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NeaNea CRUSH ME PLZ's blog: "RENEA"

created on 09/14/2006  |  http://fubar.com/renea/b587  |  1 followers


HEY GUYS! ALOT OF PPL ASK ME TO KEEP THEM UPDATED ON MY PREGNANCY, SO I HAVE DECIDED TO POST A BLOG WITH ALL OF MY UPDATES THAT I KEEP IN MY JOURNAL, SO HERE WE GO... Hi my name is Renea Jones. I am a 20 year old college student and i plan to become a labor and delivery nurse. This is not my first pregnancy. I have had two previous miscarrages, one at 10 weeks and one at 12 weeks. My boyfriend Jason and I tried for almost a year, and now we are pregnant again with a beautiful baby girl that we have decided to name Jayden Grace. I am 23 weeks pregnant as of 5-26-2007. I have had a pretty easy pregnancy except for a few times that i got dehydrated and one time i got food poisoning. I took my positive pregnancy test on 1-20-2007 and i couldnt have been more excited. I found out that she was a girl on 5-2-2007. when i went in for my doctors appointment I was sooo scared that they were going to tell me that it was a boy. I was sitting there praying for a girl over and over again. my ultrasound tech was like... you look like your about to get a tooth pulled not see your baby lol. but thank the lord she is a she lol. My only problems so far are bad backpain because my boobs are so big(they have grown 4 cup sizes) , and lack of sleep because i cant get comfortable. she seems to be very active from around 11 at night untill around 3 or 4 in the morning. I have only gained about 3 or 4 pounds because i had extremely bad all day sickness untill i was around 20 weeks, and i still get dizzy sometimes. My next appointment is on wed the 27th of june, wish me luck :) Pregnancy Survey About You Name?:Renea Age?: 20 Height?: 5'6 Pre-pregnancy weight?: perfect :) About The Father Name?: Jason Age?: 21 Height?: 5'10 Are you still together?: Yes About Your Pregnancy Is this your first pregnancy?:NO When did you find out you were pregnant?: Jan 20th 2007 Was it planned?: yes What was your first reaction?: EXCITED Who was with you when you found out?: Jason Who was the first person you told?: other than Jason, my mom How did your parents react?: mom was happy, dad didnt talk to me for a few days How far along are you?: 23 weeks Now What was your first symptom?: throwing up and being dizzy What is your due date?: Sept 22 Do you know the sex of the baby?: Yes If so, what is it?: GIRRRLLL Have you picked out names?: Yes If so, what are they?: Jayden Grace How much weight have you gained?: 2-4 lbs Do you have stretch marks?: Not on my belly Have you felt the baby move?: Yes all the time Have you heard the heartbeat?: Yes About the birth Will you keep the baby?: UMM yea Home or hospital birth?: Hospital Natural or medicated birth?:NATURAL (hopefully)lol Who will be in the delivery room with you?: Mom and Jason Will you breastfeed?:imma try Do you think you'll need a c-section?: NO Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: absolutely What's the first thing you might say to him/her?: you are beautiful, or hi lol .. Would you let someone videotape the birth?:sure Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: Very excited UPDATES 5/30/07- Today i went to the obgyn and I had to take my gestational diabetes test, so they gave me the drink as soon as i got there, and then i waited an hour and they took my blood. I hate having my blood taken and so i was glad to just have it over and done with. afterwards i went in to see the midwife and she tells me well i guess you should do your gestational diabetes test next visit and i was like well i just did that and she was like no you cant do it untill you are 24 weeks and you wont be 24 weeks for 2 more days, and i was like well they told me to do it today so i did, and she was like im sorry my mistake i will go discard that blood and you will just have to have it redone. man i was sooo mad. but on a better note i had another ultrasound today. the pics are posted above. she kept on moving her mouth. so cute! she weighs approximately 1 pound 3 ounces, and is 13 inches long. her heartbeat was 164, the doctor says she looks perfect. i cant wait to meet her! my next appointment is on June 27th. i will be 28 weeks then, after that i go every 2 weeks. so far my only problems are back pain and lack of sleep. i just cant seem to get comfy! 6/4/07- as of today i am 24 weeks and 2 days. no major changes, i gained like 2 more pounds, but other than that i think my belly is still the same size. my mom made me a maternity dress today its very pretty... i couldnt go to sleep the other night because i started getting this terrible pain in my hip that would shoot down to my knee. it hurt so bad it felt like my leg was gonna fall off. i dont know what caused it but it has happened a few times since then. my boobs still hurt all the time, and the sleep hasnt gotten much better. i started taking tylenol simply sleep to help me and it really helps alot. i only have 110 days left and i really cant wait. 6/7/07 my back pain hasnt gotten any better so i made an appointment with my doctor to get a referral to a chiropractor. i hope that helps. I have been swimming almost every day now that our water in our pool is warm enough and boy does it help. it relieves a hole lot of the pressure. I really really want to do a waterbirth but the only hospital in Georgia that offers it is like 2 hours from my house so that is kinda unrealistic. I told my mom that when i go into laybor im gonna go get into her big bathtub (she has a