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Purrbaby's blog: "surveeyyy"

created on 09/14/2011  |  http://fubar.com/surveeyyy/b343504  |  5 followers

All i really need

What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? I gots to make some pee like right meow! lol 

McDonald's or Burger King?I used to work at Burger King... got so sick of it.. haven't had it since i worked there.. soooo Mcdonalds lol

  What is your favorite movie with Johnny Depp in it?Blow baby, Blow. 

What is your favorite movie without Johnny Depp in it?I have quite a few favorite movies... such as Idle hands, A walk to remember, && Any lesbian/gay movie i have seen :p

What is the silliest hat you have ever worn?Some jamaiican hat mun.

What kind of energy drink do you drink? I could really go for some Redbull... ya diiggg 
Xbox 360 or PS3 or Wii? I only have a Wii and its pretty radpants cause i can watch netflix all day errdayy

Acoustic or Electric Guitar?Both please! Fun fact, i am a left handed guitar player

Pepsi or Coca-Cola?Pepsi. Coke tastes way to syrupy for to my taste buds.heh buds... now i wanna smoke a blunt ;)

Who's your favorite author?Nicholas Sparks

What's your favorite television show?I don't watch much TV. But if you can keep a secret i used to be a big fan of hannah montana

. Are you subscribed to Netflix? No , but i know some kind people who let me use theirs :)

Do you have a smartphone?Droidular.

Underrated Superhero time! The Flash or The Mask?The purrrrrrr

Did you know that an ostrich can run 43 miles an hour? No... but pretty neato cheetoh.

Did you know that Kermit the Frog is left handed?Lies && deceit.

What Zodiac year were you born in?Umm... The year of the dragon.. if that is what you are referring too lol

What Gregorian year were you born in? (Protip: Example would be 1992.) No clues for blue.

Have you ever seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show?Dude fuck yes. Even seen it preformed live a few times. Good times, good times.

Do you still like Pokemon?No, and was never a fan. But that charmander dude is pretty adorbbs

Spaghettio's: Meatballs or Franks?Good old hot dogs.

What's your favorite band?Avenged Sevenfold.

What song by them should I listen to? ALL OF THEM!

What are you listening to right now?Vindata - All i really need. LISTEN TO IT. It makes me feel like a flower dancing in the wind.

Do you like writing?Depends on what i am writing about.

Do you like math?Nope

Do you like talking about school?No need.

I say red, you say:Pickles!

Pencil or Pen? Both. I hate choosing between two awesome things mang.

Sweatshirt or Jacket?Sweatshirt... Jackets make me too hott.. not cool... they should make an air conditioned coat... for those who like the jacket look.. but hate the heat lol

Shoes or Barefoot?Barefootsies inside... shoes outside.

Risk or Monopoly?Never heard of Risk.

So, who was your first kiss?Girl- Megan... Boy= Joe. 

What kind of hairspray do you use?Whatevers clever.

Do you ever think about the past?Yeh... but then i think... wake the fuck up and get on with your future girlscout.

  Where was the last place you went?My friends house...

When is the next time you'll drink beer or liquor?Tonight ....You can say i am a bit of a lush. I prefer the word classy.

Have you ever had jello shots?Hell yessss! I best be getting me some jello shots next week! lol

Who is your ex boyfriend?Not important. None of my ex's are lol

What do you and your best friend do when you hang out? I have more than one. So it depends. One of them.. we chill... blaze blunts.. talk about hilare shit. The other is totally straight edge so we just .... do stuff.. lol I am too high to be taking this survey.

Where is your boyfriend/girlfriend right now?Idk... where are you?

At what age, do you think is it okay to get married?Don't do it. It's a trap.

What does your house smell like right now?Febreeze. I LOVE febreeze. lol

Do you like the smell of skunks?Skunk weeeeeed.

Have you ever had a crush on your best friend's brother?Maybe ... :) Kinda sorta.. a little... OH I HOPE HE MARRYS ME!!!! JK. But i think i did back in the day lol

Do you have any siblings?2 sisters. I am the oldest.

What is in front of you right now other than your computer screen?Bubbles and a whistle. It's actually a bubblewhistler thing.. I know... rad.

