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Caty's blog: "The Sagas"

created on 01/08/2007  |  http://fubar.com/the-sagas/b42402
Freya is the Goddess of Love among many other things.She has given her heart to a God named Od now not very much is known about Od many think this is also Odin.Well any way once Od went on a journey and Freya got so sad she told her daughters Hnoss and Gersemi that she was going to find there father Od. So as she traveled the world she cried tears as they fell to Migard they turned into gold and amber! Also on her journey winter turned into spring as she passed by. Well she got to a very bright happy land far to the south and lo she found Od!They fell madly in love with each other again. After there night and day of bliss they returned home to Asgard. Now some say they make this journey every year and that is why the seasons cahnge. And that my friends is the Saga of Freya and the return of Spring.

Saga of Skadi

Now Skadi my friends was a Giant yep not a Goddess.So how pray tell did a Giantess become a Goddess?Well listen and I wil tell you the saga! Skadi's Dad the Giant Thiazi went and pulled a dumb thing and kidnapped a Goddess! Opps wrong move now the sagas dont realy say wich one mind you but he did.The Gods neadless to say were PISSED! So they went and rescured the Goddess and in the process killed Thiazi! Well this left Skadi alone as she had no other family and she donned her armour and picked up her bow and sword and went to make war against the Gods! Well she walked up to the gate of Asgard and demanded vengence!Well Skadi wasnt a bad looking Giantess mind pretty hot looking even.So Odin himself came to the gate and asked how they could appease her and get off the hook for killing her dad. She said I have two demands 1 make me laugh 2 I want a God as a husband since I have no faimly! Well the Gods all tried to make her laugh but failed so it was Loki's turn and he made her laugh!Much to the surprise of all well how he do it you ask? Well he tied hiself to a goat yeah but where well hmm around his Godhood if you will! so he got the goat to bolt and run fast and he screamd in pain and the rope broke and he fell on top of Skadi! Yep this was a real belly laugh for her so part one was complete! and needless to say all the Gods made fun of Loki for his trick to get Skadi to laugh! Now for part two her hubby! Well odin had all the Gods line up in a row and Skadi was told she could pic one! But yep heres the but! She had to pick buy there feet as that would be the only part showing!Hmm now this was before Baldar died so Skadi said yes in a minute! She was taken out of the room and the Gods got behind a curtain and she was called in.As she walked down the row she spotted the prettiest pair fo male God feet any one ever saw! Hmmm she thoguht these must be that hotties Baldars! So she said I choice this one! Well with much fanfare the curtain is raised and who was standing there not Baldar but Njörd the God of safe harbours! After they married there was some debate about whether they would live in his realm or hers. They decided to live nine days in her mountains and then nine days in his sea. After the eighteen days, the couple separated because they did not like each other’s domain.After awhile she married Ull the God of Winter she also had several kids some buy Odin some by Ull and at least one buy Loki.So things worked out for her in the end. sidenote All of Scandinavia is named after the Goddess Skadi, and she is said to dwell in the high snow-covered mountains there.