big whirlpool tub) and i was gonna stay in it untill i absolutly had to go to the hospital when my contractions were like 1 min apart. and if i happen to have her at home then oh well. lol but seriously the closer i get to my due date the more i consider doing a waterbirth at home. I hate hospitals and i really dont want to be confined to that bed with stuff hooked to me for lord knows how many hours if i dont have to be. i mean if there was a problem and it was medically necessasary for me to be there then i will but i would like to do it at home if i can. I would like to find a midwife that will do a homebirth if i can but i cant find one that will take medicade, and i cant afford one without using the insurance *sigh* only aa little over 15 weeks left!!!! 6/11/07 25 weeks 2 days ...i went to the doctor to get my referral and she told me that she doesnt like to send pregnant women to the chiropractor and that she wants me to go see a pain specialist and have injections put in my back for the pain... im really not sure about that because i dont like needles at all. thats the hole reason i dont want an epidural so i dont think i will be going to that specialist if thats what they are gonna do. i think i will just deal with the pain lol. I made some cupcakes last night and ate like 5 of them lol they were sooooo good!!! i have really been craving sweets but im trying to control it so that i dont get really really big. still no stretchmarks on my belly... im real excited about that and i hope i dont get any. oh and i moved all my pics to the photo album so feel free to check them out :) 6/14/07 im really scared! remember when i told yall the other day that i was having what felt like period cramps, well i went to the doctor today because i woke up with it this morning and it was pretty regular and it wouldnt go away. well he checked me and told me that im dialated to a 1 and then he put me on a contraction monitor for 2 hours and i am having regular contractions every 7 or 8 min. he told me i could either go be admitted to the hospital and let them treat me and have me on bedrest, or i could go home and take a pill to try and make it stop and be on bedrest here. i chose to try coming home first, but im really scared because im only 25 weeks. its not time for her to come yet!!!!! oh and by the way, concerning the backpain i was having, i went to the chiropractor anyways and ignored her. it made a world of difference. my back feels a million times better! 6/15/07 The contractions still havent gone away, i dont know how long its supposed to take this medicine to make them go away but this morning i was getting them around every 15 min... now its like every 10 min. they hurt pretty bad. 6/18/07 First of all i would like to thank you all for your support and kind words. Jayden and i are doing well. Thanks to an increase in my meds, a stich in my cervix and complete bedrest, the docs have managed to stop my contractions. they say that she will probaby come before her due date still, but atleast for now she is staying in there. as for my boyfriend, he never came to be by my side, he is still 4 hours away. my back pain is terrible from having to lay down all the time. all i can take is tylenol and it isnt working very well. I have also found that my heartburn has increased significantly as well. OH and i almost bled to death the other day. the doctors didnt tell me that the medicine i was on had an anti clotting medicine in it and a blood thinner, well i got a scratch on my chest and it looked like a murder scene. it took us like 6 hours to stop the bleeding completely so that was fun lol. i guess i just gotta be real careful not to get cut seriously! 6/20/07 all day yesterday i was having contractions again. so i was admitted into the hospital again at 9 pm last night. i was thinking ok well this shouldnt be tooo bad. I WAS WRONG! my contractions were coming back to back and they needed to do something quick so they put me on magneseum sulfate. OH BOY when that stuff started running through the IV it felt like someone was sticking a million needles in my arm. The hole time i was on it it never got better. i was crying for hours because it hurt so bad, plus the discomfort of the catheder that they insisted on leaving inside of me because they didnt want me getting up to go pee. In the middle of the night i had complained so much that they finally took the catheder out thank the lord, but they still wouldnt let me get up to go pee. they told me they would stick a bedpan under me and i was like ok cool... WRONG AGAIN. i tried not to drink much because i didnt want the nurse to have to be running in and out with it, and at 8am she came in and told me i had to pee or they were putting the catheder back in. I could not get myself to pee in that bedpan for anything. so she gave me a shot of sterpoids to mature her lungs and then put the catheder back in. So after i finished my round of magnesium sulfate thank goodness my contractions slowed to about 2 an hour so i begged her to let me come home and she did but i have to go back at 8am for the other shot of steroids and to be checked. I went to the bathroom to pee a few min ago and when i wiped there was blood in it, so im kinda worried not sure if that is from the catheders or what but i really really dont wanna go back. 6/21/07 wooo hooo 26 weeks 6 days now...the longer Jayden stays in the happier i get. went to the doc she said the bleeding was from the catheder, but i still have to go back every week to get checked and take my preterm labor meds, and