Do you have a friend who annoys you really bad? Eh not really. Except when he whistles. UGH that really gets on my nerves lol 

What are you planning on doing tomorrow?Whatever comes my way.

What's your favorite Dr Suess book?Ummm DUH. Green eggs and ham.

What is the longest you've gone without sleep? I used to be a tweaker .. so who knows... over 72 hours.

If you could be on any tv show, which would it be?WWE haha

What is the habit your proud of breaking?^^ ;) :) 

What is your worse habit?I have a few.

What are two of your pet peeves?People that whistle when around other people! && People who lie constantly about dumbbbasssshit.

When is the next time you'll go swimming?Thursday.... STOKEDSAUCE!

Do you ever use urbandictionary?Yeh i got a couple words in there too lol

Who is always there for you when things go bad? Honestly? No one lol But its coooooool.

How tall are you?5'1.

What is the best thing to eat for breakfast? Bagel with creeeaaam cheese.

What is your perfect dinner?Idk... food is bomb... i don't have a favorite lol.. but i am having blueberry pancakes tonight mmmmmm

When was the last time you ran out of gas?Dude like 2 weeks ago... I was with my friend derrick and he ran out of gas. Thank goodness he had his skateboard to go get some lol

Are you really mean in the mornings? Not just in the mornings sweetheart.

Have you ever seen an adult pick their nose and eat it? LOL I saw some bitch DIGGING for gold the other day at the casino. Was pretty intense. 

Finish the sentence or else :)I am not.. having too much fun right now I should be..applying for a job lol I want to go.. to a winery.I am drinking.. WaterMy shoes are.. no where near me My clothes are.. off.... hhahah comftorable. I have a lot of..glitter My favorite food is..ICE CREAM My best friend is...sophmel. I don't want to..go on an airplane in a few days I love..My family I wonder what.. will happen to me in the next 7 years.I think the world should have more..Matt sanders look alikes. k, I hope that was fun.
What time did you awake this morning? Like 6 something... I am such an old person as of lately

. What did you eat for lunch today? Hot pocket.

Do you have any tattoos? yesssh, i need more! If so, what age were you when you got your first tattoo? idk like 20 ish... lol 

What color are the walls in the room your in right now? boooorrriiinnnnnggggggg
Have you ever smacked someones butt? ohhh yehhhh ;)

Do you smoke anything? Yuppppp that Mary.

What is your favorite incent?Dragons blood

Why doesn't Mcdonalds sell hot dogs?Cause they don't know what's up.

Do you want an aparment or a house when you first move out?I moved into a house when i first moved out. I miss those times lol  Has any of your friends ever lived with you? Yesss i have lived with my friend Christina.Then i lived with my ex anthony. Then i lived with my friends Cherish, travis, derrick,qmulus, kurt tarah, &&kevin , Then i lived with my friend Lorena and her exasshole Then i lived with my friend Denise and her husband... I am a gypsy  lol 

Are you neighbors young or old? One side in their 20s other side like 70s lol 

Have you ever slept outside without a tent?Yehhh ... homeless days.

Do you think you'll always like boys? Eh most likely... not lol

Do you like to hang out with boys more than girls?Depends on the person.

Congrats, you just had a babygirl - what is your her name?You're smart :)

Would you freak out if you had twins?Dude no twins for me please.

Do you shop at Hot Topic? Be honest. I haven't since i broke up with my EX. He works at Hot topic.. && is such a try hard... always trying to act hip and cool.. boyyy you just looking like a fool lolol Oh kaila, stoppp.

What color are your sheets?Pink :)

1. Who was your last text from? georgie :D

  2. Where was your default picture taken? my houseular

  3. Whats your middle name?  marie

 4. Whats on your mind? mmmm ice cream sounds bomb

  5. Does your crush/GIRLfriend/BOYfriend like you back? hmmm crushes are so middle school lol

  6. What is your current mood? happpy with myself

   7. What is your moms name? theresa... she is a hoebag... lol.. jk.. maybe

  8. What color shirt are you wearing? purple with a pocket.. yeh i am pretty gangster

  9. Are you close with your dad?  he is my best friend

 10. If you could go back in TIME and change something, would you?  fuck no.. everything happens for a reason.. no regrets.

