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Reaper Part 1...2/3

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Antarctica (rebel hideout)


Where am I? I am dead?

“Hey are you awake?”


Tsunami struggled to open hers eyes.

“Sir, she’s awaking up!”

“Well hurry up, get that equipment off her!!”

She could at last open her eyes. She was starring at the ceiling of an infirmary, she tried to sit up but only found pain. “Easy ma’am, if you push to far you’ll die.” Tsunami looked to where the voice was coming from, she saw the rebel leader. Tsunami’s voice turned to anger, “So what do you want with me?”

“Now, now ma’am that not our intention at all, we don’t want anything from you, its just we couldn’t leave you to die.”

“I know you wanted more than just to help me, so tell me what do want.”

“We wish to employ your services.”

Tsunami’s face turned ugly, “And what kind of services are you talking about?” The man laughed, “Oh don’t talk like that, we just thought you deserved something better in the way of treatment than what War’s providing,”

A smile appeared on his leathery face, “actually that’s what we wish for everyone.” Tsunami face turned to amazement. “For everyone to live in happiness and peace even the monster breeds that went into hiding to prevent extinction, even those too.”

Tsunami smiled, “You know, that’s my dream to.”

Then she remembered, “Oh yeah!”

She said in a panic, “The summoning, did it work?”

“Of course.”

“Then where is he? Did he get picked up by the army?”

“Ma’am if you please come with me, I’ll be happy to show you.”

As Tsunami walked behind the leader she noticed the way the rebels had to live their lives, “So you guys have hardly anything at all?”

“I wish could say things here were different, but I can’t. You see your friends that are in the armies of the four horsemen are really putting a hamper on our operation.” Tsunami looked away, “There not my friends, I only did what I did just to survive.”

They continued down the hall, now they stood before a steel door. The captain looked over to Tsunami, “Now once you go through this door you will never be able go back. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand but don’t worry; I have no intentions of going back to that hell house so open that door!!”

As the door opened Tsunami couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It was a science lab, but it was more advanced than any of the labs she had been in before. “We found this when we first got here. It looks to be a downed UFO that crashed 250 years ago.”

“That’s all well and good, but where’s he at?”

The captain pointed to the large regeneration tube in the middle of the floor, “He’s in there.”

They walked up to where a scientist was monitoring the computer. “So what’s the status? Is he able to be released?”

The scientist turned toward the captain, “No sir, for some reason his power cannot be stored away.”

Tsunami asked, “What do you mean?”

“Well ma’am if his power can’t be suppressed we can’t let him out, he expose us to the detectors and then we’re done for.”

Tsunami looked in the tank. All she could see was the silhouette of a man. She thought to herself, I don’t know if you can hear me but I’m here with you.

Of course I hear you, well if you’re here why don’t you let me out.

I’m sorry but unless you can hide more of your power you’ll be risking the lives of everyone here.

Very well I understand.

The buzzers started to sound off, “Sir, the power has started to drop. We can let him out.”

“Very well let him out right now.”


Tsunami heard a click and the water started to drain out. When the tank had finished empting all that was left was the man. The glass around him lifted off and he walked down. Tsunami was amazed. He had been completely submerged in water, but none of his clothing was even damp, not even a single hair on his head showed the slightest bit of being wet. As he reached the bottom of the steps the captain approached him, “Welcome, I’m the leader of the Rebel Freedom Fighters and I hope we can count your power.”

The captain extended his hand to shake the man’s hand. Tsunami heard in her mind. Who is this? Why is he acting all high and mighty?

He is the one who brought us here after both of us passed out, if he hadn’t we both probably be brainwashed and under service to the ruler of this world.

I see, very well. The man turned to the captain, “This lady here explained everything, and I accept your invitation to join you.”

The captain smiled, “Welcome to the resistance, but what name do you go by? We just can’t call you sir all the time now can we?”

“My name is Reaper, from the land of Purgatory. So tell me about your battle strategies and your current militia.”

“Yes of coarse, right this way.”