bedrest untill she comes. i got my second steroid shot today... OWTCH 6/24/07 things have been getting better. I havent had many contractions, however my boobs started leaking yesterday. I was like dang! I took a nap and woke up yesterday with two stretchmarks on my belly :( they were my first. it makes me sad. my boyfriend says that he doesnt care about them and that im giving him a child so he has no right to complain but i wish i didnt have to get stretchmarks on my belly. i finally got my baby crib put up. its so pretty. I cant wait to watch her sleep in it. Only 90 days (or less) to go! 6/30/07 28 weeks!!!! well shes still in there lol. I went to the doctor on wednesday and they weighed me ( i lost 3 pounds) and then i had to do my gluclose test, witch i hope to god that comes back normal because i really dont want to have to sit through a 3 hour test, and get poked 3 times in one day. I think i may be developing a urinary tract infection, witch sucks pretty bad, but my next doctors appointment isnt untill july 12th so i might have to make one before then to let them check it out. the stretchmarks on my belly feel like my skin is ripping apart. it hurts sooooo bad. i put lotion on them like 50 times a day but its oviously not helping. My main craving is honey nut cheerios. i eat like 3 bowls a day. I have also been drinking ALOT of milk, witch i guess is good for the baby and for me. I start my childbirth classes on July 31st and im kind of excited, hopefully my doc will let me off of bedrest for the few hours a week to attend. the reason im so excited about it is because my boyfriend is coming home to attend them with me so i will get to see him once a week for that YAY! i miss him sooo much! ive also been having a problem with heartburn and constipation, but for the heartburn ive been taking tums, and for the constipation ive been taking coleace... not sure if its working yet, but i also started eating those dannon activia yogarts so hopefully that will help. my lil Jayden weighs about 3 lbs now according to the doctor, i know that they are usually off with those weight predictions, but im just glad she is doing ok, only 84 days to go!!!!! 7/8/07 i am having a terrible day. i just want to cry so hard actually i have been crying for the past half hour. up untill now i have only gained like 4-6 pounds my hole pregnancy, and i was doing so good. my sister is pregnant too. she is 21 weeks and i am 29 weeks. my hole life she has always weighed more than me and i always promised myself i would never get fat like her. well her hole pregnancy she has done nothing but lose weight. she is -12 pounds from what she weighed before she got pregnant, so she comes in my room today and tells me she lost 5 more pounds and to go weigh myself so im like ok, i went in there and i gained 6 pounds in the last two days. TWO DAYS!!!! now i weigh more than she does, and she and my mom were talking and they were like well of course she gained it she eats like a fucking cow! it really hurt my feelings because im really sensitive about my weight already and it just kills me that i weigh more than she does, and that she is making fun of me. i really didnt used to eat alot but since i got into my 7th month i have just been hungry all the time so i eat like 4 times a day yes, but its healthy stuff that i eat. i just feel like a whale and i cant stand it!!!! only 75 more days to go! 7/12/2007 well im almost 30 weeks now. i cant believe i only have 10 weeks left. im so excited but scared at the same time. my babyshower is on saturday, and i am registered at walmart under renea jones, if anyone would like to buy me anything :) I went to the doctor today, and i lost a pound woooo hooooo!!! my net weightgain is only 9 pounds now. i know imma gain probly another 10 before she is born tho lol. my sisters doctors appointment was today too. she is having a boy. im glad. this means my lil girl is gonna get all the attention beause my family doesnt like lil boys. idk why they just dont. My contractions are pretty spaced out now only a few a day, witch is good, but im still on bedrest unfortunately. august 2 is my next appointment. its supposed to be the week before but my mom insisted on making it with my sisters. so i have to wait 3 weeks insted of 2 like im supposed to. oh well. my cravings have been limes with lots of salt, and olive gardens salad. omg its so goood! my only complaints are my stretchmarks they hurt soooo bad. only 71 more days YAY!!!!! 7/21/07 well im 31 weeks now with only 62 days left. Im getting more and more nervous as time goes by. not so much about being a mom, Im pretty sure i can handle that. Its the birth im worried about. i want to bad to have a quick, completely natural childbirth but im sure thats not too likely to happen. Jason is coming to see me in 10 days. he has to come pick out an apartment and i have an appointment for my 3d ultrasound at 4:30 that day and my childbirth class is at 6pm on tthat day too so its good that he will get to be here for all of that. i havent gained anymore weight according to my moms scale. I will find out for sure when i go to my next appointment on august 2nd. Jayden moves so much now, it feels so weird. when i put my hand on my belly insted of feeling just a kick i can feel her actually moving. i get curious and i poke around on my belly alot trying to feel stuff, but i wonder if this can hurt her in anyway does anyone know?? well i think thats all for now. i will try to update my pictures soon!
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