Baldar's Death

Well now some of you might not know it but the Gods can be injured maimed and yes Killed!Wow well here my freinds is the Saga of the God Baldar's death. Baladr is the son of Odin and Frigga and by all a counts the biggest hottie in all the nine worlds every woman alive wanted to be with him! and every male wanted to be his best friend!In other words he was HOT! But one nite as he was sleeping he had this werid dream. So he went to his Mom Frigga and said Mom I had this weird dream and in it I get killed! So Frigga says dont worry sweetie ill take care of it. So she asks every being every thing God Giant even that trickster Loki agreed to never ever kill Baldar!But yep here comes the but she forgot the Misteltoe that grows on the oak ! Opps and you guess it Loki saw this and put it back in his schemeing brain! Well Frigga calls all the Gods together and annouces that NOTHING CAN HARM OR KILL BALDAR! Well natualy the Gods gotta try this out so they do there best to kill Baldar and no matter what they try daa nothing works!So this becomes the hottest drinking game in the nine worlds try and kill Baldar after getting totaly trashed! Ok Baldar has a brother Holdar the god of the Night who somehow became blind.So Loki was hanging round watching the Gods try to kill Baldar and he says hey guys check out my new toy .Oh what ya got Loki I call it a dart that puny little thing whats it do?See ya toss it at stuff and try to hit it! Well Loki being the schemer he is soon gets asked hey Loki try and kill Baldar with that thing! Me na but tell ya what you con Holdar into trying ill buy the next round!Now the Gods thought this was a hoot! Blind Holdar hitting any thing was to funny natualy he missed every time! Then Loki says well tell ya what let me guide Holdars hand here.Opps yep next throw the dart hits Baldar and opps Baldar falls over dead! Well in a rage they kill Holdar and Nana Baldars wife throws herself on to Baldars furneral fire and Thor in a rage tosses a drawf in the fire! But when they calim down they relize Ono it was Loki ! So they hunted him down and finaly caught him and chained him up but yep heres the but!They hung a posionious snake over him!Now Loki's wife asked if she could catch the poision in a bowl sure they say and knowing she has to change it now and then Loki is in great pain! Well They decided to ask Hella Goddess of the land of the dead who btw is Lokis Daughter! Can we get Baldar hmm back ya know.Sure she says just everyone and every thing must show REMORSE! Well this was just before they caught up to Loki.So they went and asked and every thing and one showed remorse. Except one very old Giantess who said no way he killed my husband! well they went to Hella and told her and she said nope deal busted! So Baldar sits with Hella and rules the Land of the dead.Till he gets Reborn after Ragnarok ! Side bar now the Old Giantess was none other than the shape shifting LOKI! So that is why she realy said no! And thats the Saga of Baldar's Death.

Freya's Necklace

Have you my friends heard how Freya got her necklace the Brisingamen? You havent well let me tell you the Saga! Once Freya was on one of her many journeys she takes among the nine worlds. She made her camp for the nite being far from any city town or village. After she settled in for the nite she kept hearing this damn noise a tap tap tap. So she decides enough is enough I have to shut this thing up! So she follows the sound and it leads her to a cave. hmm she thinks lest see whats inside so into invisable mode she goes! And she soon sees four drawfs working on a jewerly forge! woot shes thinks time to get a new bobble or two so she magiclay apears before them. These guys are the brothers Brisings Dvalin,Alfrigg,Grer, and Berling.Well they were dirty nasty but realy very handsome for drawfs! So Freya appears and says who are you to dare disturbe my sleep!Natualy the brothers are in shock and fear for they damn well know who is standing before them! Freya! Goddess of the Vanir who by some account was dressed only in her fur boots and a short skirt and nothing else!well thats the word on the street my friends! They sturtter and tell her why your Mighty one we are makeing a necklace .Well Freya sees it and demands to have it after she pays for it of cousre. The Dwafs by now have come to there senses and tell her our price dear Goddess is for you to become our wife! What the hell she thinks. Now boys im a Goddess not some drawf maidnen! they look in horror not knowing whats on her mind! Shes says I wont marry you fine fellows but I will take each of you for a nite! Woot yes she agread to have her sexy way with them now some also claim she did them all at once! Wel the deal is stuck and the necklace is finished and ecah brother gets his nite! hey do ya think im writeing porn here guys ? No details! gigles well any ways she did make the boys all get clean and nice which they totaly dreaded a bath for a drawf???? the horror! well any ways they all cleand up nice and pretty. Well after her week of pleasure she heads home to Asgard.But and yeah always a but none other than Loki spoted her leaveng so he goes in and asks hey guys what did Freya get?Well mighty Loki they say she got a new magical necklace! Wow what she pay boys my old lady might like one to.Well they all full of there selfs and not thinking tell Loki why she had each of us for her pleasure! hm goes Loki and tells them well that aint my cup of tea boys but he does buy the wifey a new necklace. But he beats feet to Asgard as fast as he can to beat Freya back. Well he soon tells of her drawf orgy! ahd the Gods are mighty pissed of a Goddess doing it with drawfs! Soon Freya returns and is given a very cold reception! Ok folks out with it seeing the Gods glare at her and the Goddess's snicker at her! Odin soon says what price did you pay for that thing! Pfft she says A nite of pleasure! They all go into a fit and Freya says now wait a minute I know none of you are free from sex with some one other than ya mate! And she begins to name names!Soon Loki cant stand it any more and howls in laughter ! The Gods seeing and hearing this finaly relize hes done it again and chase old Loki from the hall! And that my friends is how Freya got her Necklace!