As they started toward the door Tsunami took a good look at the person she brought here; he had long straight black hair that went down just past his shoulders, like hers, he wore a trench coat but it was white not black, his shirt and pants were black, he wore a pair of marital art shoes, but it was his hands and face that caught her attention, his hands were wrapped in a sealing tape and both had a different sealing enchantment, the one his left had white lettering and the one his right hand had black lettering. And then there was his face, or rather the expression he carried, it was plain almost devoid off all emotion, and his eyes they were solid black and from the look of it they almost appeared entirely soulless. They continued down to the armory. When they arrived the captain start to explain the situation, “At our current level we have just enough to pull of ambushes and sneak attacks.”

“I see. So tell me, who is the current threat that is so great that the deities would like to see removed in order to bring peace to this world?”

The captain face turned grim, “The man you speak of, his name is War.”

For the first time Reaper actually reacted to what the captain said, “Is that so. Well captain, judging from your militia and what you told me about your battle strategies there’s only one thing I require.”

“And what would that be?”

“A place to train.”

“Yes, right this way.”

The three of them walked to the bridge. The captain led them to a map of the world with every military spot and stronghold on it. “Now our best bet for a training place for you would here, a cave where the density of the rock is high enough where they won’t be able to detect you.”

“I see.”

“But there’s one concern. Who’s going to be your training partner, as you can see there’s no one here that can match you.”

Reaper looked back at Tsunami, “Don’t worry all I’ll be requiring is just Lady Tsunami, for her power is greater than all of yours combined.”

“Very well, now to get you over to that location. It’ll take three days to get you there by plane.”

“That won’t be necessary. All I need is to have Tsunami take my hand.”

Tsunami was taken back by what Reaper said, “So all you need is me, to train.” “Yes.”

“What can I do?”

“Well I seem to remember someone pouring an incredible amount of power into a seal.”

Tsunami flashed back to that moment. “Its power like that, which can take me to the next level in this world. And I’d like to talk to you in private away from everyone.”

The captain interrupted, “Well I still want to know how you two plan on getting there.”

“Just watch, are you ready Tsunami?”

“Yes I am.”

“Then grab my hand.”

“Uh, okay.”

Tsunami grabbed Reapers hand and held it as hard as she could, and in a flash of smoke they were gone. “So he has the power to teleport huh?”




























Training Ground, Mount Everest (War’s Domain)


“Hey Tsunami, you can open your eyes now.”

When Tsunami opened her eyes she couldn’t believe it. In the time it took her to close her eyes they were at the training ground that the Captain had shown them. How did you do that?

“There’s no reason for us to talk like that in here.”

“Oh I….”

Reaper put his hand up, We’re not alone here.

Tsunami could feel her heart race, as if she could sense the presence herself. So what do we do?

Reaper let on a little bit of smile, We are going to say hi.

As they were walking Tsunami was getting worried, Are you sure you know what you’re doing.

Yes I do, I can feel the total power of any opponent, even if there trying to hide it, and with these four in the training ground, if you used the power you used to bring me here you’d have a few scratches but you’d still come out the winner.

When they rounded the corner Tsunami was astounded training ground was huge it even had cliff and had the look of an old graveyard, but they were not alone. She could see the shadowy images of four people. Hey Reaper can you make out who they are.

No but I can tell you we are going to be in for a fight.

 But I can’t completely control my power Reaper.

I see, don’t worry I’ll take care of it.

One of the figures looked over to where they were standing, “Hey who is that?”

Another one looked over, “Well I don’t know who the man, but the woman with him is Lady Tsunami.”

“Well then how about we go introduce ourselves.”

As the four of them approached Tsunami realized who they were. She turned the Reaper, Hey I know who they are; they are the four guardians of War’s Domain.

Yeah, but that still doesn’t change the fact that you can still beat them.

But you see that’s just it, as long you don’t start the fight I’m pretty sure we can get through this without any fighting, so let me try and handling this.

Very well.

“Well, well Lady Tsunami I must say you are truly surprising.”