 11. Have a crazy side? yeh every side haha

   12. Ever had a near death experience?  a couple

 13. Something you do a lot? cuss, drink, smile, fubar, party like a rock star

  14. Angry at anyone?  yeh some dick douche

 15. Favorite Month?  july cause of my birthday mwahaha

 16. Name someone with the same birthday as you? this dude. zach

  17. When was the last time you cried?yesterday?

    18. If you could have one super power what would it be? ... thats a toughie

  19. Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? depnds dude man bro guy

   20. What do you usually order from Starbucks? lately cotton candy frappe  "she called it a cottan candy"  

21. Favorite TV show(s)? The walking dead

   22. Do you still watch kiddy movies? fuck yeh dude how else would i get my meeko fix from pocahontas?

   23. What are you eating or drinking at the moment? water

  24. Do you speak any other language?  gibberish, sign language

 25. Whats your favorite smell? heartbreaker by victoria's secret

 26. Describe your life in one word.  insane

   27. Have you ever kissed in the rain?  yesssum

 28. Ever kissed on the beach?   i don't think so

29. What are you thinking about right now? kissing on the beach lmao

  30. What should you be doing? kissing on the beach....

   31. Who was the last person that made you upset/angry? Some jerkface loser

  32. What are you listening to?  rihanna - stay.. its on pop hits lol

  33. Do you like working in the yard? ...not especially.

  34. Do you ever want to get married? kids? hell yeh

  35. Do you act differently around the person you like?  nope i am me.. all day .. everyday

 36. What is your natural hair color?  strawberry blonde

 37. Who was the last person to make you smile? hmmm i dont know

  38. What is your favorite meal at your favorite fast food restaurant?   johnny rockets.. cheese fries lmao

39. Do you cut out coupons? hardly... but i do get free samples online lol

 40. Whats the wierdest thing under your bed? my bed is clean broski

You know what time it is

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops?  yeh quite a few times lol

2. Do you close your eyes on roller coaster? i can't even remember the last time i was on a roller coaster.

  3. When’s the last time you’ve been sledding? dude like over 8 years ago lol

  4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? depends on my mood .. i am like a cat.. cuddle me..don't cuddle me.. why aren't you cuddling me??? REPEAT lol

  5. Do you believe in ghosts? to an extent.

  6. Do you consider yourself creative? hell yeh i got that spark yo

  7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife? erm

   8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? neither bro. megan fox.

  9. Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics? i can honestly say. NO.

  10. Do you know how to play poker? idk.. check out my poker face

  11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? LOL umm yeh plenty of times. NO MORE THOUGH OOOOWWW

  12. What’s your favorite commercial? "If you're looking to convert your payments into one LARGE lump sum . CALL PEACH TREE" just kidding that is not my favorite hahaha...don't judge me.

  13. Who was your first love? this dude named george.

  14. If you’re driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around you, do you run a red light? lets just say.. i live on the edge

  15. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you?yes

  16. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees? neither

  17. Have you ever been Ice Skating?yehhh b een hella long though

   18. How often do you remember your dreams? i always remember my nightmares.. but not my dreams

  19. What’s the one thing on your mind? bowl time

  20. Do you always wear your seat belt? ... again i live dangerously lol

  21. What talent do you wish you had? i have every talent in the world already mwahha

  22. Do you like Sushi? yeh all the ones that don't contain raw fish.

  23. What do you wear to bed? my birthday suit! lol

  24. Do you truly hate anyone? yesss i can think of two people i hate... make that 3... I HATE YOU ASSHOLES k

   25. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be? m shadows from avenged sevenfold

   26. Do you know anyone in jail? a few people

27. What food do you find disgusting?cant think right now

  28. Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back? when i was in high school && younger... kind of grow out of it.. well some people do

29. Have you ever been punched in the face? maybe lol

  30. Do you believe in angels and demons? yeh i am a demon on fubar meeeep


1.u like long surveys? yeh sure lol

2.Name someone with the same birthday as you: no one... i am the only one mwahahah oh wait no.. this dude .. i can't remember his n


