me he loves me.
A man I never have doubts in, even if I don't agree with what he's doing.
A man I don't have to babysit.
A man that isn't fully selfish in his actions.
A man who will never exploit my emotions for his own gain.
A man I don't have to worry about what he's doing online all the time.
A man who will communicate with me.
A man who CAN communicate with me.
A man whom I can count on, through thick and thin.
A man who knows relationships are 50/50.
A man I can love.


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