Tsunami looked to the one who was talking. “We heard the Resistance had taken you hostage.”

“Well I’ve my friend here to thank. If it wasn’t for him I’d still be in their clutches.”

The one on the left looked at Reaper, “So is this the one you summoned?”

“Yes he is.”

“So what’s your name?”

Reaper closed his eyes, “My name is Reaper.”

“So Reaper, why is it that you’ve come here.”

“I’ve come here to train, and you’re in the way.”

“What did you just say?

“I’ve come here to train, and you’re in the way.”

Tsunami looked toward Reaper, What are you doing? I thought we had agreed that I would take care of this.

That’s true, but the tone he taking with you makes me want to kill him.

“You know you are really working my nerves.”

Reaper opened his eyes and looked at him, “Well if showed Tsunami some respect I wouldn’t have any problems.”


The one on right stepped forward, “I don’t care if you are Lady Tsunami’s,” he drew his sword to attack, “you’d better show US some respect.”

Reaper stood in front of Tsunami as the man began to charge.  When man swung Tsunami closed her eyes, So, you’d kill yourself, just to get me some respect?

Me die, to these clowns, you must be joking.

Tsunami opened her eyes; the man that attacked was standing in bewilderment. His sword was pinched under Reaper’s. But how did you do that? How can you have a sword? I mean, you don’t even have a sheath.

Reaper looked at the man in the eye, “My, my swordplay. It’s been several hundred years since someone has swung a sword at me. Especially, with a swing that slow.”

“But how do you stop my sword, I mean you don’t even have a sheath.”

“Tsunami asked the same question. You see I can take the metal out of the ground and compress it into a sword. So, you see, I don’t need to carry a sword. I can make one on a whim. Oh and by the way, you’re weak.”

Though she knew the other three couldn’t see what happened she saw it all, Reaper held down the man’s sword with the sword in his left and then using his right hand Reaper open palmed the left side of the man’s face. He was launched into the wall on the far side of the room 50 meters away. But in real time it only took a few seconds to happen. Reaper turned back to the other three. “Okay he failed. Whose next to go?”

The man who was so bold before took a step back. Reaper looked dead at him, “This is your final warning; I’ve come here for training and you are in the way. So I suggest, YOU LEAVE!!!”

“You think I’m done that easy!”

The man who had just got launched came running back. Reaper turned toward him, “Won’t you ever learn.”

Once again in an instant the man was sent flying, this time into the ceiling of the cave 100 meters up. “This guy’s crazy fast, I didn’t see what happened again.”

But Tsunami saw it all and was a simpler attack than the last one. As the man swung down Reaper parried, knocked the guy’s sword out of the way and uppercut him in chin sending him to the ceiling. Do you have any limit?

Yes if he attacks again he’s dead.

“You haven’t won yet!”

The man flung himself at Reaper, “I’ll kill you yet!”

Reaper looked up, “It’s a real shame but three strikes and your out.”

In the next instant the man was in a crater with his own sword in his chest. The three that were remaining were showing blatant signs of fear, “What just happened.”

“I don’t know but he’s dead, so what are we going to do now.”

“I don’t know, I mean I don’t even know what happened just now.”

Tsunami for reasons she could not explain could still see everything that happened. The man swung at Reaper but Reaper dodge. The man’s sword went into the ground. Then Reaper kneed the man in the ribs flipping him over. And then without even letting his leg down extended it and axe kicked him in the ground then rotating grabbed the man’s sword and shoved it through the man’s chest and then axe kicked the sword with enough force to create the crater which the man was now in. Reaper turned back to the three, “Well is there anyone else who wishes to interfere?”

The three of them dropped to their knees, “No, we don’t wish to challenge. We’ll let you train in peace.”

“Oh you better apologize before you leave or you won’t leave a live.”

“Y-yes sir, will do.”

After they left Tsunami couldn’t stop herself, “What were you thinking? Taking them on.”

Reaper looked at her, “You saw yourself, they couldn’t see my moves.”

But I know you could.