3. Favorite fruit? i have been diggen peaches lately lol

4. For or against same sex marriage? all for baby!!

5. Are you allergic to anything? yeh a couple things.

6. Are you bisexual? yeh

7. Have you ever slept in someone elses clothes? yeh lol

8. How many U.S states have you been to? dude i really don't feel like counting.. to high for this lo

l 9. How many of the U.S states have you lived in? 3

10. Have you ever lived outside the U.S? no sir

11. Name something physical you like about yourself? my boobs lol

12. Something non-physical you like about yourself? my amazing personality lol

13. Do you have any pets? not anymore :/

14. What is your dream car? that is my dream you may not enter

15. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? columbia

16. Are you bipolar? i believe so.. get it from my mamma lol

17. What dream car do you want your husband/wife to drive? something sexy lol

18. Where would you want to go on a first date? hmmm bedroom ;) lmao jk.. well maybe if there was bud in there

19. Would you date the person who posted this before you? no one did it before me

20. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? yessss... good times good times lo

l 21. Ever been kissed under fireworks? yes!

22. What was the last text message you received: "stutter stutter stutter.. like okayy?? "

23. Have you ever bungee jumped? nope lol

24. Have you ever white water rafted? yehh

25. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you? yeh plenty of times lol

26. Are you racist? not one bit lol

27. What song are you listening to right now? radioactive

28. What's your favorite song at the moment? i have too many

29. What was the last movie you watched? i can not think right now

30. Where was the last place you went besides your house? visit my grandpa

31. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property? i can't remember lol

32. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? yupp self defense lol

33. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? depends

34. What's your fav. body part on the opposite sex? diiick! lol jk... well depends lol

35. What do you usually order from Starbucks? lately cotton candy frappe BOMB

36. Say something totally random about yourself: dude i am totally random.. erm

37. Do you have an iPod? nope

38. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? ugh i get katy perry a lot.. it was nice but its getting old lol && i got told julia roberts once.. like wtffff i have a small mouth thank you.

39. Do you have freckles? on my boddyy

40. Are you comfortable with your height? 5'1 && proud lo

l 41. Do you love someone right now? fuck yeh

42. How tall are you? dude i already said it.

43. Do you speak any other language other than english? fluent in gibberish lol some sign language...&& no not only the middle finger lol

44. Have you ever ridden in a limo? no... someone should totally order me a limo .. to go to starbucks.. fuck yeh.

45. Has anyone you were really close to passed away? yes... a few... R.I.P loves.

46. Do you watch MTV? sometimes

48. What's something that really annoys you? honestly most guys i have met... they are annoyings. but not all.

50. Do you like Michael Jackson? hmph.

51. Have you ever surfed? maybe... or maybe it was a dream

52. Do you know how to pump gas? just learned the other day haha

53. Do you drive? not on the reg

54. What's the latest you have ever stayed out? ..., days lol

55. Have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die? yes

56. Were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? a couple times

57. Have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do? yeh lo

l 58. What's your favorite state to live in? NY

59. What color is your hair? naturally? strawberry blonde

60.What color are your eyes? whatever they feel to be

61. Do you have any special talents? want to find out?

62. Favorite non-alcoholic drink? ewwww. JK umm... idk lo

l 63. Favorite city? we built this city!

64. Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull? noooo i want too though

65. If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you most likely be? a pirate...

66. Who do you live with? currently my father && grandma

67. Last thing you watched on TV? Law and order SVU stabler for life!

68. Do you wear glasses or contacts? glasses  

69. Have you ever taken a roadtrip? yehhhh && dude i love how hte last question is69 ooowww

poems :)


Dear boy who hurt me more than words can describe,

I had a dream of you last night. The first one since you ever left me.
 Remember how much we fought oh so much and that hurt me quite so.
 It was always because you wanted what I did not. Well in the dream I had of you.
I paid you back times two. You see you had me to the ground because we were fighting, but I simply said I hate you, I hate you.
I saw the hurt in your face and the tears in your eyes and for once I felt you knew what it was like to be hurt.
 You simply let me go after that. I knew I finally hurt you..like you hurt me.


The girl with a broken heart














Im broken...

i'm going to be completely honest and tell you,
i'm broken. but you know what?
even though i'm broken right now,
i'm going to be fine.
i'm not going to lose any more sleep over you,
i'm not going to waste any more tears over an asshole like you.
and i'm not going to go running back to you,
when you realize what a huge mistake you made.
and trust me love, you will realize that.