The Creation Story

In the beginning, Muspelheim is in the South. Niflheim is in the North. In between is the great spring Hvergelmir. Hvergelmir is located in Ginungagap, a chasm between Muspelheim and Niflheim. Ginungagap means "gap of gaps." Niflheim is nothing but ice. Muspelheim is nothing but fire. Hvergelmir is a huge boiling spring of water slowly melting the ice of Niflheim is the largest area. The action of the ice melting creates a giant called Ymir. Ymir emerges from the ice and is hungry. A second creature also emerges: Audhumla a cow which provides Ymir with milk. Audhumla licks the ice for salt, and as she licks she revels more beings. From Ymir come more creatures as well. From his legs a race of giants is created. Man and woman are created from his armpit. Audhumla uncovers the head of a god. He is called Buri which means "He Who Is Born." He comes out of the ice and takes a giantess for a wife. Audhumla then finds Borr he too takes a giantess for a wife. They give birth to Odin, Vili, and Ve. Borr farthers Odin, Vili, and Ve. Odin, Vili, and Ve recognize that Ymir is evil and begin a war against him and the giants. They kill Ymir, and his blood pours out and floods everything. It drowns the humankind and all of the giants except one couple: Bergelmir and his wife escape in a boat. Later the races of giants give the gods much trouble because of this escape. When the blood subsides Odin, Vili, and Ve roll the body into Ginungagap and cut it up and create the universe. His skull becomes the sky. His bones become rocks. His flesh becomes the earth. His blood becomes the oceans, lakes, etc. His hair becomes vegetation. Odin, Vili, and Ve find maggots in the corpse. From the maggots they create elves and dwarves. There are light elves and dark elves. Dark elves are sometimes seen as being the same as dwarves. The skull of Ymir has to be held up by the sky. They use four dark elves for this job: Nordri, Sudri, Austri, and Oestri the four directions. Odin, Vili, and Ve take a walk along the lakeshore. They then from two trees, from which they create a man and woman to tend the earth: Ask (the ash tree = male) and Embla (the elm or elder tree = woman).
A day is going to come for the Fimbul winter (winter of winters) when brothers will be fighting brothers, parents will abandon their children, children will turn on their parents. There will be three winters with no summer. At the end of the winter it will be Ragnarok "the Twilight of the Gods,". On Ragnarok, many things will happen. Nidhug will gnaw through the roots of Yggdrasil at which time Jormungand will arise from out of the ocean and Fenrir will burst his bonds. Then Loki will be broken free and will lead the Frost Giants and all their dead souls into open combat against the Gods. They will have to cross a river on a raft Nagilfari which must be completed before Ragnarok. The raft is made from the fingernails of corpses. Hela has to release everyone. Garm breaks out of the Gnipa cave. All of this is accompanied by a great noise and commotion. Heimdall sees what is happening, blows a long blast on the Gjallar horn. All the Gods know what is happening and arm themselves. There is a tremendous number of horrid beings to face but the Gods are in high spirits. They are joined by the Einheriar who awaited this day for all time. Loki leads the horde across the river, headed toward a plan called Vigrid. There they meet in the battle of Ragnarok. Garm comes charging out of nowhere. Tyr faces Garm and the battle is long they kill each other. Loki comes charging up to face Heimdall. A long battle ensues, ending in the death of both. Even Surtri from Muspelheim appears and fights agains the Gods. Only Frey can equal him in brilliance. They meet in battle Frey doesn't have his sword and he is killed Surtri lives. Odin spies Fenrir coming. Odin has Gungnir, but Fenrir attacks him from his blind side and kills him. But Vidar, Odin's son, jumps forward and steps on Fenrir's lower jaw, grabs the upper jaw and rips the wolf in half. Thor can't wait to get at Jormungand, who is likewise full of fury. Thor blasts him with a blow that completely crushes his head. But his mouth is full of poison which pours over Thor. Thor staggers back nine steps and falls down dead. Then Surtri gathers his fire demons and they pour fire forth and destroy most of the universe. It is the end of the world. There is a ray of hope: Mimir the Wise takes two human beings and hides them in the folds of the trunk of Yggdrasil asleep. Lif (male) and Lifthrasir (female). They live through the battle. They sleep for years. The earth begins to turn green again they wake. They come forth to begin repopulation. And they see that some gods are now reappearing. Honir, Thor's sons Magni and Modi, Odin's sons Vidar and Vali, and Hoder and Balder.
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