“But, how could you know that?”

Reaper let on a little smile. “I’ll give you an answer, if you tell me why you wear that Rosario.”

Tsunami grabbed her necklace. “How or when did you notice?”

“Back at the rebel base, I notice that unique necklace of yours. So you’re a…”

Reaper’s left cheek opened and blood came out. Tsunami reached in her pocket, “You reckless fool!”

She pulled out a hand cloth, “Blood in my presence is not good. You must’ve gotten that when a rock flew up from when you killed that guy.”

She wiped it off the blood and was getting the cloth back into one of her coat pockets when, “The smell of this blood, it’s completely different from what I’ve smelled from others. It smells…….delicious.”

Tsunami felt a strong sensation coming over her. “No I won’t do it.”

Reaper looked over at her as he could see she was having trouble controlling herself, “I see. So I was right in what you are.”

He started to reach for her. Tsunami slapped his hand away, “No, you fool, stay away from me. The closer you get the stronger this feeling gets. Right now the only thing keeping you from me is nothing but sheer willpower to keep from hurting you.”

Reaper reached for her again, “Its okay, I understand what you want.”

He grabbed her and pulled her to him. Tsunami’s head was at his neck, “What are you doing?”

“Like I said its okay.”

A tear came to her eye, “I’m sorry, I don’t want to, but if you say its okay. And you’re right about what I am, a vampire.”

 She bit down.

After she had finished she was really sad, “Now that area probably going to scar, isn’t it.”

Reaper pulled the neck of his coat down from where she had bitten him, “Well actually, the wound has already healed.”

Tsunami looked back at him, “But that’s impossible.”

But what he said was true. The area where she had bitten him had already healed with no sign of a scar at all. “But how can you heal like that.”

“You’re forgetting who I am.”

“Just who are you?”

“I told you my name is Reaper, but I’ve long since forgotten my human name.”

“But with you being inside a seal, there’s no way you can be human.”

“That’s because I haven’t walked on Earth in over 10,000 years. That was back when Atlantis was the superpower of the world.”

“But then you must know what brought that civilization down.”

“Indeed I do, but that will be a story for another time. Right now we need to focus on training for the both of us.”

Tsunami was puzzled, “For both of us, why is that?”

“Well War is powerful this I know. Plus he has the most army out of anyone on this planet right? So if I can train you to where you can control your power, you can keep the army at bay. And then I can focus on War. After all, he has quite an offer for me. You see War and I used to train together. Then he found out how to unlock his Seal of Hell,” Reaper pointed to the markings on his right arm, “after that he grew power hungry he said the human raced didn’t deserve to rule the Earth. So intoxicated by his own power he came here in order to prove his point.”

Tsunami was drawn to the seal, “So just how much power is held back by the seal and what’s the other one?”

“This is the Seal of Heaven and as for my Seal of Hell I don’t know. I’ve never been able to release it.”

“Why’s that? I figured that’s what you used to beat that guy early.”

“That guy, I didn’t even use a tenth of my power. They were weak.”

“Why didn’t you tell me that earlier? I would have taken them on myself.”

“I wanted to see what type of person you are; now I know. With that out of the way we can proceed with training.”

Reaper went to stand up, “Hey what’s this feeling. It actually hurts.”

“What do mean?” Tsunami asked while she was standing up. When she looked at Reaper she could only say one thing, “What’s going on?”

Reaper was in extreme pain. She could tell that even though all he was doing was groaning. But then she saw the culprit when a lighting aura surrounded him, “Awwwwww, now it really hurts. What’s going on?”

“I know what’s happening to you and it’s my fault.”

Tsunami ran up to Reaper and shoved her hand into his chest, “SLEEP!”

Reaper dropped to his knees, “Will it work, after all once I.…..wake. ….up …my …pain…..will …return.”

Tears rolled down Tsunami’s face, “I’m sorry but I can’t let you suffer because of me.”

She wiped up the tears and pulled out a black card. She threw the card to the ground, “Now Reaper, time to get you healed before you wake up.”

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