So tonight your hopes fall
And break the molds of fate
Your tear ducts run dry
You're bleeding all this paint
So take back your lies
And hold them all inside
Just tell me the truth
At least for just one night

You're on your own
You're finding out who you are
You're running towards nothing
If nothing meant something
You'd still be here in my arms

Don't bite your lip to hold back your smile
Just think of this
As bending the rules
You're walking a thin line
Between me and what's right
This thread seems worn and frayed
Don't hide your face
And cower behind
A wall made up
Of secrets and lies
You can put it all on me
But if this is what's been wrong
Then why is your hand in mine?

One moment at a time
With nothing but your eyes
You make me scream
Stop and let me breathe
Regretting our first kiss
Taste the poison on your lips
Bloody and sweet
Stop and let me breathe.

This room is too cold to hold back your tears
And your heart is too weak to wear on your sleeve
If I'd allow myself to feel
The things I know I should
Then I might not be standing here
My mind is busy trying to sort through your words
Or lack thereof the ones that I want to hear
I'd rip my heart up piece by piece
To show you how I feel
If I thought that you'd even care

My heart is breaking as you speak
Won't you listen to me?
I Love You.






This moment went by too fast
It slipped right through by both our hands
I'm still pretty
I feel like a car crash

Pull me over to the side of the road
I don't need you
I hate that you feel like home

If this is what you want to be
Then be without me
Then i don't need you at all
No, No,
I don't need you at all.

Twenty years we'll wake up in bed
You'll ask me if i even care
I won't be there
You'll hate that I'm in your head

Let me tell you something
Your crazy
Your selfish
You make me so helpless
I hate who i have to be
without you next to me
I hate who i have to be
without you loving me

If this is who you want to be.
Then be without me.
I don't need you.







a cold realization.

forever is such a big word.

the truth about forever is so small.

it's almost microscopic, cowering in the shadows of that big word: forever.

what does it take?
how far will you go?
what will you do-
just to keep that forever?
to never let it get away?

is that even fair?

my forever
came in the form of a boy
with blue eyes and a smile..
one that could bring out the sun.

but then my world came crashing down.

so, again i ask, what is your forever?
is it ever..really..real?

[You're the first boy I let inside. you weren't just some boy... You were my best friend. The only one who truly knows.]

there's nothing left for me to give.
i know that you're there
to wipe away the tears i can't conceal.
even though i feel as if i didn't belong,
you were there to tell me,
"i don't care what anyone thinks."

...and neither should i.

but let's get a grasp on reality.
i have never felt so cold and unwanted.
i would do anything to keep you...
but you don't want to be kept.


can't you see how much i need you?










...somehow does not become
the don't,
the can't,
the wouldn't
or the shouldn't.

it always become the
the will.

while i should[have]
the will to ~resist you~
i still remember the way
your kisses taste--
cigarette smoke & lies.
how unappealing.

a merry-go-round,
flying colors.
waning lovers.
an unwritten destiny,
tained by the memory..
the flavor of you,
the sound of your room.
the groundbreaking quiet and the
overly exaggerated mosquito bites.

the laugh,
that runined laughter.
the smile,
that spoiled happiness.
the name,
that he just won't replace.

it's an art,
of denying the truth,
of being rebellious,
going against you.
my mind is fucked up,
i'm so far gone.
all i remember is
the beat to our song.

god help me-
i don't want to rendezvous,
not tonight-
i want to call truce.
i'll bend on my knees and say a prayer,
that when i wake up,
you won't be there.

i'll forget the curve of your lips,
the feel of your hands on my hips.
i'll forget the acid green of your eyes,
the halo of your hair in the dark,
the way your lips pressed to mine.

i'll forget the footprints left in the sand
the late nights we wasted holding hands.
i'll forget the things that we said,
the secrets we told, i'll never reveal,
i'll hide this away, and put on a seal.

there will come a day when i can smile,
and know that i have run the miles
that it took to get away from you,
and all the memory rewriting i had to do.
i'll change pace, move on and forget,
but i hope to god i never regret.



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